Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Mit der CDU will ich nichts zu tun haben.

— Angela Merkel (Bundeskanzlerin, 1990)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Republicans Smell Blood In The Water In California

A cautious optimism pervaded the gubernatorial debate hall at the Richard Nixon Library Wednesday night. By Curt Mills The American Conservative August 7, 2021




Amazon orders all U.S. employees to mask up at work

Aug 6 (Reuters) – Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O) has ordered all U.S. employees to wear a mask at work regardless of their vaccination status, as the highly infectious Delta variant of ……………….



Early signs COVID-19 vaccines may not stop Delta transmission, England says

LONDON, Aug 6 (Reuters) – There are early signs that people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 may be able to transmit the Delta variant of the virus as easily as those who have not, scientists at Public Health England (PHE) said on Friday.




Gates will Lose – The Economy is Collapsing Anyway

So far you gave the impression, that our friends BG / KS would not win
Lately you seem not to be so sure ??




The CDC & Vaccine Companies in Bed with Facebook?

Zuckerberg is a very dangerous adolescent who has clearly not grown up. Personally, I would never own a single share of Facebook when its management is just so questionable. US Congressman Thomas Massie has come out stating in a series of tweets to say that Facebook’s independent fact-checkers are removing what they call “vaccine misinformation.” These ……………….



Rheinland-Pfalz: Exodus in der Landespressekonferenz

Marvin Schade 4. August 2021

Gleich drei der vier großen Regionalzeitungen in Rheinland-Pfalz müssen Ausschau nach neuen Landeskorrespondenten halten, denn ihre wichtigsten Politikberichterstatter wechseln …………….



Lockdowns = Inflation

Why is there a shortage in everything?
Bicycles, sold out. Bicycle parts sold out. Cars delivered late, sold out.
Laptops, delivery postponed, sold out.



Der Sonntagsfahrer: Die letzte Fahrt

Am 28. September 1879 um 9.14 Uhr stürzte in einem Orkan die drei Kilometer lange schottische Tay-Bridge ein. Bei ihrer Eröffnung war sie die längste Brücke der Welt, sie …………………



Aber wann soll der Lockdown jemals enden, wenn nicht jetzt?

Von Max Roland Fr, 6. August 2021

Dass die Abwägung der Folgen der Corona-Maßnahmen so selten stattfindet, liegt auch daran, ……………



Polizeigewalt auf Corona-Demos: UN-Folterberichterstatter will bei der Bundesregierung intervenieren

Fr, 6. August 2021

Nils Melzer sammelt und prüft Hinweise zu problematischen Einsätzen der Polizei auf den Querdenken-Demos am vergangenen Wochenende in Berlin. Über eine Szene sagt er: „Die hätte sterben können“. Der Senat hält sich bedeckt.




Rekord bei Corona-Demos in Frankreich

Protest in Paris: Immer wieder skandierten die Menschen feindselige Parolen gegen Staatschef Macron.




Non au pass sanitaire!

Am Wochenende gingen wieder hunderttausende Franzosen auf die Straße. In Frankreich solidarisieren sich Polizei und Bevölkerung. Der Querschnitt des Volkes auf die Straße.




Blackbox KW 32 – „Authentische, sorgfältig recherchierte Informationen“

Von Stephan Paetow So, 8. August 2021

Die Journalisten hätten gern mehr Konfetti im Wahlkampf und die Grünen einen neues Superministerium. Die UN ermittelt wegen Polizeigewalt in Berlin, und Wolfgang Bosbach … …………..



Wie man mit Sternen lügt

Die Gendersterne, die heute reflexhaft nicht nur als Anrede, sondern gleichwohl als definitive Aussage eingesetzt werden, täuschen uns, sie lügen – sie liefern uns in den allermeisten Fällen ……………



Why We Will Really Need COVID Passports

Proof of vaccination or of recovery from the infection is increasingly being demanded, not just for international travel but also within many countries. The rising demand for a covid ……………….



Murphy Explains Bidenomics

08/06/2021 Robert P. Murphy

From climate policy to stimulus to unemployment, Prof. Murphy takes a detailed look at the ……………..



Mathematician: Plain English Often Works Better Than Mathematical Notation

08/06/2021 David Gordon

Critics of Austrian economics often say that praxeology lacks rigor. Praxeologists rely on imprecise verbal logic that is difficult to assess. Instead, modern neoclassical economics is to ……………..



An euch „woke“ Helden: Eure Empörung bringt Muslimen in Deutschland gar nichts

FOCUS-Online-Gastautor Ahmad Mansour Freitag, 06.08.2021,

Die Tabuisierung der Debatten über den Islam und die reflexhafte Einordnung von kritischen Stimmen in die rechte Ecke, vergiftet die Diskurskultur, bedroht die Meinungsfreiheit. Am ……………..



My fight for free speech

Paul Embery is a firefighter, trade union activist, pro-Brexit campaigner and ‚Blue Labour‘ thinker, I was fired for supporting Brexit — justice has finally been served. August 7, 2021

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) is a brilliant organisation, served loyally by hundreds of ……………….



To Biden Administration: No Visa, No Negotiations with Iran Regime’s Mass Murderer

by Majid Rafizadeh August 7, 2021 If [Iran’s President Ebrahim] Raisi is granted a visa to come to the US, the Iranian regime’s legitimacy will be enhanced, and the regime will be empowered to try to kidnap more Americans on the US soil.




Could a Collapse of Cryptocurrencies Force a Reform of the Global Monetary System?

Beyond Bretton Woods — Part Three of Our Series

By STEVE HANKE, Special to the Sun | August 7, 2021

For thousands of years, there has been a dominant international currency. Until August 15, 1971, when President Nixon closed the gold window and revoked the right of foreign …………………..



Carl Menger Explains Value

08/06/2021 Antony P. Mueller

The General Concept of Value. The value of a good results from the knowledge that each partial attainment of that good is linked with a satisfaction of wants. A good is valued with the knowledge that its use serves to satisfy our desires.




Perspectives on the Pandemic

“2020 and 2021 have comprised a global propaganda spectacle of unprecedented scale and sophistication.”

By Mark Crispin Miller, August 7, 2021



We Will Not Comply: A Campaign Against Medical Tyranny

By Brandon Smith Alt-Markert.us August 7, 2021

I have been feverishly writing lately on covid mandates and vaccine passports issues, and I’m sure most readers understand why – We are currently at the cusp of a great conflict against the ……………..



France: From Colonial Fantasy to Disaster

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org July 28, 2021

We are finishing the publication of the second part of Thierry Meyssan’s book, “Before our very eyes“. In this episode, he reviews the amateurism of the last French presidents, on the ……………….



France, Against Its Adversaries And Ist Allies

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org July 27, 2021

We continue the publication in episodes of Thierry Meyssan’s book, Before Our Very Eyes. Pursuing its neo-colonial dream without taking into account the realities, France is largely disowned by the Syrian People, then sidelined by its US allies before falling victim to its Turkish ally.




Two Types of Foreign Policy

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org July 7, 2021

Foreign policy aims at preventing conflicts with neighbors and developing their peaceful relations. However, Westerners have abandoned this objective to adopt the promotion of their ……………



2001: The Moult of the American Empire

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org August 7, 2021

We begin the publication of the last part of Thierry Meyssan’s book, “Before Our Very Eyes”. He rereads the history of the American Empire. In this episode he comes back to the attacks ………………).



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