Und täglich grüßt der Denunziant EXKLUSIV: SEK stürmt Wohnung eines unbescholtenen Bürgers in Berlin
Impfskeptiker und Maßnahmenkritiker leben in Deutschland gefährlich. Dies scheint vor allem für die Bundeshauptstadt Berlin zu gelten. Erst vor wenigen Tagen musste …………………..
Hungern für den Staat
Der chinesische Journalist Yang Jisheng hat sich mit Tricks Zugang zu historischen Archiven in China verschafft und heimlich über die große Hungerkatastrophe Ende der 50er-Jahre geforscht. Das Thema wird in China bis heute weitgehend totgeschwiegen.
Von Silke Ballweg 09.07.2012
Biden’s Approval Rating Drops to New Low
Amid soaring inflation and a declining quality of overall life, Americans are beginning to wake up and realize that the current administration is on the wrong track. Joe Biden’s ………………………..
The Incredible Transition
According to politicians around the world, the Great Unwashed plebians should be grateful for the energy crisis. President Joe Biden recently declared that America is undergoing an …………………..
Soros Promoting World War III – Let’s Go!
The pieces are starting to come together in this grand plot to fulfill George Soros’ dream – One World Government. After Soros’ speech at Davos, there are a lot of people of all faiths ……………………
Imagine the Compliance – Microchips are Coming
The self-proclaimed elites have gathered in Switzerland at the World Economic Forum (WEF). One of the newest ideas is a microchip in pill form. No, this is not a conspiracy theory. The president of Pfizer spoke publicly about a pill that would dissolve in the stomach ………………..
Judge Strikes Email, Testimony Suggesting Trump-Russia Claims May Have Been Fabricated
By John Haughey and Zachary Stieber May 26, 2022 Updated: May 26, 2022
WASHINGTON—Testimony that suggested the Donald Trump-Russia claims given to the FBI by a Hillary Clinton lawyer may have been fabricated will be struck from the record, …………………….
Police Botched the Uvalde Standoff. Now Gun Controllers Want to Give Police More Power
First it was Columbine. Then it was Parkland. Now, we learn that at Robb Elementary School, police officers again stood around outside a school while the killer was inside with children.
NPR reports today:
Green Social Credit: ‘Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker’ Pushed by China’s Alibaba At World Economic Forum
Kurt Zindulka 24 May 2022
Chinese tech giant Alibaba is developing a digital “individual carbon footprint tracker” to monitor the actions of the public, the firm’s president announced at the globalist World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday.
Neue Pandemie, neues Nein
- Mai 2022 – Mit der Virus-Angst haben die globalistischen Eliten das perfekte Werkzeug zur Unterdrückung gefunden. Grenzenlos lässt sich die breite Masse totalüberwachen, von den …………………….
Stammt Corona aus US-Biowaffen-Labor in der Ukraine?
Viraler Auftrag aus Washington an „unsere neuen Freunde“, 26. Mai 2022
Am 13. April 2022 hat die britische Enthüllungs-Internetseite „The Exposé” eindeutige Belege dafür veröffentlicht, dass das COVID-19-Virus aus US-Biowaffen-Laboren stammt. ………………………
WEF-Globalisten: Dauerüberwachung durch CO2-Fußabdruck und Netz-Totalüberwachung, Alibaba-Präsident mit harten Ansagen gegen uns
- Mai 2022
Social Scoring fürs Klima, Dauerüberwachung des Einzelnen durch ständige Ermittlung seines CO2-Fussabdrucks, automatisierte Kontrolle ganzer Gesellschaften im Namen des …………………….
If Real Freedom Is Sought, the Government and Banking System Must Be Abolished?
By Gary D. Barnett May 27, 2022
“You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren’t atheists. You all have the same god, and its name is ‘government.’ You’re all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. And you worship it with all your heart and soul.”
Larken Rose, The Iron Web
What do Oklahoma and Portugal have in common? Not much, besides mRNA vaccine failure
Meanwhile, New Mexico makes bad numbers disappear the easy way, by ending reporting
Alex Berenson May 24, 2022
Last year, Portugal was the boss of bosses when it came to mRNA vaccines.
Ukraine Warns ‘Something Should Happen’ to Pipeline Delivering Russian Oil to Hungary
By Ilya Tsukanov Sputnik News May 27, 2022
Budapest has spent weeks shooting down proposals by Brussels to ban Russian oil and gas in the European Union, with Prime Minister Viktor Orban warning that an embargo on Russian …………………
A Brief History of Domestic Terrorism: From Cointel Pro to 9/11 and Beyond
Matthew Ehret 26.5.22
Since a new wave of ‘domestic terror attacks’ have erupted over the past two weeks both in Buffalo and now more recently in Texas, the citizens of the USA and trans-Atlantic community more broadly are being whipped up into a frenzy of fear and confusion over the causes of ‘domestic terror’ which can only be remedied by increased dictatorial powers of the ……………………..
