Schweizer Kultur der Nicht-Demütigung. Was steckt hinter der falschen Corona-Politik? Kernschmelze von Joe Biden. Tierrechte und Menschenrechte: Die selektive Moral
Fauci Pocketed Over $1.7 Million in 2020 – The Highest Paid Government Employee
Fauci had a lucrative year in 2020. Despite forcing countless businesses to close and causing the unemployment rate to soar to a historic level, Fauci found a way to make the first year of the pandemic a profitable one. The Fauci household’s net worth now exceeds $10.4 million, ……………….
Europe’s Weak Response to Russia
by Judith Bergman January 20, 2022 What is at stake… therefore, is much more than Ukraine itself or Russia’s geopolitical ambitions; it is ultimately about the lessons that China and Iran will take away on what to expect in the future from the US and its NATO allies over Taiwan, …………………..
Lew Rockwell Podcast on the Dystopia
By Tom Woods January 21, 2022
Unmask America
Enough is enough. It is time to stop wearing masks, or at the very least to eliminate mask mandates in all settings.
This is especially urgent for children in schools and universities, who suffer the effects of ……………………….
Germany’s New Green Stimulus Plan Won’t Save Their Economy
01/19/2022 Philipp Bagus
Recently, there has been a debate in Germany on the constitutionality of additional government borrowing of €60 billion. The borrowing is debated because Germany has a ……………………
CJ Hopkins: The Final Days Of The Covidian Cult
Posted By: CJ Hopkins January 20, 2022
If Klaus Schwab saw the pandemic as a “narrow window of opportunity” to achieve Technocracy’s Great Reset, then the resistance has a narrow window of opportunity to thoroughly reject the whole lot of them along with their vain imaginations of conquering the ………………….
Rettet Lauterbach vor sich selbst und uns alle durch Entlassung
Von Roland Tichy Do, 20. Januar 2022
Was haben sich die Menschen über seine Talkshow-Auftritte gewundert. Nun, das war Show. Als Gesundheitsminister ist Karl Lauterbach ein untragbar hohes Risiko für Deutschland – …………………….
Penn State Employee: Medical Privacy Has Taken a Back Seat During the Pandemic
By Beth Brelje January 18, 2022
Penn State University Reference and Instruction Librarian Sarah Hartman-Caverly holds privacy in high regard. That is why she has not disclosed her vaccination status to her employer. She says vaccination mandates should stimulate a public conversation about ……………………….
Finanzminister Lieberman: „Schafft den Grünen Pass ab!“
Angesichts der milderen Krankheitsverläufe durch die Omikron-Variante fordert Finanzminister Avigdor Lieberman, das Impfzertifikat abzuschaffen. Auch Ärzte rufen zu Lockerungen auf. Noch stellt sich das Gesundheitsministerium quer.
VON MAREIKE ENGHUSEN am 20. Januar 2022
Die Freiheit des CSU-Generals heißt Impfpflicht für alle
Von Josef Kraus Fr, 21. Januar 2022 Orwells Neusprech lässt grüßen
„Freiheit heißt Impfpflicht“, sagt der CSU-Generalsekretär Markus Blume. Der Spruch erinnert an George Orwells Dystopie „1984“ , wo eine der absurden Maximen des totalen Staates „Freiheit ist Sklaverei“ lautet.
Frankreich hebt die meisten Corona-Maßnahmen im Februar auf
Fr, 21. Januar 2022 „Omicron-Welle beginnt zu verebben“
Frankreichs Premierminister Jean Castel sieht eine „beruhigende Perspektive“. Mit dem …………………
The Russia-China Axis of Authoritarianism: Part I
Testing Western Resolve in Ukraine and Taiwan
by Soeren Kern January 21, 2022 „Putin’s apparent indifference towards Western warnings is understandable. He has been hearing the same empty promises of decisive action, typically ……………….
Die Regierung hat die Kontrolle über ihren Intellekt verloren
Vor mehreren Jahrzehnten verfasste der großartige Christopher Hitchens eine interessante Definition, wie man eine Diktatur erkennt. Neben einem Geheimdienst, der das eigene Volk ausspäht, neben Militarismus und der Dinge mehr, stand ein Wort beim Briten besonders im ………………….
Ausgestoßener der Woche: Weltraumbeobachter
Kritiker fordern die Umbenennung des James-Webb-Space-Telescope. Der Namensgeber, ein ehemaliger NASA-Leiter, wird posthum beschuldigt, die Diskriminierung homosexueller Mitarbeiter geduldet zu haben.
Fauci, Drosten und die Dynamit-Mails: „Neue Form von Wissenschaftskriminalität“
Kürzlich bekannt gewordene E-Mails von Februar 2020 zeigen, dass namhafte Virologen schon damals Anthony Fauci und Christian Drosten mit Hinweisen auf einen Laborursprung des neuartigen Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 konfrontierten. Doch eine Diskussion darüber ……………………..
Understanding the Inflation Problem
By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney January 21, 2022
In recent weeks inflation has become a major economic concern. Nearly all the commentary emanating from monetary policy makers, economists, and the media is misguided, believing ………………
Lamenting China’s 2021 Cancel Culture
What China lost and what it still has. Austrian China, 7 1 22
View from China with an Austrian School of Economics Perspective
Das Spitzenduo Habeck und Baerbock bekommt Probleme
Zu Unrecht in die Parteikasse gegriffen? Der gesamte Bundesvorstand der Grünen hat sich einen Corona-Bonus von 1500 Euro pro Person ausgezahlt. Die Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft ………………….
