The Globalists’ Insidious Strategy For Russia and Ukraine
By Vasko Kohlmayer March 26, 2022
In his recent appearance on Face the Nation, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told Margaret Brennan:
Biden’s Disastrous European Tour
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute March 29, 2022
Previewing President Biden’s trip to Europe last week, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that, “the president is traveling to Europe to make sure we stay united.”
Deeply Compromised Biden Is Driving the West Toward a Nuclear War With Russia
By Vasko Kohlmayer March 29, 2022
On Thursday, March 24, the Russian government held a press conference in which it presented evidence that Hunter Biden, the disgraced son of American president Joe Biden, ………………….
‘GotGoldorRubles? Russia Just Broke the Back of the West
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns March 29, 2022
I don’t think everyone has yet caught the significance of Russia announcing they are putting a floor under the price of gold. But, to be clear, Russia just broke the paper gold suppression ……………………..
What Is To Be Done?
By James Howard Kunstler March 29, 2022
Money money money everywhere along the trail for the Biden Family….
The black hole of depravity known as Hunter Biden’s Laptop dilates ever wider as the rickety ……………….
Is the Draft Being Reinstated in the US? Here’s a Tweet That Suggest It Is
By Jeff Thompson The Organic Prepper March 29, 2022
We’ve been covering the war in Ukraine. The Organic Prepper told you it was coming before …………………..
Biden Confirms Why the US Needed This War
In a moment of candor, Joe Biden has revealed why the U.S. needed the Russian invasion and why it needs it to continue, writes Joe Lauria. By Joe Lauria Consortium News March 29, 2022
Professor John Mearsheimer Explains Who Is Responsible for the Ukraine Russia Crisis
By Vasko Kohlmayer March 24, 2022
Professor John Mearsheimer is one of the most accomplished and distinguished political scientists in the world. A leading authority in the field of international relations, he has ………………………….
Biden’s Approval Rating Reaches New Low
Government, the Centralizing Mindset, and the Idiots in Charge
03/26/2022J oakim Book
“Buy into a business that’s doing so well an idiot could run it, because sooner or later, one will.” Warren Buffett
ECASH & Elizabeth Warren’s Hatred of America Linked to WEF
Is this ECASH bill an attempt to do an end-run around the Fed raising interest rates and preparing to default on debt – EM
How The C-Suite Embraced Lockdowns And Economic War
Posted By: David Stockman via Brownstone Institute March 28, 2022
C-Suite are those execs whose titles start with “C”, such as CEO, CFO, etc. Global corporations have been lured into policies and actions that are destructive to shareholder …………………..
Hunter Biden’s Laptop Contained Defense Department ‘Encryption Keys’
By Robert Spencer Mar 27, 2022
Old Joe Biden’s chip off the old block, Hunter Biden, has been many things: board member of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma; vice chairman of the National Railroad ………………………
The Impossibility of Christian Transhumanism
by Wesley J. Smith So-called “Christian transhumanism,” or the attempt to blend the transhumanist agenda with ……………………
ECASH & Biden’s Attack on the Financial Markets
I reported on the Private Blog that I had a copy of the legislation and I was told it would be introduced today – Monday 28th. That info was correct. Well, here it is!. Reps. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.), Jesús Chuy Garcia (D-Ill.), Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), all Democrats, have introduced the “Electronic Currency And Secure Hardware Act” (ECASH Act) that does far more than just creating a digital currency. This Act cleverly …………………….
The myth of the black role model
David Matthews is an award-winning writer and filmmaker. Will Smith’s outburst was fetishised narcissism. March 29, 2022
It’s not easy being good. Living in a $42 million home, being worth $350 million, and ……………………
Erdogan’s Turkey won’t save Ukraine
David Patrikarakos is an author and journalist. His latest book is War in 140 characters: how social media is reshaping conflict in the 21st century. (Hachette). The prospect of peace rests solely in Putin’s hands. March 29, 2022
Why Hong Kong can’t escape Covid
Philip Cowley is professor of politics at Queen Mary University of London. His books include volumes on each of the last three elections. Chaos and incompetence are forcing citizens to flee. March 29, 2022
GOP Must Promise Inquisitions, Not Meaningless Task Forces
The January 6 committee has crossed a massive line in the sand with its attack on the Thomases; Republicans need to respond accordingly. Policy task forces won’t cut it. By Julie Kelly
March 28, 2022
Bayern: Die Mobber fühlen sich gemobbt
Die wichtigste Fortbildungseinrichtung im Freistaat für Lehrer und Schulleiter wirft gegenüber Corona-Impfungen skeptische Menschen und Reichsbürger in einen Topf.
Lebensmittel: „Die Regierung begreift die schwere Lage nicht“
Welche Folgen wird der Ukrainekrieg auf die Versorgung mit Lebensmitteln in Deutschland haben? Werden uns bestimmte Lebensmittel ausgehen und wenn ja, welche?
Dirk Andresen: Ich erwarte in diesem Jahr keine Ausfälle, aber wir werden sicherlich Einschränkungen im Bereich Sonnenblumenöl oder Senf haben – da diese vor allem auch aus …………….
Tanzende Tagediebe im Bundestag
Egal, was man über unsere Volksvertreter früherer Tage sagen mag – Stil hatten sie. Das lässt sich von den ach so lässigen Abgeordneten, die aktuell durch den Bundestag tänzeln, leider ……………………
San Francisco boykottiert 28 US-Staaten: Versorgung mit Waren und Dienstleistungen erschwert
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Di, 29. März 2022
In San Francisco steigt die Kriminalität, es gibt genug wirtschaftliche Probleme und eine hohe Obdachlosigkeitsrate. Doch die „woken“ Repräsentanten der „Stadt an der Bucht“ haben andere Sorgen und boykottieren derzeit 28 Bundesstaaten der USA. Die Stadt hält sich für ……………………….
