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If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do, you’re misinformed.

— Mark Twain

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Schleuser-Skandal weitet sich zu CDU-Spendenaffäre aus

NRW-Zuwendungen im Zwielicht, 10.5.2024

Die NRW-CDU erhält offenbar von der Schleuserbande mehrere Zehntausend Euro Spenden, um Ausländer ins Land zu lassen. Bereits mehrere Politiker wurden festgenommen – auch von der SPD.




How Eurovision became a carnival of nationalism What happens when you mix chauvinism with continental camp?

‚Ukraine’s 2022 victory — with its on-stage shout-out to the defenders of Azovstal — hardly derived from its musical quality alone‘  Aris Roussinos, 11.5.24




As the Dollar Falters, Gold Becomes Insurance, Not Speculation

05/09/2024 • Douglas French

Economics trumps sentimentality, and gold’s elevated price has some people raiding the family jewelry box to pay bills. “Young people are not wearing grandma’s jewels. Most of the young people, they want an Apple watch. They don’t want a pocket watch,” Tobina Kahn, …………………….



China Dethroned as Germany’s Largest Trading Partner

The United States has surpassed China to become Germany’s largest trading partner. Trade ………………….



Why There Is No Noticeable Benefit from the Fed’s Policies

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner May 11, 2024

Here is the only noticeable “benefit” from the Fed’s pro-inflation policies since Greenspan’s arrival at the Eccles Building. To wit, these policies have pleasured the tippy top of the economic ladder with massive wealth gains owing to the relentless inflation of financial ……………….



How Much Emergency Cash Should You Keep at Home? (If We Have A Regional Disaster Where You Can Bug Out to A Safer Location, Your Cash Should Serve You Well.)

Clark Barnes, 10.5.24

It is the final backup plan for a lot of us in the case of a disaster. A generous supply of cold hard cash to buy our way out of trouble, pick up as many last-minute supplies as possible or to …………………….



AfD darf als rechtsextremistischer Verdachtsfall eingestuft werden

Mo, 13. Mai 2024

Das Oberverwaltungsgericht Münster bestätigt: Die AfD darf vom Bundesverfassungsschutz als rechtsextremistischer Verdachtsfall eingestuft und beobachtet werden. Die AfD will nun vor dem Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig klagen.




Islam: Radikale Gruppen stellen Forderungen und gewinnen Einfluss

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 13. Mai 2024

In England feierte ein Stadtrat seinen Wahlsieg auf pakistanische Art. Nun ist ein Manifest mit 18 muslimischen Forderungen an den Labour-Vorsitzenden Keir Starmer aufgetaucht. In ………………….



Thanks a lot, Speaker Johnson: FBI brass just urged agents to use warrantless wiretaps on US citizens…

May 9, 2024

The FBI is at it again, going after US citizens with a little help from Speaker Johnson and the …………………



Is Russia a Counter-Balance to Western Triumphalism?

Greg Cook, 01.5.24

Any extended critique of Russia using a Catholic framework is bound to consider a range of issues: authority and communion with Rome; the theological and political legacy of the Eastern Roman Empire; Communist infiltration, destruction, suppression, and subversion of …………………..



The JFK Assassination Chokeholds That Inescapably Prove There Was a Conspiracy

By Edward Curtin EdwardCurtin.com May 11, 2024

During my many years of teaching at different universities, nearly all my colleagues insisted that Lee Harvey Oswald alone assassinated President Kennedy, even while the general public ………………..



Putin’s Cabinet Shakeup Stumps Western Intelligentsia

Simplicius May 13, 2024

As many had been suspecting for days, Putin initiated a major shakeup in his cabinet. The most notable was the removal of longtime defense minister Shoigu, to be replaced with a man ………………



Ex-CNN Host Chris Cuomo Suggests COVID Vaccine Injury: ‘I’m Sick Myself’

The former CNN host made the statement during a news segment.

By Jack Phillips, Breaking News Reporter 5/5/2024

Former CNN host Chris Cuomo suggested he is suffering from a health condition after he ……………………..



Auf den ersten Blick wirkt Saint-Tropez wie früher

Nach fünf Jahrzehnten kehrt unsere Autorin nach Saint-Tropez zurück, den Ferienort ihrer Kindheit. „Das schönste Fischerdorf der Welt“ ist noch immer ein Kunstwerk. Statt Hippiekultur dominiert heute aber edler Lifestyle. Stand: 10.05.2024




Understanding the True Meaning of Charity

05/09/2024 Jörg Guido Hülsmann

The Misesian (TM): The economics behind gift giving and charity have long been a neglected topic among researchers and economists. What prompted you to launch your own investigation into the topic?

Jörg Guido Hülsmann (JGH): The economic literature on gifts is actually quite massive, but it’s true that these writings don’t make it into standard micro- and macroeconomics. My initial ………………….



Dönerspieß-Pleite, Buch-Reinfall: Für welches Deutschland steht dieser Präsident?

11.5.2024 Jan Fleischhauer

Frank-Walter Steinmeier ist wie das Deutschland, das ihn wählte: etwas eitel, etwas verlogen, aber immer stolz auf die eigene Rechtschaffenheit. Leider will er jetzt auch noch als …………………..



The liberal international order is slowly coming apart

Its collapse could be sudden and irreversible, May 9th 2024

At first glance, the world economy looks reassuringly resilient. America has boomed even as its trade war with China has escalated. Germany has withstood the loss of Russian gas supplies without suffering an




The Stats on Palestinian Terrorism — 2000 to April 2024

10 May 2024 by Larry Johnson

I have completed the initial cleanup of the data posted on the website of the ……………………




Prussian Prose

By Taki Theodoracopulos Taki’s Magazine  May 10, 2024

At the end of World War II, the victorious Allies were convinced that Prussian militarism had played an important part in Hitler’s war in Europe. Herbert Marcuse, an overrated theorist of the Frankfurt School working for Uncle Sam, submitted a secret report that put all the blame ………………….



Empire Managers Explain Why This New Protest Movement Scares Them

By Caitlin Johnstone  CaitlinJohnstone.com May 10, 2024

The US secretary of state and a Bilderberg surveillance tech oligarch have both made some very interesting admissions about the burgeoning protest movement against the US-backed ……………………..



ISRAEL’S Not So Little War Against Russia

by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

Since last November the regime of Vladimir Zelensky (lead image, left) in Kiev has been advertising the products of a company called Piranha-Tech  for newly developed electronic ……………….



Victory Day: Anxiousness Grows Amid Stirs in the North

Simplicius May 10, 2024

The latest Economist piece takes us to a Ukrainian bunker outside the besieged town of Chasov Yar. It contains a few interesting items that converge with current goings on.




Why Are Greeks the Poorest People in the EU?

By Phil Butler New Eastern Outlook May 10, 2024

The European Union is facing a severe crisis marked by unfulfilled promises of democracy, equal exchange, and shared prosperity. The situation is particularly dire for some EU nations, ……………….



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