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Niemand wird mehr gehasst, als derjenige der die Wahrheit sagt.

— Platon

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Ende des Dollars – Geburt eines neuen Weltwährungssystems? Videoausblick



Trauriges Jubiläum: Völkerrechtswidriger NATO-Angriffskrieg gegen Serbien

  1. März 2022 Angriffskrieg ohne UN-Mandat

Am 24. März 1999 begann der Luftkrieg der NATO gegen die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien. Bis zum 9. Juni sollten die Angriffe dauern. Tausende Zivilisten starben ………………



The Neocons are on Both Sides & They Always Want War

Do you think Putin is a victim? HJ




BlackRock’s CEO: Ukraine War Accelerates ESG And Digital Currencies

Posted By: ZeroHedge March 24, 2022

Larry Fink is a core leader in the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. He links the Ukraine/Russia war as an accelerator to “reorganize the global economy as the old world order crumbles.” This is in line with TN’s analysis and Fink himself has confirmed that this is, in fact, the case.




What The CDC Says About U.S. Quarantine Stations

Posted By: Patrick Wood March 24, 2022

The following is the word-for-word text on the CDC.gov website dealing with “Quarantine and Isolation”. Note that “the CDC has the legal authority to detain any person who may have an infectious disease that is specified by Executive Order to be quarantinable.”………………



Endless Proxy Wars – Not in Interest of US to Seek Peace



Are we Following the Path of Pearl Harbor?

Dear Mr Armstrong.
You previously mentioned that the chance for world war 3 will come to play after 2027 … but nowadays you are warning that those dead head’s in the west are pushing the world into world war 3 right now. Is there a change in the timeline? With much appreciation, Tal




The DOLLAR will DIE… and the Ruble will DOMINATE as “commodities-based” currencies make paper fiat obsolete

Thursday, March 24, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) As a patriotic American, this is the kind of article that pains me to write. But unlike the Democrats and their make believe gender identity fairy tales that pretend biology ………………….



The West’s Russia Sanctions Show Why States Want to Weaponize the Financial System

03/23/2022 Mitch Nemeth

In the past month, Western nations have allied to wage an economic and technological war against the Russian government and key Russian institutions. These measures included ……………………..



Tucker Carlson: You are not allowed to ask this



Putin’s demand for ruble payments? No way! say EU nations

24 Mar 2022

President Vladimir Putin’s threat to have “unfriendly” countries pay for Russian natural gas exports only in rubles from now on has got the not-so-friendly treatment from European Union nations




Elon Musk and the Chinese Temptation

by Peter Schweizer March 25, 2022 „Other American CEOs have close relationships to the [Chinese Communist] Party. But [Elon] Musk is the only one who loudly praises Beijing while running a space company with incredibly sensitive and powerful defense applications.“ — Isaac Stone Fish, Barron’s, November 13, 2020.




Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Dear Martin, I am a frequent follower of your blog. I read your article tonight “ Putin puts Bidens King check mate”
Being an economist myself with 30 years of experience I completely agree with your ……………….




Putin is a madman. He has invaded a sovereign nation and Russia has to pay for that.



Obviously, you are believing the propaganda from the West. Putin has stated from the outset …………………..



Czech Republic to Seize All Russian People’s Assets

Leading Czech politicians are calling for all property within the Czech Republic of all Russians to be indefinitely ‘frozen’ in violation of international law. The onus would be on ………………….



Energie-Entlastungspaket: 99 Luftballons über Berlin

Ein Energie-Entlastungspaket soll jetzt Bürgerinnen und Bürgern in schweren Zeiten helfen. Das Ganze ist ein inkonsistenter Flickenteppich aus Planwirtschaft, staatlicher Preiskontrolle und willkürlicher Verteilung von Helikoptergeld, der die eigentlichen Probleme unangetastet …………………….



Im Krieg ohne im Krieg zu sein – Gipfel-Marathon zur Ukraine

Von Tomas Spahn Fr, 25. März 2022

Drei Gipfeltreffen an einem Tag – das ist rekordverdächtig. Nato, EU und G7 trafen sich und steckten den Rahmen ihres weiteren Handelns ab. Nato und EU befinden sich im Krieg, ohne im Krieg zu sein. Und dabei soll es, so hoffen die Verantwortlichen, irgendwie auch bleiben.




Kernkraftwerke: Kommt der Ausstieg vom Ausstieg?

Von Holger Douglas Fr, 25. März 2022 Brandbrief an die Bundesregierung

Der Branchenverband der Atomwirtschaft fordert eine Verlängerung der Laufzeiten. Doch in Deutschland mangelt es an politischem Willen, und die Betreiber profitieren vom Geschäft mit der Energiewende. Den Schaden zahlt der Bürger.




