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Europa wird christlich sein oder es wird nicht sein.

— Otto von Habsburg

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

The Fate of Canada Hangs in the Balance

Trudeau has shown the entire world that he is unfit to be the leader of any pretend free democratic nation. He is invoking the Emergence Act not used for more than 50 years to cut …………………



Solar Update

By David Archibald 2 February 2022

Reports from the current Northern Hemisphere winter include plenty of low temperature records broken, frozen seas off Greece, etc., suggesting that the world is cooling. A …………………



EXCLUSIVE: Pfizer Trial Whistleblower Presses Forward With Lawsuit Without US Government’s Help

By Zachary Stieber February 14, 2022

A former clinical trial overseer for a contractor holding trials of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is pressing forward with a lawsuit against Pfizer and her former company despite the U.S. ……………………..



Anthony Fauci: Master of Medical Crony Capitalism

02/14/2022 Robert Batemarco

The Real Anthony Fauci is an iconoclastic book which slays enough sacred cows to keep McDonald’s freezers stocked for years. While Kennedy has often been labeled an “anti-vaxxer,” there is no logical inconsistency in supporting the idea of vaccines in general and ……………………



Down with Primitivism: A Thorough Critique of Polanyi

02/14/2022 Murray N. Rothbard

Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation is a farrago of confusions, absurdities, fallacies, and distorted attacks on the free market. The temptation is to engage in almost a line-by-line critique. I will abjure this to first set out some of the basic philosophic and economic flaws, …………………..



The Appeals Court Waits for Governor Palin

Editorial of The New York Sun | February 15, 2022

If we were the Second United States Circuit Court of Appeals — a stretch to be sure — we would reject Judge Jed Rakoff’s dismissal of Governor Palin’s libel case against the New York Times and hold the judge himself in contempt of court. The whole reason this case went …………………..



Ancient Fake News Still Dominates the Classroom

Hi Martin, Things have gotten so bad in governments around the world that I am starting to sympatise with Caligula who appointed his horse as a minister and staff member. A horse can not possibly be dumber than what we see operating as world rulers at this time.

Cheers, L>




The mRNA Covid shots are killing teenagers

Alex Berenson 15 2 22

The journal of the College of American Pathologists has a stunning report today on the cases of two teen boys who died following mRNA Covid vaccines.

Both boys died in their sleep less than a week after the second dose, and neither had any known health conditions prior to death.




The Global Covid Vaccination Campaign Is a Crime Against Humanity

By Vasko Kohlmayer February 16, 2022

From the closing weeks of 2020 through February 1, 2022, more than sixty percent of the world’s population was injected with Covid-19 vaccines.




See the CDC corruption for yourself

It's in plain sight in this paper in JAMA about myocarditis rates by CDC authors.

Steve Kirsch, 15 2 22

Check out this paper published in JAMA written by a bunch of CDC authors including my favorite CDC misinformer, Dr. John Su.




Für Herden-Medien: Erste Hilfe gegen Long-Gehorsam

Die Durchseuchung bei Medienvertretern mit dem Virus „Regierungsnähe“ zog erhebliche Langzeitschäden nach sich. Zur Bekämpfung von Long-Gehorsam hier Anregungen aus unserem Service-Ressort!
Zur Einstimmung eine Kurzgeschichte. Stellen wir uns vor, ein führender Astronom – nennen ……………..



Wissenschaftler als Wahrsager – Warum Corona-Prognosen so oft falsch liegen

Es gibt zwar immer wieder Analysten, die meinen, sie könnten die Entwicklung des Aktienmarktes voraussagen, und manchmal auch einen Treffer landen, aber noch mehr, die …………………



Mit Rechts marschiert man besser. Nicht.

Statt, wie geplant, am Spaziergang, nehme ich an der kleinen Gegendemo im Ortszentrum teil. Das ist den vier Gestalten peinlich, weil ich mich als Rechter vorstelle. Aber was sollen sie machen?




Die neuen Mandarine und ihr Klassenkampf gegen die Verfettung der niederen Kreise

Von Alexander Wendt Mi, 16. Februar 2022

Wer den Schaden durch hohe Steuern, Energiekosten und bescheidene Löhne hat, bekommt den Spott von Oben gratis dazu. Ärmeren mindere Moral vorzuhalten – das gehört inzwischen zu den Lieblingsbeschäftigungen der Mandarine auf dem Sonnendeck.




Chef des Steuerzahlerbundes: Inflationsausgleich im Steuertarif muss endlich kommen

Mi, 16. Februar 2022 Reiner Holznagel im TE-Interview

Reiner Holznagel fordert, dass der Kaufkraftverlust vom Fiskus berücksichtigt werden muss. Das würde nur eine Mini-Erleichterung bringen. Aber selbst die verweigert Finanzminister ……………………



Annalena Baerbock wählte die falsche Reiseroute in Nahost

Von Godel Rosenberg Di, 15. Februar 2022

Mit der Auswahl ihrer Reiseziele zeigte die deutsche Außenministerin, dass sie nicht weiß, wo die Zukunft des Nahen Ostens liegt: auf der Energie-Route zwischen Tel Aviv und Abu ………………..



Reality Always Wins

The Z Man 14 2 22

One of the many excellent uses of reality is that it can be used to test ideological and political theories. No matter how good the idea seems in the lab, the only way to know if it will work is to give it a go in the real world. The best example of this is the seventy-year social ………………….



Trudeau Will Freeze the Bank Accounts of All Protestors

Desperate and unwilling to speak directly to the truckers, Justin Trudeau is now vowing to ………………



Is the Future Predetermined?

Mr. Armstrong; it is easy to see why the government wanted Socrates. You said Monday would be the low then a bounce and that is what unfolds. You forecast so many markets and you get it to the day. Others claim this is the guy who called 2008 so buy his latest forecast …………………….



European Government Expansion Did Not Expand the Job Markets

02/15/2022 Daniel Lacalle

For the past two years, governments in the European Union have engaged in contradictory actions by both suppressing economic growth through lockdowns and other covid-19 restrictions and simultaneously trying to “stimulate” their economies through monetary …………………



Fraudsters are using bots to drain cryptocurrency accounts

Published Tue, Feb 15 20227:00

Fraudsters are selling bots on Telegram that are designed to trick investors into divulging their two-factor authentication, leading to accounts being wiped out.




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