‚We Are Human, We Are Free’: ‘The Great Reset’ Must Be Defeated
By Anita McKone Global Research April 29, 2022
Millions of people worldwide are aware that their lives, and their children’s lives, are being threatened by lockdowns. vaccine mandates and loss of free speech.
And there is a growing awareness thatthese immediate and obvious threats are merely parts ………………
The Judges and Judicial Rulings at the Heart of Wokeness
By John Kline April 29, 2022
Analysts Eric Kaufmann and Zach Goldberg mark the birth of wokeness at around the mid-2010s. Each point to survey data showing a majority of white liberals for the first time during this period agreeing with …………………
V.N. Rangeloni: Market is Back in Mariupol. ‘America and Our Authorities Are to Blame for the War.’
April 29, 2022
No Capitulation: A Call to Southern Conservatives
An Undelivered Speech By Paul Gottfried
The following speech critical of the conservative establishment is one that I did not give at ………………..
Russia Stops Gas Supplies to Poland and Bulgaria Amid Ongoing Ukraine Battle
April 27, 2022
At the same time as Russia has targeted railway lines as part of the effort to block U.S. arms shipments into Eastern Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has now followed through on the previous ………………….
The death of San Francisco
There are no children here, Alex Berenson, 28.4.22
San Francisco might be the most beautiful place in the world.
If you’ve ever been here, I’m not telling you anything you don’t know. The bay, surrounded …………………
The Insanity of Stupid People in Power Pushing for War – Rejecting Peace
UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has backed Liz Truss’ view that Russian forces must be pushed out of “the whole of Ukraine” – and suggested this should include Crimea. Even the …………………..
Bishop Evans – Soldier Dead Amid Texas Invasion
Failing to control the US-Mexico border is costing lives on both sides. Spc. Bishop Evans of the National Guard lost his life after heroically jumping into the Rio Grande to save two ………………….
Biden Wages War on Free Speech
“The extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech says it all,” Elon Musk tweeted days after purchasing Twitter. Musk has long been a proponent for free speech. “I ………………
Poland Pushing the World toward World War III
I don’t get it, Poland won’t pay for gas in rubles, when I buy something from the US I have to pay in US dollars not Canadian, so what am I missing? CM
Crisis is Shutting Down – Capital Flows Begin
Now that Canadian banks have proven themselves completely compromised by Trudeau and his bootlickers, is there a “safer” haven for $CAD? US$ accounts held by Canadian banks are available but are they really any better? D
Hans-Werner Sinn erwartet schwere Jahre für Deutschland
»Staat wird heillos überfordert sein«
In einem Interview mit dem Merkur warnt der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Top-Ökonom Hans-Werner Sinn vor schweren Jahren für Deutschland. Die Ursachen dafür sind ………………….
Wenn der Gasboykott gegen Russland vollständig umgesetzt wird, geht es richtig bergab
Deutschland wird »buchstäblich ärmer«: Ampel bereitet Bürger auf Rezession vor
Habeck wörtlich: »Wir zahlen diesen Preis durch höhere Energiepreise, durch eine höhere ……………..].
1991: When America Tried to Keep Ukraine in the USSR
04/27/2022 Ryan McMaken
The US government today likes to pretend that it is the perennial champion of political independence for countries that were once behind the Iron Curtain. What is often forgotten, ………………….
The Economic Sanctions against Russia Are Destructive and Counterproductive: We Must Oppose Them
04/27/2022 Finn Andreen
The Western sanctions against Russia seem to shock very few Westerns. Yet, for several ………………………
Biden’s Wind & Solar-Based Economy Is A Suicidal Fantasy
Posted By: Francis Menton via Gatestone Institute April 28, 2022
Any way that you crunch the math, it just won’t work. Alternative energy evangelists are willing to push constant and stable economic activity back into the 1800s, while money spent ……………….
A Mostly Wind- and Solar-Powered U.S. Economy Is a Dangerous Fantasy
by Francis Menton April 25, 2022 When President Biden and other advocates of wind and solar generation speak, they appear to believe that the challenge posed is just a matter of ………………..