Ruble Surges After Putin Ditches Dollars and Euros for Russian Oil and Gas

March 23, 2022

Earlier this week, 21WIRE highlighted the canny move by Russia to begin trading oil with India under a brand new rupee-ruble mechanism – as a means of bypassing the global ……………….



Elite Flock to Doomsday Bunkers – World Bank Tells Peasant Class NOT to Store Food

Since the invasion of Ukraine began, manufacturers of doomsday bunkers have seen a massive spike in sales. This is typical during any crisis as people wait until the last minute to start preparing. What sets this rush toward prepping apart from ones in the past is the fact that ………………….



When Will Americans Figure Out That They Live Under the Spectre of Communism in a Communist Run State

By Gary D. Barnett March 25, 2022

“And even in the fever of epidemic arrests, when people leaving for work said farewell to their families every day, because they could not be certain they would return at night, even then almost no one tried to run away and only in rare cases did people commit suicide. And that was exactly what was required. A submissive sheep is a find for a wolf.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn




Economist Who Predicted Covid Tyranny Warns of Imminent Collapse

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV March 25, 2022

Former Blackwater securities analyst, Edward Dowd was back on with Alex Jones Tuesday evening. He says,”I’m just horrified at what’s going on. I can’t believe we’re here…




‚TAKING RESPONSIBILITY‘, yes, it is time we as people take full responsibility for our lives and health; we cannot count on CDC, NIH, pharma, govns, hospitals, doctors; shown they don’t care about us!

Big institutions that should be safe guarding us like CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID, Health Canada etc. are now captured by corporate interests; the FDA gets money from the same entities it regulates???? Dr. Paul Alexander, 24.3.22




Eine Option für alle, die den Sinn des Lebens suchen

An der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg gibt es seit kurzem eine Antisemitismus-Beauftragte. Sie hat sich viel vorgenommen. Auch in Bezug auf sich selbst.




Impfpropaganda: Die 300-Millionen-Spritze

Das Corona-Geschäftsmodell hat zu einer verderblich engen Symbiose von Medien und Politik geführt und beide können und wollen nicht mehr voneinander lassen. Eine Anfrage der Linken zeigt nun, welche ungeheuren Summen die Bundesregierung in staatliche Propaganda-………………….



A Manufactured World Crisis

03/23/2022 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Few people today ask the most important question about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Many people want America to stay out of the fight, but even they don’t ask the vital question. Why does the world face a crisis today? Why has a border dispute between Russia and Ukraine escalated to the point where people fear nuclear war?




The Sunshine Protection Act

The US Senate unanimously voted for the Sunshine Protection Act to maintain daylight saving time. Finally, lawmakers realize policies implemented decades ago are no longer serving us. The tradition of changing the clocks back and forth began in 1918 in a failed attempt to conserve energy by limiting daylight hours.




The Scheme behind the Great Reset

As the press covered Zelnensky’s professional speech carried out by his acting training, he continued to try to pull on the heartstrings of the American people to further the hatred of …………………..



Kuscheljustiz für Migranten: 40 Islamisten kommen auf Bewährung frei

  1. März 2022

In den kommenden Monaten drohen „Massenentlassungen” von bis zu 40 Islamisten aus deutschen Gefängnissen, die ihre Strafen ganz oder zum größten Teil verbüßt haben. Einige davon sind bekennende IS-Sympathisanten – trotzdem sind sie wohl bald auf freiem Fuß. ………………….



The Real ‘Reset’ Is Coming

The prophets of the new world order sowed the wind and they will soon reap the whirlwind of an angry public worn out by elite incompetence, arrogance, and ignorance. By Victor Davis Hanson

March 23, 2022




Before Going to War, Consider Who’s in Charge

Let’s not go charging into the valley of death with our junto of fatuous fanatics in command.

By Stephen Balch March 23, 2022

America is drifting toward war, wafted by a chorus of political and punditical sirens. A great ………………….



The Coming Disaster

Welcome to the most dangerous two years in American history. By Dan Gelernter March 22, 2022

Nations change course slowly, like giant ocean liners. True disasters take a long time to unfold. If you think things look terrible now, you’re not using your imagination. The Biden ……………………..



Have we reached peak trans?

Andrew Doyle is a comedian and creator of the Twitter persona Titania McGrath. The troubling impact of gender policies can no longer be ignored. March 24, 2022

Is it really too much to ask those who struggle to define the word “woman” to refrain from ………………….



This war can save liberalism

Francis Fukuyama is a political scientist and the author of The End of History and the Last Man (1992). His new book, Liberalism and its Discontents, is available now. Putin has shown us what the alternative looks like. March 24, 2022

Francis Fukuyama helped define how we understand contemporary history in his 1992 book ………………



Why Western men gave up on war

Mary Harrington is a contributing editor at UnHerd. Those desperate to prove their masculinity are out of options. March 24, 2022

What has happened to literature’s manly men? Hemingway, arguably the most masculine of ………………..




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