Münkler: Ukraine ist im Begriff, den Krieg zu verlieren – Weltwoche Daily CH/DE, 27.05.2022
Volkszählung 2022: Vorbereitung für Lastenausgleich? (Zensus)
Polens früherer BotschafterJanusz Reiter: Es gibt ein deutsches Wunschdenken im Umgang mit Russland
Janusz Reiter war lange polnischer Botschafter in Deutschland. Im Dlf bescheinigt er Deutschland eine Tradition der Selbstüberschätzung, es könne Einfluss auf Russland nehmen. Hintergrund dieses ……………………
Grönemeyer nach zahlreichen Covid-Impfungen schwer erkrankt: Auch er hat mitgemacht!
- Mai 2022
Herbert Grönemeyer, einst geachteter Publikumsliebling, hat sich in den letzten Jahren immer deutlicher auf die bequeme Seite des Systems begeben. Gegen Impfgegner hetzte er mit. Es wäre „tragisch und fatal“, dass Bürger ihrem Unmut freien Lauf lassen dürften. Nun ist ……………………
Teacher Propped Open Door to Texas School Before Shooter Entered: Official
By Jack Phillips May 27, 2022
Panicked children and teachers placed half a dozen calls to 911 emergency services from the ………………….
The Endless Propaganda Behind the Dollar
Marty; the gold propaganda is increasing dramatically. They are now claiming there are five signs that say the dollar will collapse any day now.
Stockman: Perpetual Debt, Perpetual War
by Tyler Durden Monday, May 30, 2022 – Authored by David Stockman via AntiWar.com,
It’s always useful to visit the museum in order to offset the recency bias that distorts perceptions of current realities.
In the great scheme of things, the picture below is admittedly not that ancient – from just 42 ……………..
Silent no more: The story that must be told about the COVID vaccine in NZ
By Daily Telegraph NZ April 5, 2022
Is this the biggest scandal in New Zealand’s history?
This is a question that can only really be answered if the full truth and the full evidence is known and assessed by the people of New Zealand. Thankfully that may be beginning to ……………..
Hilfe für das Management des Unwissens
Ein Verfassungsgericht muss den Bürgern Rechtssicherheit durch eigene Prinzipientreue geben. Wo reale Entscheidungsgrundlagen fehlen, da kommen staatliche Eingriffe in menschen- und bürgerrechtlich geschützte Sphären nicht als legitim in Betracht.
Playing the Hitler Card
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. May 30, 2022
Supporters of an aggressive American foreign policy like brain-dead Biden and the gang of neocons who control him reply to critics by playing the Hitler card. They say, “Imagine what would have happened if the US stayed out of World War II. Hitler would have conquered the ………………….
Romance and Central Banking
By Ira Katz May 30, 2022
When I first moved to Paris I lived in the 14th arrondissement on rue Daguerre, a cross street between avenue du Maine and avenue du Général Leclerc. This is a lively street with a …………………
Media: Resource Talks – Where Do We Hide From the Coming Breakdown
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns May 30, 2022
I sat down last week with Antonio Atanasov of Resource Talks, a mining industry focused podcast. We had a wonderful 90 minute talk on all the big themes I’ve discussed over the past ……………..
The Eurasian Economic Union Steps Up
By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture May 30, 2022
The Eurasian Economic Forum has shown once again that this high-speed – economic integration – train has already left the station.
The first Eurasian Economic Forum, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, took place this week at a very sensitive geopolitical juncture, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov keeps stressing …………………..
Plato and The Big Picture
Logic, structure and rationale underpinning my upcoming book. Robert W. Malone, 28.5.22
For the vast majority of us, COVID-19 has been experienced as a river formed by the confluence of mass media and government-promoted stories, infectious disease threat alerts, and economic disruptions (at times disasters) which has flowed by and through our daily lives ………………..
Scholz erinnert Klimaextremisten an „eine Zeit, die lange zurück liegt“
Mo, 30. Mai 2022
Auf dem Katholikentag wird Kanzler Olaf Scholz von Klimaaktivisten gestört. Der SPD-Politiker zieht Vergleiche zwischen der Klimabewegung und totalitären Ideologien.
Reaktionen auf das Berliner Wahldesaster: „Für mich eine tiefe, bittere Stunde des deutschen Journalismus“
So, 29. Mai 2022 Zahlreiche Medien greifen die Recherchen von Tichys Einblick auf oder reagieren darauf. Der Fernsehmoderator Peter Hahne wird dabei besonders deutlich. Er kritisiert insbesondere jene ………………..
Rupert Scholz nach TE-Recherchen: „Der Berliner Senat ist nicht demokratisch legitimiert“
Fr, 27. Mai 2022 Verteidigungsminister a.D. und Staatsrechtler
Professor Dr. Rupert Scholz ist Staatsrechtler, war Berliner Senator und Bundesverteidigungsminister. Im Interview mit TE fordert er Neuwahlen in Berlin. Für ihn ist ………………….
