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Mit der CDU will ich nichts zu tun haben.

— Angela Merkel (Bundeskanzlerin, 1990)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

ÖRR: Das Imperium schlägt zurück

Von Jakob Fröhlich Fr, 5. April 2024

Das „Manifest für einen neuen öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk“ hat die Granden von ARD, ZDF und Deutschlandradio erkennbar empfindlich getroffen. Jetzt werden fieberhaft die „Nestbeschmutzer“ gesucht. Und der Deutsche Journalisten-Verband (DJV) bietet sich allen ……………….



‚Islamization‘ of Paris a Warning to the West – CBN.com



CDC Releases Hidden COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Reports

The agency was forced by a federal judge to disclose the reports.

By Zachary Stieber 4/3/2024

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released previously hidden …………………..



Belgistan? Sharia Showdown Looms in Brussels – CBN.com



Trying to Save the Future – Redesigning Government

It took the Roman Empire about 314 years (Pi) to realize that it was just too big and complicated for one man to rule. The Tetrarchy was the system instituted by Roman emperor Diocletian (284-305AD) in 293 AD to govern the Empire by dividing it between two …………………………



America’s Hypocrisy as An Authoritarian State Being Exposed as Ukraine Founders

7 April 2024 by Larry Johnson

Even though a growing number of Western elites are awakening to the reality that Ukraine is headed for defeat and will drag NATO along with it, the so-called intellectual cognoscenti of foreign policy, like the editorial board of the NY Times, continue to indulge fantasies and …………………….



Rwanda – Thirty Years after the Genocide, April 7, 1994

by Alain Destexhe April 7, 2024

Many of them had taken refuge in the local church, and others in a plot of land opposite the communal house, where there were several thousand frightened people, thinking that the authorities were going to protect them. Instead, the authorities conveniently decided to kill …………………..



„Babys sind der Goldstandard des Menschenhandels“

Birgit Kelles Zorn ist in jedem Kapitel ihres neuen Buches über Leihmutterschaft zu spüren. Sie hat die ganze Szene und ihre Propagandisten bis ins letzte schauerliche Detail untersucht. Das Buch ist nichts für schwache Nerven.




Der Finanzminister erklärt, wie man reich wird

Von Charlotte Kirchhof  Mo, 8. April 2024

Bei Caren Miosga erklärt Christian Lindner seine Finanzpolitik: Er will weder Schulden machen noch sparen, er möchte Steuern senken. Seine Versprechen klingen schön, gar poetisch – aber sie lassen wundern.




Habeck und Baerbock träumen beide vom Kanzlerstuhl

Mo, 8. April 2024 Immer mehr Risse im Gebälk

Habeck und Baerbock weiter im Land der Träume ++ Wasserstoff-Traumprojekt still und leise beerdigt ++ Verkündungstermin in Astrazeneca-Fall ++ Wahl von Pellegrini als …………………….



Cold Case Corona, Teil 2: Der lange Weg der Aufarbeitung führt über versteckte Akten

So, 7. April 2024

Es ist eigentlich eine simple Frage: Wo werden die Impfakten des Landes Brandenburg aufbewahrt? Wo kann man sie einsehen um etwa Folge und Schäden zu erkennen? Der Corona-Untersuchungsausschuß ist dieser Frage nachgegangen. Mit einem seltsamen Ergebnis, erklärt Ausschussmitglied Saskia Ludwig




Invasion Alert

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. April 8, 2024

Many Americans care about the dangers of mass immigration. Are they right to be concerned? In what follows, I’ll try to show that they are right. Immigration of elements hostile to American values does indeed pose a grave threat. But, if we are libertarians, don’t we have to defend “open borders”? I will argue that we don’t.




NATO 75 Years On…. A War Machine Long Past Ist Sell-By Date

Strategic Culture Foundation April 8, 2024

This week marks the 75th anniversary of NATO’s founding in April 1949. The organization has become a global danger to peace and security and should have been disbanded more than 30 years ago when the Cold War supposedly ended. That the alliance was not disbanded ………………….



