Martin Armstrong

To totalitarians truth is as the cross is to the devil.

— Thomas DiLorenzo

Martin Armstrong

“Schwab’s philosophy and what he has been preaching is that we can construct the future, which was the same concept of Karl Marx. He does not believe in nature, but believes in global warming as we are always the cause. This is an inherent problem with many academics in economics. They think they can regulate the economy to create nirvana.

The reason economists since Marx have rebelled against laissez-faire economics is because they believe that they should not be just observers. They want to tinker with the world. Just before his death in 1946, John Maynard Keynes told Henry Clay, a professor of social economics and adviser to the Bank of England that he hoped that Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” would help Britain out of the economic hole it is in. “I find myself more and more relying for a solution of our problems on the invisible hand which I tried to eject from economic thinking twenty years ago,Keynes stated. Keynes came to see he was wrong before he died, but this is the sad lesson that all economists must face one day. The economy is like a rainforest that is so complicated that it is not simply about planting a bunch of trees. So many species have evolved and they are all interconnected.”

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