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Eine ehemalige FDJ-Sekretärin für Agitation und Propaganda ist heute Kanzlerin. Hätten Sie das für möglich gehalten?

— Oskar Lafontaine (2008)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

DIHK-Umfrage: Immer mehr Unternehmen wandern ins Ausland ab

Von Charlotte Kirchhof Mi, 13. März 2024 Deutschland ist „zu teuer und kompliziert“

Immer mehr Betriebe investieren mittlerweile im Ausland. Aber nicht, um zu expandieren. Sondern um abzuwandern, wie eine Sonderauswertung der Deutschen Industrie- und ………………..



Von der Leyen bekommt Wut-Brief von ÖVP-Bauern

Mi, 13. März 2024

Der Bauernaufstand droht zu eskalieren – aus gutem Grund: Während Österreichs Speicher voll sind, überschwemmt die EU den Markt mit billigem Getreide aus der Ukraine. Am …………………..



Separating Information from Disinformation: Threats from the AI Revolution


Artificial intelligence (AI) cannot distinguish fact from fiction. It also isn’t creative or can create novel content but repeats, repackages, and reformulates what has already been said (but …………………..



He’s a Hero, So the Elites Hate Him

By Tom Woods March 13, 2024

The British High Court will soon decide whether to extradite journalist Julian Assange to the United States, where he will assuredly face a long prison sentence.




The Supreme Court Resets the Game for Trump’s Vice-President

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns March 13, 2024

Now that the Supreme Court has unanimously destroyed the dreams of Davos to use January 6th as a means to keep him off the ballot, Donald Trump has passed the easiest of the hurdles ………………….



Confident Dragon Lays Out Modernization Roadmap

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture March 13, 2024

This is the Year of the Wooden Dragon, according to China’s classic wuxing (“five elements”) culture. The dragon, one of the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac, is a symbol of …………………..



How Close Should Your Wealth Be?

By Jeff Thomas International Man March 13, 2024

Recently, an eminent gold advisor, whom I know and have a high regard for, stated that holders of precious metals would be well served by keeping their metals in a remote location, saying, “Distance equals security.” (He lives in the US and recommends storage in New …………………..



Texas: Der Kampf um die offene Grenze (1)

Der Bundesstaat Texas und die Bundesregierung in Washington streiten darüber, welche Kompetenzen Texas hat, um die illegale Einwanderung über die Grenze zu Mexiko – und die Kriminalität im Grenzgebiet – einzudämmen.




Frau Faeser und der Geist von Joseph McCarthy

Nancy Faeser fordert es, die rot-schwarz-grüne Landesregierung in Potsdam lässt den Verfassungsschutz üben: Beamte werden überprüft, Geldflüsse von Regierungskritikern überwacht. Der McCarthyismus ist wieder da.





12 March 2024 by Gaius Baltar

Things are bleak in Europe these days. European leaders are caught in a “fight or flight” …………………



French Defense Reports Acknowledge Ukraine Is Done With

The French president Macron has recently pushed for an engagement of foreign troops in Ukraine. The idea was immediately rejected by every country that would be able to send a reasonable number. The question is why Macron suddenly came out with this.




When the Moon Turns Red: China’s Plan to Annex Space

by Gordon G. Chang March 13, 2024

„Chinese control of the moon would confer control of Cis-Lunar space, the portion of space between the Earth and the moon. Control of Cis-Lunar space would give a country the ability ………….



Wake Up Conservatives! Donald Trump Is Not the Second Coming of Grover Cleveland

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner March 13, 2024

If Donald Trump’s clean sweep of the GOP primaries is any indicator, then the cause of liberty, peace, free market capitalism, fiscal rectitude, sound money and small government is at an all-time nadir.




No Such Thing as a Neutral Fed


If one follows news relating to the economy, they surely have come across certain mainstream rhetoric in support of the Federal Reserve System. Everyone is familiar with the typical …………………….



Olaf Scholz entwickelt sich in der Correctiv-Affäre zum Populisten

Der deutsche Bundeskanzler spricht weiterhin von rechtsextremen Deportationsplänen, obwohl sich diese nicht belegen lassen. So schürt er Ängste, gerade unter Muslimen, und treibt die Verunsicherung in der Bevölkerung voran.




Biden’s ‚Nighttime in America‘ State of the Union

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute March 12, 2024

Last week President Biden delivered a dark and angry speech meant to convince the low percentage of Americans who still feel positive about his presidency that everything is fine ………………………



Macrame Macron Is Full of Holes

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice March 12, 2024

France’s Macron wants to send troops to Ukraine because Russia needs to be defeated militarily given the sanctions have done nothing.  France’s entire military including desk-clerks is 198,000 strong…  It’s military spending as a percent of GDP remains at ……………..



Gescheiterte Ramadan-Waffenruhe: Die Hamas will kämpfen, der Hizbullah hat die Nase voll

Nach dem Scheitern der Verhandlungen über eine Feuerpause ist die Hamas offenbar entschlossen, im Ramadan weiterzukämpfen. Doch die Terrorgruppe ist immer mehr isoliert. …………………



Communism and depopulation in America come under the guise of being “patriotic” and accepting your own vax-termination out of fear of Covid-19 and its variants

Milan Adams Uncategorized March 10, 2024




„Out of Touch With Reality‘ – White House Fails to Navigate the Israele Re-calibration

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture March 12, 2024

Alon Pinkas, a former senior Israeli diplomat, well-plugged into Washington, tells us that a frustrated White House finally has“had enough”. The rupture with Netanyahu is complete: ………………




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