It’s time to send Nato troops to Ukraine After 75 years, the alliance is locked in the nuclear age

Edward Luttwak, 4.4.24

In 1944, Leslie Groves, the US army general who managed the Manhattan Project, asked its chief scientist, J. Robert Oppenheimer, just how powerful their new bomb might be. Would it be 10 times as powerful as the largest bomb of the time, the RAF’s Tallboy “earthquake …………………….



Why Is Israel Trying to Provoke a War with Iran?

6 April 2024 by Larry Johnson

Nima and I chatted for a little over an hour. Here is the first half hour of that discussion. I explain the implications of Israel’s attack on Iran’s Consulate in Damascus, Syria. I also provide more background on celebrity Chef Jose Andres and World Central Kitchen. As a ………………….



Briefe an die Herausgeber

Zweifel am Demokratieverständnis

Zu „Fremde Federn: Thomas Haldenwang – Die Meinungsfreiheit ist kein Freibrief“ (F.A.Z. vom 2. April): Mit seinem tendenziösen Artikel hat der Präsident des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz, Thomas Haldenwang, ein verräterisches Bekenntnis über sein wahres ……………………….



Ukraine – Faking News Still Does Not Help Winning

I find it amusing how little western media have learned from their own reporting on the war in Ukraine.




Martin Armstrong Interview: World War III Before Election?

Apr 7, 2024



Der Sonntagsfahrer: Betteln um die Pleite

Trotz der gescheiterten E-Auto-Wende betteln einflussreiche Autohersteller darum, das Verbrennerverbot nicht infrage zu stellen. Die Wünsche der Kunden sind längst egal. Wer hält länger durch?




„Oh Man, This Is Huge“: Video Revealed By Jan. 6 Defendant Raises Questions About Undercover Agents

by Tyler Durden Friday, Apr 05, 2024




The CRE Bust is a Slow-Moving Train

04/05/2024 Douglas French

Day-to-day we don’t hear much about the commercial office property crash. As The Fed’s Michael Barr said at an event hosted by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition in Washington, “This is the kind of thing where it’s likely to be a very slow-moving train as the ……………………



More Easy Money Will Plunge Us into Stagflation

04/06/2024 Daniel Lacalle

Thirty major central banks are expected to cut rates in the second half of 2024, a year when more than seventy nations will have elections, which often means massive increases in government spending. Additionally, the latest inflation figures show stubbornly persistent consumer price annualized growth.




Der unmündige Bürger und das Würstchen auf dem Grill

Von Roland Tichy So, 7. April 2024

Autokratie kommt nicht per Polizei und Einschüchterung. Autoritäre Strukturen sind notwendige Konsequenz, wenn der Staat den Bürger für unmündig erklärt – zunächst als Konsument, dann als Wähler – und die Bürger sich die Entmündigung gefallen lassen. Bis hin …………………..



Wenn sich die Kirche zur untergeordneten Behörde degradiert

Von Achijah Zorn Sa, 6. April 2024

Die evangelische Kirche schaltet in Punkto Selbstzerstörung den Turbo an. Eine scharfe Analyse von Pfarrer Achijah Zorn.

Die Evangelische Kirche in Mitteldeutschland (EKMD) scheint Gefallen an politischer Kirchenzucht gefunden zu haben. Waren 2020-2023 die kirchlichen Querdenker im Visier der ……………………..



Facing Nuclear War

By Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD April 6, 2024

  1. Dutton has just published a startling book by Annie Jacobsen titled Nuclear War: A Scenario.

The “scenario,” as she describes it in an Author’s Note, begins with a nuclear strike on the ………………………



Why Debt Serfdom Is Not Prosperity

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner April 6, 2024

The recent news that US home prices in December were up by 6.1% on a Y/Y basis is just one more reminder of why the Fed’s pro-inflation policies are so insidious. In essence, they ……………………



Bitcoin vs. Gold: The Debate Continues

By Douglas French Mises.org April 6, 2024

In a few short weeks since SEC approval Inflows into Bitcoin ETF funds had reached just over $59 billion on Good Friday, according to btcetffundflow.com. Meanwhile the unloved …………………..