Schweden-Premier nach Krawallen von Muslimen Wir haben bei der Integration versagt!
Artikel von: René Garzke veröffentlicht am 28.04.2022
Überwiegend muslimische Jugendliche veranstalteten über Ostern in
EU-China Relations: „Downward Spiral“
by Soeren Kern April 29, 2022 „For us Ukraine is the defining moment on whether we live in a world governed by rules or by force. We condemn Russian aggression against Ukraine and ………………….
Der linke Krieg gegen die Kindheit
Kinder sollen nicht länger eine eigene Welt der Fantasie und des Staunens bewohnen, sondern sich in kleine Erwachsene verwandeln, die über Mikroaggressionen nachdenken, mit ………………….
Die SPD nötigt Olaf Scholz zu einer Politik des Eiertanzes
Von Mario Thurnes Fr, 29. April 2022
Der Respekt vor Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz ist massiv gefallen. Nur noch 39 Prozent sind mit seiner Arbeit zufrieden; lediglich 47 Prozent glauben, er sei dem Amt gewachsen. Nur: Mit ……………………
Kein Geld mehr für Altkanzler-Büros – Debatte kommt in Gang
Fr, 29. April 2022
Auf TE wurde gefordert, die staatlich alimentierte Imagepflege von Gerhard Schröder und Angela Merkel zu beenden. Jetzt diskutiert der Deutsche Bundestag das Thema.
Drosten, Lauterbach und Co: Hier die Evaluierung
Von Andreas Zimmermann.
„Wer nichts zu verbergen hat, hat nichts zu befürchten“ – diesen Satz sagen Politiker gerne, wenn sie die abstrusesten Überwachungsfantasien begründen wollen, wie etwa eine ……………………
Capital Supply and American Prosperity
04/27/2022 Ludwig von Mises
Was Covid19 a springboard for the West’s war against Russia in Ukraine? Part 1
Vanessa Beeley, 25.4.22
“The result of a war (against Russia) would never result in the destruction of the main power of Russia, which rests upon millions of Russians of the Greek [Orthodox] confession. Even if separated by treaty, these would just as soon reunite, like the parts of a splattered drop of mercury.” – Otto Von Bismarck
Oops! Our Bad! IMF Director Admits ‘We Printed too Much Money’
By Michael Maharrey SchiffGold.com April 29, 2022
Mostly we get lies, spin and obfuscation from central bankers, politicians and bureaucrats. But every once in a while, one of these people accidentally wanders into the truth.
Als die Inflation noch eine Lüge oder nur „vorübergehend“ war
Von Ferdinand Knauss Do, 28. April 2022 Verharmlosung
Zur unbequemen Wirklichkeit der jetzigen Inflation gehört auch die Verharmlosung ihrer Gefahr in den Medien und in der EZB-Führung bis in die jüngste Vergangenheit.
Is Elizabeth II a bad mother?
Tanya Gold is a freelance journalist. She sacrificed her children to care for a nation.
April 28, 2022
It is perhaps not seemly to dwell on the failures of Elizabeth II during the Platinum Jubilee, but they are here, flotsam around the ship. Monarchy is a shared national delusion: that we are ……………….
How Blair broke Britain
Aaron Bastaniis the co-founder of Novara Media, and the author of Fully Automated Luxury Communism. Iraq has overshadowed his litany of domestic failures. April 28, 2022
Tony Blair is hated up and down the land but not in Islington, and not in Labour HQ. …………………..
Humans are born to hunt
John Lewis-Stempel is a farmer and historian. His books include Six Weeks and Where Poppies Blow. He is currently working on a history of Paris and his latest book is The Sheep’s Tale. The Deer Man identifies with the wrong animal. April 28, 2022
China and Russia’s ‚Space War‘: Where Is The US?
by Judith Bergman April 28, 2022 „Evidence of both nations‘ intent to undercut the United States and allied leadership in the space domain can be seen in the growth of combined in-orbit assets of China and Russia, which grew approximately 70% in just two years.“ — Kevin ………………