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Nennt man das Kind beim Namen und nennt es ‚Verstaatlichung‘, so wird aller Sozialismus unromantisch und nüchterner.

— Theodor Heuss

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Typisch deutsch- typisch grün

24.2.24  Hans Hofmann-Reinecke

Noch nie hatte die Bundesrepublik eine Regierung, die so sichtbar bemüht war, sich von allem Deutschtum zu distanzieren, wie die aktuelle; und noch nie hatten wir eine, deren Repräsentanten so präzise dem Bild entsprechen, das man im Ausland vom Deutschen




Alexei Navalny’s Death And Curious Well-Timed Coincidences

by Tyler Durden Sunday, Feb 25, 2024

There is propaganda by commission and propaganda by omission, the former often serve ……………..



New Cell Phone Records Prove DA Willis Affair

by Tyler Durden Saturday, Feb 24, 2024

The lawyers for President Trump have Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade’s cell phone records. And it’s bad for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

The official story from the Fulton County DA and her former lover Nathan Wade, made …………………..



Netzbetreiber warnen: Stromnetz kollapsgefährdet wie nie

Wie steht es um die Versorgungssicherheit, wenn die Stromerzeugung bis zu 100 Prozent aus erneuerbaren Energien erfolgt? Ein Netzbetreiber hat sie jetzt beantwortet. Ein Blitzeinschlag könnte genügen, um das Netz zusammenbrechen zu lassen.




Impfvergleichs-Studie: Drastisch höheres Risiko bei Covid-Impfung

Eine riesige retrospektive globale Kohortenstudie mit 99 Millionen geimpften Probanden bestätigt die akuten Sicherheitsrisiken der COVID-Gentherapeutika – die fälschlicherweise Impfstoffe genannt werden.




When Titans Clashed is Still Relevant

25 February 2024 by Larry Johnson

David Glantz and Jonathan House did mankind a service when they delved into Soviet Army ………………….



Avdeevka Denouement: Russian Momentum Turning Point


A lot of revealing things have come to light in the continuing coverage of the Avdeevka denouement. For the first time, the U.S. mouthpiece was forced to acknowledge Russia is having success:




Netanyahu’s Messianic Coalition Partners Want an All-out Regional War. Gaza Is Just a First Step

The ultimate aim of this gang is „purging“ the West Bank of its Palestinian inhabitants, cleansing the Temple Mount of its Muslim worshippers and annexing the territories to the state of Israel. This aim will not be achieved without extensive violent conflict. Feb 22, 2024




Die Linke versagt in Thüringen und der Ministerpräsident fastet es sich schön

Von Charlotte Kirchhof Mo, 26. Februar 2024

Caren Miosga redet mit dem Ministerpräsidenten von Thüringen über seine Fastenkur – statt ihn zu fragen, wie er das Versagen der Linken in seinem Bundesland lösen will. Aber einen …………………..



Damoklesschwert über der Autobranche

Von Helmut Becker So, 25. Februar 2024

Der Preiskampf in der Elektro-Autobranche führt dazu, dass für Leasing-Geber wie für Leasing-Kunden ein Verlustgeschäft droht. Um dem entgegenzutreten, bräuchte es eine Stimulation der Nachfrage. Doch die E-Auto-Nachfrage ist begrenzt – und ohne staatliche …………………..



The Heroic Julian Assange

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. February 26, 2024

Julian Assange may soon be extradited to the United States, where he will face prosecution that could end in his imprisonment for life. He is in fact a hero, who should be honored rather ………………….



Hubris Runs Rampant at the Fed

By Douglas French Mises.org February 26, 2024

Prices will always increase, some small banks will fail, and the Fed was asleep at the switch when the run on Silicon Valley Bank occurred. Fed chair Jerome Powell admitted those three things in response to Scott Pelley’s questions on 60 Minutes.




George Floyd, Fani Willis, and Our Ghettoized Idiocracy

The Africanization of America

Donald Jeffries 24.02.2024

I’ve watched far too many clips of Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis’s testimony lately. It’s like the proverbial train wreck. You won’t learn anything from it, you ………………….



Requiem For Empire

Ne vermes cito comedant Radio Far Side 25.02.2024

The family has gathered in the cramped room. The only sounds are the muted bleeps of machinery, the raspy gasps of breath, and Aunt Maggie’s sniffles. Uncle Sam lies quietly on ……………………….