The Tyranny of Modern Scientism
By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null Global Research May 30, 2022
In 1976, Dr. Halstead Holman, the youngest professor to be named chairman of Stanford University’s Department of Medicine at the age of 35, wrote,
“the medical establishment is not primarily engaged in the disinterested pursuit of knowledge into medical practice; rather in significant part it is engaged in special interest advocacy, pursuing and preserving social power.”
The Conservative Utopia
By Valerie Protopapas May 30, 2022
It is well known by conservatives and other thinking people that the aim of most “social justice” adherents is that perfect world in which everybody is treated equally and nobody has more (or less) than anyone else. This was the essential promise of communism—the …………………….
Sklavenarbeit bei Volkswagen: Leiharbeiter sollen verprügelt und missbraucht worden sein
39.5.22, Gegen den Volkswagen-Konzern läuft in Brasilien ein Ermittlungsverfahren wegen der Ausbeutung von Sklavenarbeit, Menschenhandel und systematische Menschenrechtsverletzungen in hunderten Fällen. Die Fälle sollen sich zwischen den Jahren ………………..
Europe: Demography Governs Democracy
by Giulio Meotti May 29, 2022 There is a replacement of civilization and the media is not even covering it.
„By 2050, 50 percent of the French population will be mixed.“ — Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Radio Classique, May 17, 2021.
Texas Governor Says New Laws to Be Passed After Elementary School Shooting
By Zachary Stieber May 28, 2022 Updated: May 28, 2022
New laws will be passed after the shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said on May 27.
“Do we expect any laws to come out of this devastating crime? The answer is yes. Absolutely yes,” said Abbott, a Republican.
Fauci Hit With Brutal News After Lying To Americans
by Jeff Miller May 25, 2022
According to Kentucky GOP Sen. Rand Paul, if Republicans win control of Congress in November’s midterm elections, they will investigate Dr. Anthony Fauci.
In the event of a Republican retake of the Senate and if Paul becomes chairman of a …………………
Australia – Green in Control
The world has been taken over by the “Greens” who want to destroy all fossil fuel production fearing that if the tide turns, they will lose this opportunity. We are seeing the same push from …………………..
2000 Mules
“2000 Mules” is the new documentary everyone has been discussing. Its current audience score on Rotten Tomatoes is 100%, and interest in the film continues to rise. There is video ……………..
Der Fall Martin Wagener: Wie der Verfassungsschutz einen Professor loswerden will
Sa, 28. Mai 2022 Volksbegriff und Menschenwürde
Versucht der Bundesverfassungsschutz mit Unterstellungen, unliebsame Persönlichkeiten loszuwerden? Das jedenfalls könnte man denken, schaut man auf die Causa Martin Wagener. ………………
Mergers, Acquisitions, and Market Manias: The Fed Has Made Things Worse
05/27/2022 Joseph Solis-Mullen
It is a well-documented fact: merger and acquisition waves tend to coincide with stock market peaks and their immediate subsequent downturns.
What Krugman Gets Right and Wrong on Trade Surpluses
05/25/2022 Robert P. Murphy
Longtime readers know that I am not the biggest fan of Paul Krugman, especially when it comes to his advocacy of government inflation and budget deficits. It’s especially ironic when ………….
Is Freedom the Highest Political Value?
05/27/2022 David Gordon
In his ambitious new book, Conservatism: A Rediscovery (Regnery, 2022), the distinguished Israeli philosopher Yoram Hazony poses a sharp challenge to the view that freedom is the ……………………
Faschismus in Blau-Gelb
Es bedarf einer Erinnerung an die Zeit vor der russischen Invasion, um das aktuelle Verhalten Russlands adäquat beurteilen zu können.
von Toralf Laibtzsch
Russischer Rubel wird stärker und stärker: Was steckt dahinter?
- Mai 2022
Die Mainstreammedien sehen hinter der aktuellen Rubelstärke keine Substanz. Doch über kurz oder lang sorgt die Rohstoffdeckung für eine längerfristige Stabilität und Stärke der ……………………
Uvalde massacre was a PLANNED STAND DOWN operation – law enforcement saved their own children while parents were pepper-sprayed and handcuffed
Friday, May 27, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) It’s now 100% clear that the Uvalde mass shooting was a “stand down operation,” meaning law enforcement was deliberately ordered to stand down so that the massacre could take place. The goal? Gun control, of course.
Government Spending Is the Real Tax; Deficits Are a Sideshow
05/26/2022 Frank Shostak
Many economists believe that during an economic slump government should run large budget deficits in order to keep the economy going with increases in government outlays, with the ……………………
MSM Offers Rare Glimpse Into How Bad Things Are Really Going For Ukrainian Forces
By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com May 28, 2022
While everyone’s focused on the latest mass shooting in the US, The Washington Post published what may be the first major acknowledgement from the mainstream western media …………………
How the Fed Killed Growth and Mugged the Hamburger Instead
By David Stockman International Man May 28, 2022
Recently, it was reported that US industrial production rose in April for a fourth consecutive month, and owing to a jump in auto assemblies was up 1.1% from March and 6.4% versus …………………….