Wie der Berliner Senat in die Wahl eingriff – Korrektur mit dem Rotstift
Von Max Mannhart Do, 26. Mai 2022 Manipulation der Wahlergebnisse
In mindestens einem Berliner Bezirk wurden ungültige Stimmen nachträglich mit dem Rotstift korrigiert – zum Vorteil von Rot-Rot-Grün. TE-Recherchen zeigen: Die Anweisung kam aus der Behörde des Berliner Innensenators Andreas Geisel.
Reiner Holznagel: „Missbraucht nicht ständig das Steuersystem!“
Fr, 27. Mai 2022
Reiner Holznagel, Präsident des Bundes der Steuerzahler, fordert eine Senkung der Mehrwertsteuer als Antwort auf die Inflation. Und die Europäische Zentralbank müsse ……………………..
Was sind denn nun Affenpocken?
In den Medien wird seit Kurzem vermehrt über die virale Infektionskrankheit Affenpocken berichtet. Gibt es Anlass zur Furcht?
Hideous Liars Lying About Guns
What people don’t know, don’t want to know, are too naïve to believe, and are too scared to say, By Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoport’s blog May 27, 2022
“After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.”
William Burroughs
The Truth About Monkeypox
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV May 27, 2022
The great Greg Reese has just created this excellent short video about the monkeypox.
Report Shows FBI Spied on 3.3 Million Americans Without a Warrant, GOP Demands Answers
By Joseph Lord May 25, 2022
Top House Republicans are demanding answers from the FBI after court-ordered information came to light showing that the federal agency had collected the information of over 3 million Americans without a warrant.
Austrian Economists Are Not Surprised by the Shortages
05/23/2022 Connor Mortell
In the last few years, it seems as if there has been a hot new story about a different commodity facing some form of shortage every single day. Most recently we have seen a baby formula …………………….
Covid-19: Assessing the Madness in Year 3
05/25/2022 William L. Anderson
On the morning of Wednesday, May 4, I woke up feeling the onset of illness. My eyes burned and my muscles ached. As someone who had not been ill for more than a decade, I knew there ………………………
Psychic disintegration: Prepare for society to become MORE VIOLENT as insanity spreads
May 26, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The recent shooting at the Uvalde school in Texas was allowed to happen. ………………………..
What we don’t know is killing us: The urgency of propaganda study under COVID
May 24, 2022 Mark Crispin Miller
For those of us who study propaganda critically and seek to do this all-important work as public intellectuals, these last two years have been uniquely challenging, and even dangerous, ……………………
The Ukrainian Solution: Money, Weapons, and Embargo
The Kremlin has made it known that they will not evacuate troops from Ukraine until their ……………………..
Trump: Where Do I Get My Reputation Back?
Former President Donald Trump has called Hillary’s Russian collusion lies one of “the greatest political scandals in history.” Hillary Clinton deliberately smeared Donald Trump’s ………………….
It’s Time for Biden To Speak Clearly on the War in Ukraine
It is well-settled international law that when a distinct section of a country wishes in a large majority to secede, the world recognizes the result. Conrad Black, 25.5.22
We must now be close to the point where the American national political press that carried candidate and President Biden all the way down the field and into the electoral end zone are …………………..
Thoughts on Justice Alito’s Draft Opinion
By Andrew P. Napolitano May 26, 2022
In the pilfered draft opinion authored by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, he wrote that Roe v. Wade — the court’s 1973 opinion that prohibited the states from banning abortions …………………….
Ed Dowd: the Four Converging Forces that Will Destroy the Economy
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TVMay 26, 2022
Ed Dowd joins Steve Bannon again with some hair-raising financial bombshells about the imminent end of the monetary system as we know it.
He says credit markets and equity markets are unhinged and it’s going to accelerate: “We’re going into a recession and we’re going in hard.”
Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for Global Takeover
By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com May 26, 2022
In “The Corbett Report” above,1 independent journalist James Corbett reviews the contents of Bill Gates’ book, “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic.”
End the Incorporation Doctrine
05/24/2022 Ryan McMaken
Since the Civil War, perhaps no development in American law or politics has done more to expand the de jure power of the federal government than the Incorporation Doctrine. This ……………………….
Why Rothbard Wanted „Radical Decentralization“
02/21/2020 Ryan McMaken
From at least the 1960s onward, Murray Rothbard regarded secession and what he called „radical decentralization“ as central to libertarian ideology.
What We Know so Far About Salvador Ramos, Alleged Texas School Mass Shooter
By Jack Phillips May 25, 2022
The 18-year-old suspect who allegedly shot and killed 19 children at a Texas school allegedly ……………………
One Billion People At Risk Of Power Blackouts As Global Grids Stretched
by Tyler Durden Wednesday, May 25, 2022
This summer, power grids worldwide won’t produce enough electricity to meet the soaring demand, threatening more than one billion people with rolling blackouts. Grids are stretched …………………..
