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Der vorherrschende Glaube an ‚soziale Gerechtigkeit‘ ist gegenwärtig wahrscheinlich die schwerste Bedrohung der meisten anderen Werte einer freien Zivilisation.

— Friedrich A. von Hayek

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Schwere Klima-Hypothek für künftige Regierung

Von Christian Geinitz, Berlin – 07.10.2021

Teure Zukunft: Die Kosten für die CO2-Neutralität könnten sich auf fünf Billionen Euro belaufen. Die Deutsche Energie-Agentur warnt: Die Sektorziele zu Emissionen sind unerreichbar. Die KfW beziffert die Kosten für die CO2-Neutralität auf fünf Billionen Euro.




The Immigration Crisis is Intended to Change Politics Terminating Republican Opposition

The Biden Administration is deliberately trying to allow illegal aliens in and it is intended to grant them residency and then voting rights before the Nov 2022 election. Biden sent his …………………….



Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails Exposing Suppression of Covid Vax Info From Public

October 8, 2021



Let’s Smash Google Censorship

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. October 8, 2021

A few days ago, Google struck LRC with what they hope is a fatal blow. We get much of our income from advertising. Google sells websites like LRC the use of its advertising platform. …………………



Beyond Bretton Woods: When It Comes to Money, We Need a Common Discipline

The latest in our series on the 50th anniversary of the collapse of the post-World War II monetary system By JACQUES de LAROSIÈRE, Special to the Sun | October 6, 2021




Why Does Money Have Value? Not Because the Government Says It Does

10/06/2021Frank Shostak

Why does the dollar bill in our pockets have value? According to some commentators, money has value because the government in power says so. For other commentators the value of money is on account of social convention. What this implies is that money has value because ………………….



„Shortages“ Aren’t Causing Inflation. Money Creation Is

The rapid rise in inflation is also raising inflation expectations.3 Inflation depends not only on the mechanical outcome of changes in the supplies of money and goods, but also on the …………………



Soros trying to Overthrow the USA?

George Soros is providing money to perhaps overthrow essentially our way of life. He donated $500,000 in Austin Texas to defund the police in order to destabilize society. Why Austin Texas? It is a Republican state and the objective is to destabilize Texas with also all ………………….



WEF Announced They Won

Those who fail to see the truth and constantly call anyone who is anti-mask a conspiracy theorist when all studies show they are “useless” are in serious trouble. They are blind to reality which is precisely what those manipulating societies count on. They are the perfect ……………………..



Biden Finds Himself Crosswise With American Common Sense

By LAWRENCE KUDLOW, Second Edition | October 7, 2021

President Biden, in Michigan this week, is basically arguing that opposing his reckless spending big government socialist plan will lead to America’s decline. Plus, he frequently …………………..



It’s Wrong to Draft Women. It’s Also Wrong to Draft Men

10/06/2021 Ryan McMaken

As in many previous years, this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is chock-full of terrible legislation slyly inserted for the purposes of concealing matters from the public. Both parties have been long guilty of this, with both groups using the NDAA to pass ……………………



Department of Justice Slams First Amendment, Claims Parents Are Engaged In ‘Domestic Terrorism And Hate Crimes’

Posted By: Patrick Wood via Citizens for Free Speech October 7, 2021

Parents across the nation are outraged that their own Department of Justice has been weaponized against them, claiming that school board critics and protestors are charged with …………………



Der Oberlügner der Nation gibt sich wieder mal die Blöße…



Tesla moving headquarters to Texas from California

By Hyunjoo Jin and Subrat Patnaik

A row of Tesla Model S sedans are seen outside the company’s headquarters in Palo Alto, California April 30, 2015. REUTERS/Elijah Nouvelage




The tech entrepreneur who founded Trump’s go-to TV news network

MAVERICK: When Donald Trump sought the presidency, Robert Herring Sr found a kindred spirit for his TV network.

He’s a high school dropout who made his mark with savvy business moves in the circuit ………………….



Impfgeschädigte fordern: „We Want To Be Heard“

In den USA haben sich mehrere Initiativen zusammengetan, um Impfschäden durch die Corona-Impfstoffe Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson und AstraZeneca zu dokumentieren.

In den USA haben sich mehrere Initiativen zusammengetan, um Impfschäden durch die Corona-Impfstoffe Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson und AstraZeneca zu dokumentieren. …………………



Ausgestoßener der Woche: Tobias Morgenstern

Tobias Morgenstern betreibt mit Thomas Rühmann das beliebte Brandenburger „Theater am Rand“. Beide sollten ein Bundesverdienstkreuz erhalten, der corona-kritische Morgenstern wurde ausgeschlossen.




Bei Illner wird empfohlen: Nur mit einem Linkskurs könne die CDU wieder Wahlen gewinnen

Von Elisa David Fr, 8. Oktober 2021

In einer schnell zusammen gewürfelten Sendung diskutiert man bei Illner über die CDU. Eine Spiegel-Journalistin, die Juso-Vorsitzende und ein Grüner geben tolle Hinweise. Und Merz ………………..



Angela Merkels Ballastabwürfe

Von Alexander Wendt Do, 7. Oktober 2021 Reden einer Kanzlerin

Wer regierte Deutschland eigentlich seit 2005? Die Kanzlerin spricht nur sehr selten von sich. Wer ihre Rede deuten kann, erhält trotzdem ein ungefähres Bild von ihren Motiven. Und ………………..



Unvaccinated Canadians Can’t Travel, Lose Government Benefits

Posted By: ZeroHedge October 7, 2021

The unvaccinated in Canada are effectively on permanent lockdown, effectively forcing many into compliance and others into despair. According to Trudeau, however, prompt vaccination allows you “to get back to the things you love.”




European Energy Crisis – And is That Gas You Think You’re Burning?

By Thomas Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns October 8, 2021

The European Gas Crisis keeps hitting new high after new high as gas prices around the world go ballistic.  While this isn’t just a European problem, if you read the MSM, that’s all they seem to care about.

You know, it snows in Japan as well folks, and China.




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