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Manchmal frage ich mich, ob die Welt von klugen Menschen regiert wird, die uns zum Narren halten, oder von Schwachköpfen, die es ernst meinen.

— Mark Twain

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Die Gestaltung einer lebenswerten Gesellschaft – sozialistische Bärendienste an unserer Umwelt – Deutschland nach der Wahl

Autoren: Prof. Dr. Hanns-Christian Salger & Markus Ross

Das Scheitern sozialistischer Staaten sollte uns ein warnendes Beispiel dafür sein, links-grüne Experimente nicht zu weit zu treiben.




Australian PM Scott Morrison Calls the People “Sheep”

Australian PM Scott Morrison is promoting forced vaccinations for children and adults while slowly eliminating the unvaccinated population from everyday society. In this clip, Morrison …………………..



I will survive Covid, song for Fauci



REVEALED: New Pfizer Board Member Is Ex-Facebook Director.

by Natalie Winters December 6, 2021

Dr. Susan Desmond-Hellmann – a member of Pfizer Inc.’s Board of Directors – previously served as the Lead Independent Director at social media giant Facebook. The site has ………………………




Top-Kanzlei Clifford Chance steckt im Sog des Steuerskandals

Anwälte aus Spitzenkanzleien zählen im Steuerskandal um Cum-Ex-Geschäfte zu den Beschuldigten. Dem Steuerchef von Clifford Chance wird sogar Strafvereitelung vorgeworfen.

Anwälten der Kanzlei wird von der Staatsanwaltschaft Köln vorgeworfen, an der Vertuschung der Cum-Ex-Verbrechen mitgewirkt zu haben.




„Gleichschaltung“ nach Corona: Deutscher Kardinal Müller verbreitet Verschwörungstheorien

In einem Interview hat der deutsche Kardinal und hoher Vatikan-Richter Gerhard Ludwig Müller (73) Verschwörungsmythen über eine angeblich geplante Gleichschaltung der Menschen nach Corona verbreitet.




Baerbock bekommt Polens Ärger zu spüren

Von Johannes Leithäuser, Warschau 10.12.2021-

Eisige Stimmung in Warschau: Die neue Außenministerin wird mit einer Liste polnischer Vorwürfe, Unzufriedenheiten und Forderungen gegenüber Berlin konfrontiert.

Die neue deutsche Außenministerin ist bei ihrem Antrittsbesuch in Warschau mit einer Liste …………………….



Inflation Surges Near to a 40-Year High. Wages Aren’t Keeping Up

12/11/2021 Ryan McMaken

According to new data released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, price inflation in ……………………..



Mandatory Injections Spell Violent End Of European Liberalism

Posted By: Brandon O’Neill via Spiked December 13, 2021

Technocratic tyranny is a global issue. The author correctly concludes, “Bodily autonomy is the foundation stone of self-government, and self-government is the thing that gives freedom …………………..



Fauci on Your Phone?

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute December 14, 2021

If the Senate follows the House of Representatives lead and passes the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act (HR 550), Americans who do not get the recommended number of covid vaccines can look forward to receiving a text like this: “This is Dr. Anthony Fauci. According to government records you have not yet received your monthly covid …………………..



Whitney Webb Interview – Maxwell Trial Façade, Assange Extradition & The ‘Vaccine Equity” Hypocrisy

December 14, 2021



National Debt Essay Contest challenges youngsters who will pay the bill

A $100,000 national contest program asks students to confront America’s multi-trillion deficit before it craters the nation’s future. December 13, 2021

(New York, New York) – Warning that the devastating impact of a multi-trillion dollar debt ………………



The Ethic of the Peddler Class

12/10/2021 Frank Chodorov

I was born on the lower East Side of New York and brought up on the lower West Side. (I bring in these facts as introduction to some ideas that may be of general interest, not as autobiography.) Of my earliest experiences I remember practically nothing.




Vaccine Mandates and the Great Resignation: The Media Pretends There’s No Connection

12/11/2021 Liam Cosgrove

Let me be clear from the start: I do not know the degree to which vaccine mandates have played a role in the massive voluntary exodus from the workforce. I do, however, know that any true journalist would at least entertain the possibility that the two are correlated. Finding ……………………….



Yale Epidemiologist: Pandemic Of Fear ‘Manufactured’ By Authorities

Posted By: Brugen and Jekielek via The Epoch Times December 13, 2021

The manufactured pandemic of fear has infected everyone while the virus has infected a relatively few. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of deaths could have been prevented with early ………………….



Australia to Quarantine Even Fully Vaccinated Flying to Australia

The joke use to be going Postal because so many postal workers were killing co-workers decades ago. Not they are calling it Going-Australian, meaning they are leading the charge on ……………….



The Ocean Shipping Reform Act

American farmers are struggling to send their goods overseas as the East simply does not want American exports. The Ocean Shipping Reform Act passed in the House last week due to Asian carriers “unfairly decimating against American cargo.” Five major Asian liners have been accused of offloading goods at American ports and returning empty-handed, refusing to ………………



Afghanistan Poised to Become Largest Distributor of Crystal Methamphetamine

The Taliban has sadly revived Afghanistan’s booming drug business and now poses a stark threat to the rest of the world. According to a BBC report, the country has expanded from opiates to producing crystal methamphetamine. Estimates say the nation produces an average ………………….



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