Childhood’s End
By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com May 28, 2022
America has become a malfunctioning pageant without feasible roles that children can realistically project themselves into….
Yikes: The Brave New World of Genetically Modified People
By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com May 28, 2022
This story is about the hubris of conquest and genetic modification. Let’s start with the ugly. The richest people of the world, as well as their loyal servants from the World Economic …………………..
Dr. David E Martin Gives Explosive Jaw Dropping Information in Canadian Zoom Meeting
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV May 28, 2022
This Zoom call with Dr David E Martin and a group of Canadian scientists and activists was uploaded to Rumble on May 17, 2022 and it is a hard-hitting and concise summary of the ………………..
Livelihoods in a Degrowth Economy
May 26, 2022
The sooner we start preparing for degrowth, the better off we’ll be. A Chinese proverb captures this succinctly: By the time you’re thirsty, it’s too late to dig a well.
The Globalists’ Race Against Time
By Eamon McKinney Strategic Culture May 28, 2022
A Great Reset will happen, just not the one intended by the Globalists. They may have to settle for the Great Decoupling instead.
The green economy, de-industrialisation, digital health passports, Central Bank digital currencies, these are all core components of the Globalists’ plan for the Great reset. The WEF …………………
The Davos World Impoverishment Scheme
By Tom Woods May 28, 2022
From the Tom Woods Letter:
As you know, the worst people in the world have gathered to decide how they can further make our lives miserable.
We Need More Fossil Fuels
Shouldn’t Hillary Clinton Be Banned From Twitter Now?
Trial testimony reveals Hillary Clinton personally approved serious election misinformation. Is there an anti-Trump exception to content moderation? Matt Taibbi, 27.5.2022
Last week, in the trial of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, prosecutor …………………
Globalists have entered the kill phase of Great Reset; Remember the Deagel population forecast? It now makes total sense
This was a big week for the globalists. They feel it’s their time, go time, to launch the most difficult phase of the Great Reset so they can get on with what they call the Fourth Industrial ………………..
Peace through Strength? Excessive US Military Spending Encourages More War
05/26/2022 Mihai Macovei
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought America’s foreign policy interventions under the limelight once again. Ryan McMaken argues that the US administration’s claim that ……………………
Interview: Food Shortages, Economic Collapse, the Failing Great Reset & How to Prepare
Just How Common Are School Shootings?
05/25/2022 Ryan McMaken
In response to the Robb Elementary School shooting in Texas this week, one now sees repeated claims that school shootings are somehow „normal“ or common in the United States.
For example, social media at this moment is teeming with users—assuming they’re not bots—………………….
Unglaublich: Clinton stand hinter „Fake“-Russland-Vorwürfen gegen Trump… …und deutsche Medien verschweigen, dass das jetzt aufflog
27.5.22 In amerikanischen und britischen Medien, selbst bei der BBC und bei CNN oder dem Wall …………….
Ende der Corona-Maßnahmen in Russland: Strafen werden zurückgezahlt
- Mai 2022 Politik für die Bürger
Während in Österreich die Regierung weiter versucht, die Corona-Panik zu schüren und bereits mit neuen Varianten im Herbst und der Rückkehr der Maskenpflicht droht, noch bevor diese überhaupt ausgesetzt ist, geht man in Russland einen völlig anderen Weg. Alle
Syrer im Blutrausch: Versuchter Messermord in Linz
- Mai 2022 Nur durch Eingreifen von Zeugen überlebt
Während der amtierende Bundespräsident die österreichische Staatsbürgerschaft möglichst schnell an Zuwanderer verteilen will und seine grüne Partei für immer mehr Zuwanderung …………………..
Pilotenvereinigung verklagt 18 US-Fluggesellschaften wegen Impfzwang
Pilot: „Die Zahl der Impfgeschädigten steigt von Tag zu Tag“
- Mai 2022 Je mehr geimpft wurde, desto deutlich wird das Risiko von plötzlich auftretenden ……………..
Ich handle, also bin ich!
- Mai 2022 – Thorsten Polleit
Es ist Zeit für einen neuen Methodenstreit in der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Ökonomen können nicht mit individuellen Verhaltenskonstanten rechnen. Der Mensch hat wechselnde Wünsche und tiefe Gefühle. Und er ist ein ewiger Neubeginner: Auf sein Handeln ist Verlass – und das ……………….
Schuldenbremse trotz Inflation – IWF-Chefin: „Deutschland hat ein Problem“
26.5.22, Die Chefin des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) Kristalina Georgiewa zeichnete auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos ein düsteres Bild für Deutschland. Der Grund: Das Land sei noch immer abhängig vom russischen Gas.