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Nennen Sie mir ein Land, in dem Journalisten und Politiker sich vertragen, und ich sage Ihnen, da ist keine Demokratie.

— Hugh Carleton Greene

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Das Frankenstein-Monster und die Euro-Kreatur

  1. April 2024 –Thorsten Polleit

Die englische Schriftstellerin Mary W. Shelly (1797–1851) veröffentlichte 1818 ihren schauerlichen Roman „Frankenstein. Der moderne Prometheus“, der weltberühmt wurde. Um was geht es darin?




Video: RFK Tells the Truth About Ukraine




  1. April 2024 von INGO LANGNER

Roger Köppel, 1965 in Zürich geboren, Verleger und Chefredakteur der Weltwoche. Harald Martenstein, 1953 in Mainz geboren, Journalist, Schriftsteller und Kolumnist für Zeit, Welt und Weltwoche




Israel Suffers Major Blow As Iran Puts West on Notice

14 April 2024 by Larry Johnson

The United States and its pack of poodles in the rest of the G-7 spent the day down playing Iran’s military strike on Israel as a nothing burger. That is not true. This attack was significant ………………..



Argentina Posts First Surplus in Over a Decade

It took President Javier Milei of Argentina a mere two months to push his nation into a surplus. The Economy Ministry declared that the government posted a $589 million surplus, the first surplus in recent memory. Western media has been silent about Milei’s victory as his ……………………



The Middle East – The Coming War of Wars

Many people who are Jewish and Christian would love to destroy the Dome of the Rock. We hear Christian zealots pushing this event to bring about the Second Coming and Armageddon. Does Socrates show anything on this subject?




Martin Armstrong Interview on Interest Rates



The ‚Hate Speech‘ Road to Tyranny

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. April 15, 2024

We like to think we have freedom of speech. Doesn’t the First Amendment guarantee this to us? But some states have “hate speech” laws on the books. New York is considering a law, already passed in California that requires social media companies to report “hate speech.” …………………..



Are We Witnessing a Tempering of American-Israeli Aggression?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org April 15, 2024

Axios reports that Biden told Netanyahu he won’t support retaliation against Iran.

Washington is reportedly worried about a major escalation fraught with “catastrophic consequences” See here.




Will Much of the Middle East Soon Be Turned Into ‚A Pile of Smoking, Radioactive Rubble‘?

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse April 15, 2024

Most people have absolutely no idea how close we are to a nightmare scenario in the Middle East.  Yesterday, I wrote about the fact that Bloomberg was reporting that an Iranian attack on ………………………….



Iran Tests the Defenses – US Shoots Down the Drones

As expected, this was a test with slow-moving drones that gave hours to respond, but now Iran knows the US shot the drones down – not Israel. U.S. defense announced that they shot ……………………



Iran Strikes Back, What Will Israel Do Next?

13 April 2024 by Larry Johnson

I killed two birds with one video tonight. I was planning to do a write up on Iran’s attack on Israel today citing Article 51 authority, i.e. self-defense, when I was asked by Sputnik News to record a video. So here it is.




Iran Launches Test Attack with Slow Drones

Iran has launched a drone attack on Israel that appears to be testing Israel’s defenses. The IDF has stated that it would take hours for the drones to even reach the country. Benjamin …………………………



Iran Readies Over 100 Cruise Missiles For Possible Strike Against Israel: US Officials

by Tyler Durden Apr 13, 2024

Update(1740): Multiple European airlines have canceled all flights to and from Iran, and flight trackers also indicate that skies above Israel are clear of civilian aviation.




The Myth of the Equilibrium Interest Rate

04/13/2024 Brendan Brown

“Fast thinking” is a corrupting short-cut in mental processes which the late Daniel Kahneman identified by experiments in financial decision-making. Fast thinking plagues the market-place as it responds to the new threat of responses to Fed-led inflation. That threat had ……………………..



Trump Is Right about Abortion and Lindsey Graham Is Wrong

04/11/2024 Ryan McMaken

Donald Trump last week said he opposes any national legislation on abortion, and said he …………………



Chris Hedges Discusses ‚Wall Street’s War on Workers‘

Award winning author and correspondent Chris Hedges talks about the origins of the ongoing media campaign against the „white working class“

By Matt Taibbi Racket News April 13, 2024




Carl Menger’s Overlooked Vital Evolutionary Insights

By Jorge Besada Mises.org April 13, 2024

Carl Menger is widely recognized as one of the economists leading the so-called marginalist revolution along with William Stanley Jevons and Léon Walras. There are two other contributions by Menger that are relatively underappreciated and are vital for making sense of …………………



Sound Money Vs. Fiat Curreny: Trade and Credit Are the Wild Cards

By Charles Hugh Smith OfTwoMinds.com April 13, 2024

We need to start thinking outside the current system, which has no solutions.