Impfpflicht: Dead on Arrival
Ende Januar soll der Bundestag erstmals über die Einführung einer allgemeinen Impfpflicht beraten. Die jüngsten Entwicklungen des Pandemie- und Impfgeschehens zeigen jedoch, dass …………………
The Virtual Gulag: Ultimate Technocrat Answer To Punish All Dissent
Posted By: Alana Mastrangelo January 20, 2022
When you are exiled from society into a virtual gulag of isolation, you will lose all rights to Free Speech and ability to be heard. Figuratively speaking, you will become the exhaust …………………….
Eye Spy: IRS To Require Facial Recognition To View Tax Returns
Posted By: ZeroHedge January 20, 2022
Technocrats in the IRS and private industry are combining forces to further the acceptance of a universal id system where people cannot escape being ID’d by facial recognition surveillance systems. Of course, not everyone wants to view their tax returns online, but the ……………………
Down with Legal Tender
01/19/2022 Friedrich A. Hayek
When one studies the history of money, one cannot help wondering why people should have put up for so long with governments exercising an exclusive power over 2,000 years that was regularly used to exploit and defraud them. This can be explained only by the myth—that the …………………
RUSSIA, UKRAINE ET AL: WHAT NEXT? by Patrick Armstrong
Posted on January 17, 2022 by Patrick Armstrong
To Moscow, Ukraine is not the problem, Washington is. Or, as Putin might put it: Tabaqui does what Shere Khan tells him to and there is no point in dealing with him, go straight to Shere Khan. That is what ……………………
The Fed and Crypto: Back to Basics
Editorial of The New York Sun | January 20, 2022
Could the announcement that the Federal Reserve is weighing “the pros and cons” of issuing a “digital currency” be a chance to move to center stage the question of monetary reform? That ……………………
WHO: Healthy Children Do Not Need Boosters
Soumya Swaminathan, the chief scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO), declared that COVID booster shots are not appropriate for healthy children. “The aim is to protect the …………………..
IRS: Expect Tax Delays This Year
The Treasury Department has warned that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may face “enormous challenges” processing returns this year. The IRS usually enters tax season with …………………
Biden Doubles Down, But the American Voters Are Smarter
By LAWRENCE KUDLOW, Special to the Sun | January 21, 2022
So, no reset or midcourse changes for President Biden. That’s what we learned in the President’s presser. Big government socialist policies are alive and well. He’s doubling down.
The vaccine holocaust is America’s CHERNOBYL… but USA leaders are committing even MORE deaths and deeper EVIL than former Soviet Union officials
Thursday, January 20, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The 1986 nuclear accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power facility — located in modern-day Ukraine which was at that time part of the Soviet Union — killed an estimated ………………
Dangerous and Deadly: Over 1000 Scientific Studies Referencing Injuries and Deaths From Covid Vaccines
By Vasko Kohlmayer January 20, 2022
On this web page* you can find links to more than one thousand scientific studies and articles discussing adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines. All of the studies have been authored ……………………
Perilous Times
By Andrew P. Napolitano January 20, 2022
These are perilous times. They are made worse by the government’s political reaction to lawless behavior, which is a greater threat to personal liberty than the behavior it seeks to ………………..
Global Governance versus Freedom and Free Enterprise
01/17/2022 Lipton Matthews
When assailing global governance, pundits rarely comment on its impact on small countries. Yet the degree to which small countries are ignored by global institutions—like the G7, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank—helps to illustrate how institutions of ……………………….
Engineers and Planners
01/17/2022Friedrich A. Hayek
The ideal of conscious control of social phenomena has made its greatest influence felt in the economic field. The present popularity of „economic planning“ is directly traceable to the prevalence of the scientistic ideas we have been discussing. As in this field the scientistic ………………..
The Texas synagogue attack won’t be the last
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an UnHerd columnist. She is also a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Founder of the AHA Foundation, and host of The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Podcast. Her new book is Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women’s ……………………
Trashy Tories should read Roger Scruton
Giles Fraser is a journalist, broadcaster and Rector at the south London church of St Mary’s, Newington. His conservatism puts our politicians to shame. January 20, 2022
“Love is a relationship between dying things,” said Roger Scruton just months before he was to succumb to lung cancer. We hold on to the ones we love, and hold them ever closer, …………………….
A Self-Absorbed West Seems Too Feeble To Act in Ukraine
Did Biden Just Green-Light a ‘Minor’ Incursion?
By ALEKSANDRA GADZALA-TIRZIU, Special to the Sun | January 20, 2022
There was a time when the West was bold, principled, and assertive in the face of injustice ………………….
Wenn die Stimme der Vernunft siegt
Tschechien kippt geplante Impfpflicht: Regierung will Gesellschaft nicht spalten
- Januar 2022
Putin Could Take All of Europe in the Blink of an Eye – Its Time to be AWAKE – not WOKE
The most conservative assessments have been that Putin could be in Paris in less than 30 days. ………………..
Why Palestinian Leaders Ignore Arab Atrocities
by Khaled Abu Toameh January 20, 2022 For now, it seems that the Palestinian leadership is ignoring not only the „tragedies“ of its people in Syria, but even the complaints about the failure of the Palestinian officials to raise the issue with the Syrian government.
Unreliability Makes Solar Power Impossibly Expensive
By David Wojick January 20, 2022
Many states and the utilities they regulate are talking about replacing their coal and gas fired generators with solar and wind power. For example, I recently wrote about how the crazy-named Virginia Clean Economy Act already has almost 800 square miles of solar slabs in the …………………