Ermittler vermuten riesigen Schaden
Stand: 23.05.2022
Die Kontrollen der Corona-Testzentren erweisen sich offenbar weiterhin als unzureichend. Ermittler der Polizei gehen nach Informationen von NDR, WDR und SZ bei Bürgertests bundesweit von einem Schaden von mehr als einer Milliarde Euro aus. Von Thilko Gläßgen, Arnd Henze, WDR und Markus Grill, NDR
How The Biden Administration Is Getting Erdoğan’s Moves All Wrong
by Burak Bekdil May 26, 2022 After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, when every sane country is staying away from wiring even a few cents to Russia, NATO „ally“ Turkey is still talking …………………….
Die Schuldzuweisungen nach dem Tod von Shireen Abu Akleh
Wer alles im Westen die Schuld an diesem Tod den israelischen Sicherheitskräften zuschreiben würde, war zu erwarten. Aufmerken ließ, welche muslimischen Staaten Israel nicht verantwortlich machten.
Die „grüne RAF“ und ihr Klimakampf
Im „Spiegel“ erschien ein Debattenbeitrag des Klima-Aktivisten Andreas Malm, der zu Sachbeschädigung und Vandalismus im Namen des „Klimaschutzes“ aufruft. Er selbst bringt den Begriff „grüne RAF“ ins Spiel.
Hiding in Plain Sight: Technocratic Tyranny Behind a Medical Mask
Valerie Kyrie, Daniel Broudy May 22, 2022
There can be little doubt that big-tech global domination, taken shape over the past 250 years, is due in large part to the propaganda that supports it, that integrates humanity into a universal ……………….
Ireland: When MMT and Price Controls Collide, Little Remains
05/24/2022J ames Murphy
The following is a real-world example (and unfortunately not a parable) of what happens ……………………
EU Explains Absence of Russian Oil Embargo
The bloc has kept buying Russian oil to deny Putin an even larger war chest, commission president claims RT News May 26, 2022
Twelve Questions to Consider Regarding Mass Shootings
By Douglas Young May 26, 2022
To prevent more mass shootings, many demand more gun control laws. But do these laws ………………….
Davos 2022: The Octogenarian Oligarch Cage Match
By Tom Luongo
Gold Goats ’n Guns May 26, 2022
I never thought I’d live to see the day when the “Too Old to Rule the World, But Too Young to Die Crowd” (apologies Ian Anderson) would meet at Davos and fight over what to do about Russia.
The Freedom Convoy & the Collapse of Canadian Liberalism
Ray McGinnis
“At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the …………………
Henry Kissinger on Taiwan
Veteran diplomat and former Nobel Peace Prize winner Henry Kissinger is warning Washington to avoid conflict with China over Taiwan. Although Joe Biden said that the US ………………..
Fears Mount for Robby Mook after Exposing Hillary Clinton’s Russia Hoax
Former Clinton campaign manager gave bombshell testimony last week
By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle 23rd May 2022
National Security Crisis: Russia’s and China’s Nuclear Threats
by Judith Bergman May 25, 2022 Russia has not only been modernizing its nuclear triad; it has also been developing new types of nuclear systems….
Flüchtlingswelle: Es kamen keine Fachkräfte
Bilanz nach sieben Jahren, 25.5.22
BERLIN. Immer noch leben noch 893.000 der im Zuge der Flüchtlingswelle 2015/16 nach Deutschland gekommenen Migranten von Hartz IV. 235.000 sind arbeitslos, weitere 437.000 arbeitssuchend. Selbst von den 460.000, die Arbeit gefunden haben, ist mehr als die Hälfte in …………………
‚Blue Checks‘ Furious After Henry Kissinger Says Ukraine Should Cede Territory For Peace With Russia
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge May 25, 2022
Veteran US statesman Henry Kissinger has urged the West to stop trying to inflict a crushing defeat on Russian forces in Ukraine, warning that it would have disastrous consequences for ……………………
Russia Saved America?
May 25, 2022
They Can’t Stop
By Bionic Mosquito May 25, 2022
They are incapable of stopping; stopping is not in their character; standing still is defeat; slowing down is not acceptable; going backward results in an existential crisis.
Why Did the Man Who Started the CIA’s Department of Dirty Tricks Shoot Himself?
By Charles Burris May 25, 2022
Top tier elite journalist, court historian, and Establishment Studies hagiographer, Evan Thomas, discusses his book, The Very Best Men: The Early Years of the CIA. Thomas had ………………….
Hungary’s Orban Shoots Down Russian Oil and Gas Embargo Discussions at EU Summit
Sputnik News May 25, 2022
Budapest has resisted the European Union’s proposal to ban Moscow’s oil and gas, with its prime minister arguing that the bloc’s sanctions only work “on paper”.
The Victory Garden
Don’t just Consume, Produce. Our parents did it, and so can we. Robert W. Malone, 24.5.22
“If people let government decide which food they eat and medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”
Thomas Jefferson