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Is ours a government of the people, by the people, for the people, or a kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?

— Thomas Love Peacock

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Carl Mengers Theorie des Gutes

  1. August 2021 – Antony P. Mueller

Dieses Jahr jährt sich zum 150. Mal die Veröffentlichung der „Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre“ von Carl Menger, dem Standardwerk der Österreichischen Schule. Dies ist ein Grund, sich näher mit diesem Buch zu beschäftigen. In seinen „Grundsätzen der ……………….



The Great Keynesian Coup of August 1971: Fifty Years Later

08/10/2021William L. Anderson

On August 15, 1971, the last remains of what had been a magnificent monetary system died a terrible death, and the American academic, political, business, and media elites led the cheers. The Dow Jones Average jumped by more than 32 points the next day. A




Pandemics, Infection, and Libertarianism

Fabrizio Ferrari

Western countries will adopt (or consider adopting) state-mandated “medical passports”—so-called green passes—meant to prevent covid-19’s spread. They will compel private ………………



The Church is on the brink of revolt

Giles Fraser is a journalist, broadcaster and Rector at the south London church of St Mary’s, Newington, Even a former Archbishop of Canterbury feels betrayed, August 11, 2021




Krypto-Hacker stehlen 600 Millionen Dollar

Stand: 11.08.2021

Diebstähle sind in der Krypto-Welt keine Seltenheit, doch dieser hat eine neue Dimension: Hacker erbeuteten in den USA Kryptowährungen im Wert von rund 600 Millionen Dollar. ………………



The Real Agenda – Reply

Hello Dear Mr Armstrong, In your recent article




Jens Spahn besitzt mehr Immobilien in Berlin als bisher bekannt

Jens Spahn vermietet eine seiner Wohnungen an FDP-Chef Christian Lindner

von Hans-Martin Tillack 22.12.2020,

Die Immobiliengeschäfte von Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn in Berlin reichen weiter als ………………….



What’s the point of Prince Andrew?

Sarah Ditum is a columnist, critic and feature writer. A new trial means he is no longer the redundant spare, sarahditum August 11, 2021

What’s the point of Prince Andrew? I don’t ask this only to be cruel, although there is an …………………



Restaurantschließung wegen Covid: Alle geimpften Mitarbeiter positiv, der einzig Negative ist ungeimpft

  1. 08. 2021 Elf von zwölf Mitarbeitern des Casamaki-Restaurants in Pescara wurden positiv auf Covid getestet, einige von ihnen waren doppelt geimpft und hatten bereits einen „grünen Pass“ bei sich. Sie stehen nun alle unter Quarantäne, darunter auch der Besitzer des




Island und Israel: Plötzlich explodieren bei den Impfvorreitern die Corona-Zahlen

Beide Länder liegen bei der Immunisierung der Bevölkerung ganz vorne, doch die Delta-Variante verbreitet sich rasant. Woran liegt das? Niels Anner, Kopenhagen 10.08.2021,




How Can So Many Lies and So Much Evidende of Fraud and State Murder Be Covered Up?

Collective Madness! By Gary D. Barnett August 11, 2021

“It is incredible that this must be said, but the obvious seems to escape politicized academics, so we must state the obvious: Genocide is deliberate; it is premeditated. There is no genocide …………………



Tyranny Comes to America: CDC Proposes Concentration Camps As A Covid Measure

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org August 11, 2021

The adverse effects, that is, the illnesses and deaths associated with the Covid vaccines, are showing up in large numbers before the Big Pharma medical establishment can vaccinate ………………..



Taliban could take Afghan capital in 90 days after rapid gains- U.S. intelligence

Speed of Taliban advance shocks government and allies

Biden says he doesn’t regret decision to withdraw forces




An Open Letter to the Person Who Gave Me the Virus

By Tom Woods August 11, 2021

I have no idea who you are, but our paths almost surely crossed last month in Las Vegas.

Even now I wouldn’t change a thing about that trip, by the way, which was a blast. The ……………….



WHO warnt vor nächstem tödlichen Virus

Das Marburg-Fieber führt in 88 Prozent der Fällen zum Tod.

Im westafrikanischen Staat Guinea haben Behörden die Bevölkerung dazu aufgerufen, Verdachtsfälle des lebensgefährlichen Marburg-Fiebers umgehend zu melden. Zuvor war am ……………



Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings

Updated July 26, 2020 This document presents considerations from the perspective of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for implementing the shielding approach in humanitarian ……………….



It’s Time to Abolish the Capital Gains Tax

08/10/2021 McCoy Dorr

President Biden’s ridiculously high spending proposals require equally ridiculous tax proposals. Among the craziest proposals is a massive increase in the capital gains tax rate. ……………..



China: Crisis-Testing US Presidents

by Lawrence A. Franklin August 11, 2021 Trump’s adoption of a realistic relationship with China successfully slowed any CCP plans for military expansion in the South and East China Seas. What ended any possibility of a warming trend in US-China diplomatic ties was ……………………




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