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Sobald mehr als die Hälfte der Bevölkerung eines Landes ihr Einkommen ganz oder teilweise vom Staat bezieht, ist eine Umkehr auf dem Weg in die Knechtschaft nicht mehr möglich.

— Roland Baader

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Gold – sollte zur Absicherung eines Anlageportfolios nicht fehlen

Die weltpolitischen Umbrüche werden über kurz oder lang ihren Niederschlag im Finanzbereich haben.




A Brief History of NATO and Ukraine

20 March 2024 by Larry Johnson

If you thought that NATO troop activities in Ukraine is something that developed in the aftermath of the 2014 Maidan coup, think again. NATO has been mucking around in Ukraine since 1991. That 33 years for the math challenged out there.




Nord Stream Investigation Sabotaged – Dmitry Polyanskiy, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen



FRANKFURT: Schockierende Kriminalitätsstatistiken enthüllen: Jeder zweite Straftäter ist AUSLÄNDER!



How State Intervention Fueled Haiti’s Descent into Chaos


As the internationally recognized government in Haiti loses its grip on power, the small Caribbean country is descending into violence. The media reports about the situation are quick to, either implicitly or explicitly, place the overall blame for the violence on the absence …………………



Price Inflation Accelerates for Second Month as Biden Blames „Greed“


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics‘ latest price inflation data, CPI inflation in February accelerated for the second month in a row, and price inflation hasn’t proven nearly ………………..



Col. Douglas Macgregor: Judge Napolitano Judging Freedom 3/19/2024



They Laughed at Him, But Now?

By Tom Woods March 21, 2024

Three or four weeks ago I heard that Ron Paul had traveled to Tucker Carlson’s studio for what was sure to be a “Ron Paul was right” episode.

Fifteen minutes of that interview have been released on Twitter, with the remainder available …………………



Army Values

By Laurence M. Vance March 21, 2024

Conservatives are upset that the U.S. Military Academy—West Point—has removed the phrase “Duty, Honor, and Country” from its mission statement.




Klaus Schwab Reimagining The Fourth Reich Democracy

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice March 21, 2024

‘With 63 democracies now outnumbered by 74 autocracies, a new Bertelsmann Foundation report highlights a global shift away from democratic governance, exacerbated by recent ………………….



Washington Post Calls on VP Kamala Harris T Step Down

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 21, 2024

As readers know, I have wondered how the ruling elite are going to get their puppet Biden reelected. His own Justice Department cleared him of charges the Justice Department is ……………………



The Growing Rebellion Against Costly, Low-Quality, Overly-Complex Technology

March 19, 2024

Many consumers have yet to grasp how vulnerable they are to increasingly routine digital-component failures.



Why Government Is Always the Most Dangerous Source of Misinformation

The government just begged the Supreme Court to let it fight „misinformation,“ but the plaintiffs were citizens suppressed for exposing official error. Why state lies are the most dangerous By Matt Taibbi Racket News March 21, 2024




Communism or Fascism?

Steve Hall Mar 20, 2024

My observation is that there are only two basic types of national government:  the Laws of Rulers and the Rule of Law.  The tendency of Rulers is to seek more power; become more ………………….



From Boom To Bust: Fading Enthusiasm for Electric Vehicles

By Doug Casey International Man March 21, 2024

International Man: Outside of Tesla, fewer and fewer people want electric vehicles (EVs). Other car companies have spent billions producing EVs that buyers don’t trust. Why are they ………………



Wie weit geht die Meinungsfreiheit in Deutschland?

Von Roland Tichy Mi, 20. März 2024

Der Wissenschaftliche Dienst des Deutschen Bundestags geht kritisch mit dem Vorhaben der Innenministerin um, die das „Verunglimpfen des Staates“ bestrafen will, und benennt, wie weit in Deutschland die Meinungsfreiheit noch geht.




Christian Lindner will Steuern senken – aber nur für Ausländer

Von Mario Thurnes Do, 21. März 2024

Die Steuern in Deutschland sind zu hoch, Arbeit ist nicht mehr attraktiv. Deswegen will Finanzminister Christian Lindner die Steuern senken – aber nur für Ausländer. Für Deutsche steigen die Abgaben weiter.




Macron in Kriegerpose wie Putin – Von der Leyen im Fadenkreuz – Gute Prognosen für Rechte bei EU-Wahlen

Do, 21. März 2024

Für ihre Wiederwahl sucht von der Leyen Hilfe bei Parteien rechts ihrer EVP. Rechte Parteien …………………



Peter Schiff: The Inflation Genie Is Out of the Bottle

SchiffGold.com March 20, 2024

In this episode, Peter reacts to a hotter-than-expected CPI report, big trades in Bitcoin, and the federal bill that would ban the popular social media app TikTok. He also notes silver’s …………………….



Russia Has Spoken …. And the Elitist West Grumbles

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture March 20, 2024

The Russian people just provided Blinken and the rest of the world an object lesson in democracy and resisting disinformation.

The Russian Federation conducted an impressive presidential election with civility and ………………….



John Grisham Finds Justice Not in the System, but in the System’s Defeat

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 20, 2024

A while back I wrote about British female authors of mystery novels during 1920-1940, such as Agatha Christy, Dorothy Sayers, Ngaio Marsh, and Elspeth Huxley, the last two being …………………..



A Thousand Years of Prison Time Over a 6 Hour Delay of Congress

By Roger Roots March 20, 2024

Yes you read that correctly.  Every student of the First Amendment knows about the infamous Alien and Sedition Acts, the Palmer Raids of World War I, the railroading of the Chicago 7, crackdowns on anti-war movements, and the FBI’s infamous COINTELPRO abuses and surveillance of Martin Luther King and the Black Panthers.




The Twilight of the Antifederalists

By Murray N. Rothbard Mises.org March 20, 2024

New York was the toughest nut for the Federalists to crack. For here was one state where not ………………….



The Blood-Thirsty Democrats

Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent visit to an abortion clinic highlights how much the Democratic Party has embraced child-killing.




Prof. Jeffrey Sachs and the JFK Assassination

Although the November 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy was surely one of the most famous events of the twentieth century, its sixtieth anniversary passed a few months ago with relatively little attention, probably overshadowed by the looming defeat of Ukraine in its war with Russia and also the enormous civilian casualties following the sudden …………………..




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