The Bullish Factors Behind Silver’s Rise

Could we be witnessing a major turning point for silver?

By Alasdair Macleod MacleodFinance Substack April 13, 2024

In recent weeks, silver’s price has been remarkably strong, threatening to break out above the ………………..



Don’t Play God!

Pope Francis takes a stand against “gender theory”

By Robert Bridge Strategic Culture April 13, 2024

Long a defender of LGBTQ+ rights, the Bishop of Rome has come out and denounced attempts to deny sexual differences between men and women.




Democrats Respond to Trump’s Plea to Kill Police State FISA Act

The House Democrats, not the Republicans, Respond to Trump’s Plea to Kill the Unconstitutional FISA Act, while the Republicans Vote for the Police State Measure

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org April 13, 2024




Treffen in KönigsteinHochamt der Staatsverächter im Nobelhotel

Podiumsdiskussion im Taunus mit ‚anderen‘ Gästen

Veröffentlicht am 12.04.24 um 14:29 Uhr

12.04.24Wolfgang Hettfleisch

„Wir sind anders“ – mit diesem Satz wirbt eine Schweizer Finanzplattform für ihre …………………….



Not Even Central Banks Can Manipulate Markets – NOBODY

Can central banks not even manipulate the markets? FS


No.  Here is the track record of the central banks when they created the Group of 5 (now G20) in 1985. I warned them they would create a crash within two years. But look at what ……………………..



Opening Your Eyes or Remain as the Fool on the Hill

I just had to say thank you. I kept a copy of your private post What Are the Markets Telling Us? from FEBRUARY 24, 2024. Your model called for a high in January, the false move to retest support in February, and a resumption of the trend into April. You have taught me so …………………….



Western Countries Panic as Iran Weighs Its Options

12 April 2024 by Larry Johnson

Notwithstanding all of Israel’s tough talk and Biden’s repeated vow to defend Israel, Israel’s military campaign against Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran is turning into a real debacle. And things don’t look much better for the United States. The world is now in bona fide tenterhooks ………………….



Saying What Can’t Be Said: Israel Has Been Defeated – a Total Defeat

The war’s aims won’t be achieved, the hostages won’t be returned through military pressure, security won’t be restored and Israel’s international ostracism won’t end.

Chaim Levinson, Apr 11, 2024

we’ve lost, …………..



The Population Explosion Disaster that Never Happened

04/11/2024 Mark Thornton

I do not hear much talk about world population these days, the way I did growing up in the 1960s and ’70s. People were supposedly starving, dying, with tens of millions more sure to ………………….



Milei Tries to Tackle Rent Control in Argentina

04/11/2024 Augusto Bottari

The major cities of the world have been facing housing problems for years. With the increase of immigrants and of people experiencing homelessness, the discussion about housing regulation has intensified.




FOCUS-Kolumne von Jan Fleischhauer – Ein dreister Abzocker ist Beweis für die meistbestrittene Tatsache im deutschen TV


Dass Deutschland zu Wohlstand kam, verdankt das Land auch den vielen fleißigen Gastarbeitern. Die Zuwanderung ist wieder hoch, aber anders als damals landen viele Neuankömmlinge heute im Bürgergeld. Was ist denn da schiefgelaufen?




The Coming Events – Iran & Ukraine

The world is completely going insane. Markets have been rising with crude, gold, and the dollar in anticipation of an Iranian attack on Israel. The month of May looks to be very critical for markets on a global scale—no worries about our London Conference. We would not hold it in London if it appeared to be a risk. The risks are confined to Russia/Ukraine and the Middle East.




Zwischen Allmachtsanspruch und Ohnmachtswirklichkeit

Die Absurditäten des künftigen Selbstbestimmungsgesetzes werden die Bürger und nicht zuletzt auch den Staat zwingen, die neuen Regeln selbst nicht in letzter Konsequenz umzusetzen. VON FERDINAND KNAUSS am 12. April 2024




There Is Only One Spaceship Earth

Freeing the World from the Deadly Shadow of Genocide and Ecocide

By William J. Astore TomDispatch.com April 12, 2024

When I was in the U.S. military, I learned a saying (often wrongly attributed to the Greek philosopher Plato) that only the dead have seen the end of war. Its persistence through history ……………………..



Mike Johnson Is Fighting to Protect the Government Spy Program Used on Trump

By Tucker Carlson April 12, 2024



Targeting Trump

By Taki Theodoracopulos Taki’s Magazine April 12, 2024

Back in the good old days when the Brits ruled the roost in the American colonies, the sneaky Brits used a system of their own to lord it over those who looked like them, spoke like them, …………………….



‚I Cannot Afford To Live‘: Americans Get Emotional as the U.S. Economy Goes Off the Rails

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse April 12, 2024

As we approach what is likely to be the most chaotic presidential election in U.S. history, ……………..



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