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The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants.

— Albert Camus

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

«Putin ist bereit für Verhandlungen»: Nato-General a. D. Harald Kujat über Tucker Carlsons Interview, Kriegstreiber im Westen und seinen Weg zum Frieden in der Ukraine



Witness testified under oath to expose the ‚Big Guy‘

Things are shaking up for Hunter Biden and his president father, but not in a good way. Hunter’s old business associate testified under oath on the identity of „The Big Guy“ and it’s exactly what millions of ……………………



Looks Like We made It and Mike Turner’s Russian Threat Scam

14 February 2024 by Larry Johnson

Sorry. Couldn’t resist the Barry Manilow reference, but this kind of campy celebration is called for when the Government of Ukraine deems me important enough to be put on THE …………………..



Escalation In Northern Palestine

The situation on the northern Israeli border is escalating. It is likely to soon evolve into a full fledged war. The situation is already increasing the economic price Israel has to pay for its misdeeds.




Schock-Tat auf Gemeinde-Bahnhof – Schwarzfahrer uriniert auf Schaffnerin

Bahnhof Graben-Neudorf im Landkreis Karlsruhe: Hier begann der Flüchtige seine brutale Randale-Tour

Von: nikolaus harbusch und Robin Mühlebach 15.02.2024 –




Lincoln Dissected

02/13/2024 David Gordon

Thomas DiLorenzo, the President of the Mises Institute, has already reviewed Paul C. Graham’s Nonsense on Stilts: The Gettysburg Address and Lincoln’s Imaginary Nation (Shotwell Publishing 2024) in characteristically excellent fashion, but the book is so ………………..



Notbremse: Biden soll vor der Wahl weg

Ein innerer Kreis um den Präsidenten der USA versucht, ihn aus dem Amt zu bekommen, bevor es zu spät ist. Bidens kognitive Ausfälle werden beängstigend. Das darauffolgende Problem heißt Kamala Harris. Für viele Amerikaner bedrohlicher als Donald Trump.




Die Inflation des „Rechtsextremen“

Mi, 14. Februar 2024 „Die Politik der Angst in Aktion“

Der Begriff „rechtsextrem“ ist zu einem Schimpfwort verkommen, mit dem jede Bewegung bedacht wird, die die Hegemonie der herrschenden Eliten bedroht – selbst der Bauernprotest. …………………..



How Governor Whitmer Doomed Detroit Autoworkers

02/14/2024 Connor O’Keeffe

The new year started out on a painful note for autoworkers building electric vehicles (EVs). In the last month, thousands of workers have been laid off from General Motors (GM) and Ford plants in Michigan.




Ukr Collapse: Avdeyevka Defence Breaks, Troops Flee, Rus Missle Strikes, Syrsky Admits Rus Advances



The Myth of the Unchanging Value of Gold

02/12/2024 Joseph T. Salerno

According to mainstream economics textbooks, one of the primary functions of money is to measure the value of goods and services exchanged on the market. A typical statement of this ……………………..



What Everyone Is Missing About the Putin / Carlson Talk

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns February 15, 2024

“The Vorlons say, understanding is a three-edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth”
— John Sheridan, Babylon 5




Welfare for the Rich

By Daniel McAdams The Ron Paul Institute February 15, 2024

Why does the US military budget keep skyrocketing? The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2024 passed in December came in at a whopping $841.1 billion, and that’s ……………………



Why the Carbon Hysteria is a Huge Threat to Your Personal Freedom and Financial Wellbeing

By Doug Casey International Man February 15, 2024

International Man: Western countries are leading the charge in restructuring their economies around the issue of climate change. They’re committed to a comprehensive agenda to “decarbonize” their economies by 2050.




Ukraine, What is the End-Game? The Privatization of An Entire Country

Michel Chossudovsky 14.02.2024


The US has conducted numerous wars since the end of what is euphemistically called the post war era:

Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen… and now Palestine and Ukraine.




The Never-Ending Cold War

„Die Politik der Angst in Aktion“

Do you believe Putin has no interest in starting World War III? Was he telling the truth when he said, “It is absolutely out of the question? You just don’t have to be any kind of analyst. It …………………..



Marjorie Taylor Greene – Good – Bad – Different

I found Marjorie Taylor Greene’s interview with Tucker Carlson quite enlightening. I never really formed an opinion of her one way or the other. The image that floated around was she ……………………



Toxische Weis(s)heit: Die Heuchler von Ulm

Eine Stadt die in der Coronazeit durch besonders rigide Freiheitseinschränkungen von sich reden machte, setzt sich plötzlich für „Vielfalt und Demokratie“ ein. Ulm ist ein prima Beispiel für den moralischen Absturz deutscher Würdenträger.

„Wir werden einander viel verzeihen müssen“, sagte Jens Spahn einst, auf dem Höhepunkt ……………………



Die Geister, die sie riefen, kommen jetzt mit Schildern daher

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 14. Februar 2024

Bauern blockieren mit Misthaufen eine Veranstaltung der Grünen. Dürfen die das, jene Methoden anwenden, die sonst Grüne und ihre Helfer für sich reklamieren? Wer darf gegen wen wie demonstrieren? Härtere Äußerungsformen in der Politik sind Symptom der tiefen Krise Deutschlands – auch dank der Grünen.




America: A Regime of Government for Government

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice February 14, 2024

What would it take to rebuild America? What form of government would be immune to blackmail? Can America undo FDR? Every Executive Order is required to comply with the ………………….



2024: The Year America Ceases to Exist

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org February 14, 2024

In 234 years of American history, no president has been criminally prosecuted.  The entire world knows that the felony and civil charges against Trump are fabricated and concocted.  It ………………………..





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