Lauterbach will EU-weit vierte Impfung für über 60-Jährige
Di, 29. März 2022
Mit dem Booster sei die Impfserie abgeschlossen, hieß es lange Zeit – jetzt will Lauterbach die vierte Impfung flächendeckend ab 60 Jahren. Das Impf-Abo droht also doch.
Der neue Glaube an eine sichere Niederlage Putins ist leichtfertig
Von Max Mannhart Di, 29. März 2022
Zu Anfang erwartete man im Westen einen schnellen Zusammenbruch der ukrainischen Armee, jetzt ist man von ihrem Sieg überzeugt. Die Ukraine muss das glauben, um ihren …………………..
Prosperity vs. Peace
03/26/2022 Michael A. Heilperin
A new economic fallacy came of age in the course of the last prewar decade and threatens to play havoc with the future peace of the world. This fallacy consists in saying that a country’s ………………….
Biden Admits That Sanctions Don’t Work and They Make Us Poorer
03/26/2022 Ryan McMaken
President Biden on Thursday made two big admissions about the US-led economic sanctions on Russia. The first is that the sanctions will lead to food shortages for many countries other than Russia, and that this is simply the price that Americans ought to be forced to pay.
John Mearsheimer, Ukraine, and the Global Deep State
By Boyd D. Cathey My Corner March 29, 2022
I pass on links to two significant presentations that Dr. John Mearsheimer (Prof., University of Chicago, and author of a number of scholarly studies) has offered concerning the origin, …………………
Biden’s Reckless Words Underscore the Dangers of the U.S.’s Use of Ukraine As a Proxy War
As grave of a threat as deliberate war is, unintended escalation from miscommunication and misperception can be as bad. Biden is the perfect vessel for such risks. Glen Greenwald, 27 3 ………………………
Profiles in Courage: The Canadian Truckers
Celebrating the Winter of Love & the Worldwide Freedom Convoy Movement
Margaret Anna Alice 26.3.22
Uncovering the Corona Narrative
Ernst Wolffs‘ answer to the big questions that have plagued all of us
Robert W. Malone 25.3.22
Many who have followed this coronavirus “public health crisis” and the non-sensical response provided by most of the western nations (including the USA) have been perplexed by two big …………………
Biden’s Rulses-Based Order
By Stephen Cox March 28, 2022
On March 26, in a speech in Poland, President Biden attempted to be inspiring, and as usual when he does that, he emitted string after string of platitudes. It was the kind of thing that political speechwriters create in their sleep. But Americans should be careful not to nod ……………….
Rule of Law in America Is On Its Death Bed
By Paul Craig Roberts March 28, 2022
Kimberly Gardner, a black American Democrat circuit attorney in St Louis hired a black American FBI agent to help her frame white American Republican Missouri governor on false …………………
Reporting from Moscow: Sanctions May Achieve the Opposite of Biden’s Stated Long-Term Goals
In Russia, sanctions have taken a bite out of the Russian economy, but interviews and data suggest they cannot fulfill the West’s strategic motives for imposing them. Dimitri Simes Jr. 27.3.22
During a visit to Brussels for the NATO summit on Thursday, President Joe Biden unveiled ………………
20 questions they don’t want to answer
Steve Kirsch, 26 3 22, I can't get a single one of these questions answered. I promise to stop spreading misinformation if you can just publicly answer just these questions with truthful and accurate answers.
Leben mit gegenseitig zugesicherter Zerstörung
- März 2022 – von Anthony de Jasay [Der Originalbeitrag mit dem Titel Living With Mutually Assured Destruction ist am 03.04.2017 auf der Webseite des Liberty Fund, Inc. auf erschienen.]
Will Chechnya’s gamble in Ukraine backfire?
Harold Chambers is a political and security analyst of the North Caucasus. Ramzan Kadyrov is staking his future on the invasion. March 28, 2022
The first month of President Putin’s most recent invasion of Ukraine has not gone according ………………..
How the Netherlands became a narco state
Senay Boztas is a journalist living in Amsterdam. Drug lords create a climate of fear .
March 28, 2022
A hit squad compared to a “well-oiled murder machine”. A lawyer and journalist shot on the streets of Amsterdam. A blasé approach to killing the wrong person — there’s even slang for every accidental victim: a vergismoord. Welcome to the Marengo trial, where 17 men stand ………………..
Biden’s ‚New World Order‘
by Pete Hoekstra March 28, 2022 Clearly, America is not leading the „green“ new world order, and Biden seems to have no meaningful plan for how to get us there other than radical disruptions to our lifestyle and a heightened reliance on China.
ARD-Bildmanipulation: Minister Habeck plötzlich „auf Augenhöhe” mit Katar-Scheich
- März 2022 Dreiste Manipulation: Die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender übertreffen sich wieder einmal selbst.
Angriff auf rechtslibertären Ökonomen Thorsten Polleit
- März 2022 | Antifaschismus, Antisemitismus
Angriff auf rechtslibertären Ökonomen (Degussa Goldhandel/Mises Institut)
Dokumentation von Indymedia via TOR.
In der Nacht auf den 21. März haben wir am Porsche Cayenne Turbo (HG–P–1370) von ………………..