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Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort ist er tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen.

— Loriot

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

EU gibt Provisionsverbot vorerst auf und plant Bürokratieabbau

4.2.25. Die EU-Kommission und die Versicherungsaufsicht EIOPA legen eine Regulierungspause für den Vertrieb von Finanzprodukten ein, wie Branchenvertreter bei einem Treffen erfuhren.

Sowohl die EU-Kommission als auch die europäische Versicherungsaufsicht EIOPA steigen bei ihren ……………………



Lavrov vs. Rubio On Multipolarity

I have lauded Marco Rubio’s view which declared that the short period of a unipolar world has come to an end.




How You Know the Tide Is Turning

By Tom Woods February 5, 2025

My dear friend, I am sure you know the name Bill Kristol: he’s spent decades on all the cable news shows, he was the editor of the Weekly Standard before it folded, and he co-founded the neocon Project for a New American Century.




Last Rites

“We spent the weekend feeding USAID into the wood chipper. Could have gone to some great parties. Did that instead.” — Elon Musk

By James Howard Kunstler JamesHowardKunstler.com February 5, 2025

“In private meetings and at public events, elected Democrats appear leaderless, rudderless and divided. ……………………



Trump Tariffs – The Art of the Deal

While the 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada were more of a classic Art of the Deal since he used the same number on Columbia, Trump achieved what he wanted from both Canada and Mexico – to secure …………………



Elon Musk Is Wrong About Money

02/04/2025 Jonathan Newman

For better or worse, Elon Musk has taken a liking to old Milton Friedman videos. On the good side, Musk has embraced Friedman’s distrust of government and money printing. Friedman, however, was no ………………………



USAID eingestellt: Wann wird auch bei uns geprüft?

Große Aufregung in den linken Medien in Deutschland über die „Executive Order“ von Donald Trump, vorerst alle Entwicklungshilfen – mit Ausnahme der humanitären Hilfe – einzustellen. Auch bei uns ………………….



Demokratie im Rückwärtsgang

Vor fünf Jahren wurde Thomas Kemmerich zum Thüringer Ministerpräsidenten gewählt und kurz darauf nach Kanzlerin-Order zum Rücktritt genötigt. Es ist eine wichtige Wegmarke des Demokratie-Schwunds in Deutschland.




25 Years Ago, NATO’s War on Yugoslavia: Kosovo ‚Freedom Fighters‘ Financed by Organized Crime

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research February 5, 2025

Almost Twenty-five years ago, marks the  beginning of NATO’s aerial bombardment of Yugoslavia (March 24, 1999- June 10, 1999). The bombings which lasted for almost three months, were followed by ……………



Die Schweigespirale dominiert den Wahlkampf

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 5. Februar 2025

Deutschland bräuchte mindestens 550.000 zusätzliche Wohnungen. Diese Zahl verbreitet ein Bündnis, zu dem auch Unternehmerverbände gehören. Doch die überlassen die Verkündigung den Gewerkschaften – weil es ihnen an Rückgrat mangelt.




Trump Bites the Hand that Feeds Us

SchiffGold.com February 5, 2025

On his Sunday night broadcast, Peter dove into the fallout from President Trump’s tariff policy, which ……………………



Donald Trump mit klarer Unterstützung für Israel im Nahost-Konflikt

Von Laszlo Trankovits Mi, 5. Februar 2025

US-Präsident Donald Trump hat seine unerschütterliche Unterstützung für Israel erneut unter Beweis gestellt und einen Plan zur Neugestaltung des Gazastreifens vorgelegt. Während europäische Politiker wie Annalena Baerbock mit ihren weltfremden Positionen eine klare Haltung gegenüber dem jüdischen Staat vermissen lassen.




Billions in Blood Money

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the charities and organizations it supports promote facilitating illegal immigration as “acts of mercy.” John Cassara.

The first piece of legislation that President Trump signed into law is the Laken Riley Act. This law ……………….



What Is Really Destroying Europe? The EU.

by Drieu Godefridi February 5, 2025

The truth is that the reduction in CO2 emissions in Europe is almost exclusively due to industry leaving Europe. That is the dirty little secret of the Green Deal: Europe is reducing its CO2 emissions to the extent …………………



Donald Trump’s Gaza Mirage

4 February 2025 by Larry C. Johnson

I owe Danny Davis an apology. I speculated during our conversation today that one possible explanation for Trump’s recent rant declaring that the Palestinians of Gaza would be relocated to Egypt, Jordan or …………………



Witkoff Meets PLO Leader Who Vowed to Spend ‚Last Penny‘ Financing Terror

by Daniel Greenfield February 4, 2025

Fresh from his success of implementing the Biden plan and saving Hamas, Steven Witkoff, acting as President Donald Trump’s Middle East Envoy, went to Saudi Arabia, homeland of the 9/11 hijackers, and ……………….



Trump border chief blasts Pope Francis’ hypocrisy on illegal immigration

‘He can protect the Vatican where he lives. He can build a wall where he lives. The American people are not allowed that?’ Tom Homan, a lifelong Catholic, said. ‘He ought to stick to the Catholic Church and ……………………….



Immigration Laws the U.S. Should Emulate

Considering why some are kicked out, and the criteria for who should be let in.

JD Breen Feb 01, 2025 Atlanta, GA




A Model for Ending the War in Ukraine

By John Leake Courageous Discourse February 4, 2025

In the spring of 1945, Soviet Red Army forces entered Austria from the east and American Army forces entered Austria from the west, and both closed on the ancient capital city of Vienna. By then it was …………………..



Why Anti-Imperialists and Anti-War People Should Welcome Trump’s ‚FAFO Diplomacy‘

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture February 4, 2025




Trump-O-Nomics: The Ditzy Spawn of Free Money, Not Free Trade (Part 1)

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner February 4, 2025

He can gratuitously claim all the economic “golden ages” he pleases, but when it comes to economic policy the Donald is an unhinged ditz and then some.





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