Is this the end of Israel? Six months on, Jews are starting to lose faith

‚I’m not sure what’s left.‘ (SERGEI GAPON/AFP via Getty Images)

So have we reached the end of the line? Do the latest failures and miscalculations — the relentless assault on the al-Shifa Hospital, the fatal airstrike on aid-workers, the targeting of …………………



Edward Luttwak: Time to Send NATO Troops

Simplicius The Thinker Apr 07, 2024

The weekend’s standout story comes by way of Edward Luttwak, one of the so-called ‘premier military theorists’ in the West, openly calling for NATO intervention in Ukraine, lest the West suffer a “catastrophic defeat”:




Delegitimierung des Staates von innen

  1. April 2024 – Rainer Fassnacht

Das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz hat im April 2021 den neuen Phänomenbereich „verfassungsschutzrelevante Delegitimierung des Staates“ eingerichtet. Hier soll Vorgehen …………………..



Er hasst Schwule und feiert Kindermörder: Warum lächelt Baerbock diesen Mann so an?

Haben sich die Alliierten eines Genozids schuldig gemacht, als sie Nazi-Deutschland bombardierten und Zehntausende unschuldiger Zivilisten töteten? Nach den Kriterien, die an Israel angelegt werden, muss man sagen: Ja. 5.4.24




Climate Change Justifies Killing 2 billion People to Save the Planet Before 2027

I have written in the past few weeks that all my sources are DEEPLY concerned that the …………………



West Steps Up Terror Attacks on Iran and More From Marat Khairullin — Plus Friday Roundtable

5 April 2024 by Larry Johnson

Iran experienced a new wave of Western-backed terrorist attacks in Baluchistan — i.e., the area in southeast Iran that borders Pakistan and Afghanistan. Not a great neighborhood. U.S. …………………



Abolish all Treason and Sedition Laws

04/04/2024 Ryan McMaken

The word „treason“ has enjoyed something of a renaissance in recent years—on the Left. It used to be more popular on the Right. During the Cold War, conservatives frequently ………………..



Fixing FDR’s Biggest Blunder: From Gold Standard to Fiat Folly and Back

04/05/2024 Jp Cortez

Today, states across the country are beginning to actively embrace prosound money legislation, inviting a critical examination of how America abandoned the gold standard of …………………



A Monstrous Criminal Organization

Leaked „Transgender Health“ files reveal medical malpractice on children, John Leake, Apr 04, 2024

Yesterday a reporter buddy at the Epoch Times sent me his piece on leaked files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health—better known as WPATH. The ………….



Israel Warns Iran Of Massive Regional War If Directly Attacked

by Tyler Durden Friday, Apr 05, 2024

Update(1831ET): With Israel’s embassies around the world on a heightened state of alert, and extra IDF reservists called up, and home and weekend leave for all combat troops having ………………..



Friedenspartei? Die Abkehr der Grünen

von Patricia Wiedemeyer 28.03.2024

In den 80ern galten die Grünen als bedingungslose Friedenspartei. Heute fordern Vertreter der Partei so laut wie kaum jemand sonst Waffen für die Ukraine. Wie ist das passiert?




German Government Admits There Was No Pandemic

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich has been held as a political prisoner for six months, due to his work in contesting the COVID Scamdemic. A recent leak has revealed the Federal Republic of Germany’s plan to assassinate his character and to prevent him from ever holding political office.




America’s Foreign Aid Ponzi Scheme

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice April 5, 2024

The US pays upwards of $70 billion annually to other countries in the form of ‘aid’.   The Top two are Ukraine and Israel.   While the amounts are small, the US also sends money called ………………..



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