The Long War on White People

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org February 26, 2024

White people have been destroying white people for as long as I remember.  I don’t mean only in military wars, such as WW I and WW II, which destroyed the English and Europe and ……………………..



JFK’s Other Assassination

Ngo Dinh Diem, the first President of South Vietnam, and JFK were both Catholics, though Catholics of very different persuasions. Joseph Pearce

The assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, was one of the landmark moments and one of the most remembered events in twentieth-century history. The ……………………



Keynesian Credit Creation Meets Its Armageddon

Or how runaway government debt threatens to collapse the entire credit system

By Alasdair Macleod MacleodFinance Substack February 26, 2024

Few commentators are aware that the dynamics leading to an inevitable collapse of credit are ………………….



The Great Replacement is Real. The Nightmare Scenario is Now

Stress Testing Western Civ by Destroying It, Elizabeth Nickson, 24.02.2024

In the Great Game played by the U.N., the W.E.F., and its various grim satellites, the ……………………….



Dissolving Illustions About Vaccine Safety

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com February 26, 2024

In this interview, Dr. Suzanne Humphries discusses the recent update to her classic book, “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History,” published in 2013. …………………..



Two Years After the Start of the SMO, the West is Totally Paralyzed

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture February 26, 2024

Exactly two years ago this Saturday, on February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin announced the launching – and described the objectives – of a Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine. ……………………..



Trump Wants NATO To Be The Same Racket That It Has Always Been

There is this weird claim in librul media that Donald Trump, should he be reelected as president, would shun NATO.




Bildgenerator macht Männer zu Frauen, Weisse zu Schwarzen: Ist Googles Chatbot zu woke?

Google muss seinen neuen KI-Bildgenerator offline nehmen, weil dieser die Geschichte umschreibt. Der Fall ist ein gefundenes Fressen für Konservative. Tatsächlich zeigt er …………………..



Pentagon Admits Ukraine Aid Unsustainable + Why Neutrality is Ukraine’s Only (Good) Option



Hauptsache Diversität: Manipulierte Google jahrelang Suchergebnisse? Der Konzern schweigt

Ein KI-Programm von Google generiert auf Anfrage schwarze oder asiatische Wehrmachtssoldaten – ein skurriler Software-Fehler. Doch es könnte mehr dahinterstehen.




Wann gerät ein deutscher Bürger ins Visier des Verfassungsschutzes? Die Antwort darauf ist beunruhigend vage

Die Bundesregierung setzt den Inlandgeheimdienst als Waffe im Kampf «gegen rechts» und als Richter über politische Meinungen ein. Das ist ein autoritärer Irrweg.




Javier Milei Ended a DC-Sized Deficit in…Nine Weeks

02/24/2024 Peter St. Onge

Argentina’s Javier Milei is racking up some solid wins, with the fiscal basket case seeing its ……………………



US States Have a Long History of Defaulting

02/23/2024 Stephen Anderson

The American bankruptcy show of the twenty-first century continues unabated with federal ………………….



Warum der Corona-Untersuchungsausschuss im Dunkeln bleibt




Poverty and Migration Explained for Visual Learners (video)

25.2.24 Martin Armstrong



Frau Strack-Zimmermann hat Cojones, ist aber not amused

Es spricht für Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (MASZ), dass sie mein Schaffen verfolgt. Deshalb hat sie noch eine Rechnung mit der Achse offen.

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (MASZ) hat derzeit einen guten Lauf. Ihr Engagement für ………………..



Höllenritt nach Moskau: Ampel-Parteien plus CDU in Taurus-Fieber. Grüne Schizophrenie: Friedliche Atomkraft, nein danke – Atombomben, ja bitte.



Herr Fratzscher fühlt sich nicht wohl

Marcel Fratzscher, Chef des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung, hat ein Interview gegeben und erzählt zum Thema Migration unglaublich dummes Zeug.

Präsident Marcel Fratzscher und sein Deutsches Institut für Wirtschafsforschung in Berlin …………………..



Welfare for Migrants Ensures the Border Crisis Will Continue

02/22/2024 Ryan McMaken

Earlier this month, The New York Post reported that the mayor of New York is giving away pre-paid cash cards—each carrying „up to $10,000„— to foreign nationals in New York. Most …………………….



Hubris Runs Rampant at the Fed

02/23/2024 Douglas French

Prices will always increase, some small banks will fail, and the Fed was asleep at the switch when the run on Silicon Valley Bank occurred. Fed chair Jerome Powell admitted those three things in response to Scott Pelley’s questions on 60 Minutes.




Do Human Emotions Better Help Us Understand Economic Analysis?

02/22/2024 Frank Shostak

According to behavioral economics (BE), emotions play an important role in an individual’s decision-making process. For example, if consumers become more optimistic regarding the …………………..



Misunderstanding Both Lincoln and Basic Economics

By David Gordon Mises.org February 24, 2024

Allen Guelzo has been carried away by Abraham Lincoln’s magniloquent rhetoric. Guelzo, a historian who has written a number of books about Lincoln, would like very much to believe ……………………



Why the Excess ‚Savings‘ Ice Cube Is Coming Out of Cold Storage

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner February 24, 2024

Even if you put a lot of stock in government manufactured GDP owing to unhinged spending and deficits, which we most definitely do not, it would be wise to be careful about what you ……………………..



Guess Where Historians Rank Trump

By Tom Woods February 24, 2024

The New York Times just ran this headline:

“Poll Ranks Biden as 14th Best President, with Trump Last.”




Biden Moving To Send Long Range Ballistic Missiles to Ukraine

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org February 24, 2024

In one sense the Ukraine conflict is over.  In another sense it is dangerously expanding.

Biden and Putin are taking the path to nuclear war. Biden by providing long range missiles to ……………………



Big Broher: War Is Good

„Ukraine will win,“ we’re told, over and over again, as narrative continually reasserts itself over reality

By Matt Orfalea and Matt Taibbi Racket News February 24, 2024

The war in Ukraine is making history, not just on the battlefield, but in the annals of ……………………….



Kabarettistin Monika Gruber siegt vor Gericht

Fr, 23. Februar 2024

Kabarettistin Monika Gruber gewinnt vor Gericht. Sie darf weiterhin in ihrem Buch den vollen Namen einer linken Bloggerin erwähnen, so das Landgericht Hamburg. Satire sei erlaubt. Auch die Autorin Zana Ramadami setzt sich im Verfahren durch: Doch Hass und ………………………



Es geht wieder los: Michael Ballweg kündigt Großdemonstration in Berlin an

Von Alexander Wallasch Fr, 23. Februar 2024

Zwischen Brandenburger Tor und Siegessäule bahnt sich für den kommenden Sommer neues Ungemach an: Die Querdenker wollen es noch einmal wissen. Jedenfalls ist das der Traum von Michael Ballweg. Ist er ein Nostalgiker oder erneuerte er seine Rolle als Staatsfeind …………………….



Friday Night Video Splurge — Ukraine on the Ropes

23 February 2024 by Larry Johnson

U.S. policy in Ukraine is in tatters and the Biden Administration is flailing about like a drowning man. I have several videos that should be viewed if you’re in the mood to binge that ………………….



Ukraine Can No Longer Win – It In Fact Never Had A Chance To Win

A former U.S. Colonel opines in The Hill:

Ukraine can no longer winThe Hill, Feb 22 2024

Welcome to the club, I’d say, but its nearly two years to late for that. Ukraine lost the war on February 24 2022, the day the Special Military operation had started.




The Fatal Flaw Undermining America’s Defense Industrial Base



Palestinian Leaders Have Brought a Nakba to Their People

by Khaled Abu Toameh February 23, 2024

„Ending Hamas’s rule is very good for everyone, even for Hamas itself. It will prevent Hamas from tampering with the Gaza Strip and will put an end to the torture and killing of the people of Palestine. Overthrowing Hamas and ending its coup in Palestine is important for every …………………….




Yoav Fisher Dec 28, 2023

This is the first part of a two-part series.

We will cover how Israel lost on the domestic front, on the Jewish Community front, and on the Global front. And then some ideas of what to do.

Harsh truths coming your way…




The Pitfalls of Central Planning

February 21, 2024

If Central Planning can’t expand its power, it expands its budget, at the expense of its ……………………..



To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us February 23, 2024

In the late 1800s and early 1900s the western world experienced a sudden burst of open occultism among the ultra-rich elites. The rise of “Theosophy” was underway, becoming a …………………



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