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Ich hasse alle Pfuscherei wie die Sünde, besonders aber die Pfuscherei in Staatsangelegenheiten, woraus für Tausende und Millionen nichts als Unheil hervorgeht.

— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Reichelt: So will der Verfassungsschutz bald normale Bürger überwachen, die Politiker kritisieren !!



Twitter and the Department of Homeland Security

Newly released documents show the government and little bird getting cozy; don’t worry, Twitter, my lawyers and I aren’t paying attention to them!




SARS-2 surges only in the winter, goes endemic after two waves, is impervious to vaccination, and has become harmless with Omicron

A brief look at the Corona pandemic in Europe from the perspective of excess mortality




Twitter made a huge mistake. I was right about prion diseases. They were wrong. Surprised?

Twitter banned me for life for saying the COVID vaccines cause Prion diseases. I was right. They were wrong. This should be a stopping condition for the vaccine, but they will ignore it.

Steve Kirsch, 9.6.22




Sen. Kennedy on Gas Prices: “It’d be Cheaper to Buy Cocaine and Just Run Everywhere”

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) ripped into the entire Biden Administration for economic mismanagement. “Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen — who was also captain of ‘Team Transitory Inflation’ — announced she’s really sorry but inflation’s not gonna [sic] be …………………….



Controlled Chaos at the Border

A border patrol agent from Uvalde, Texas, admitted that the situation at the US-Mexico border is worse than the mainstream media is reporting. The mainstream media may cause ……………………



UN Tries to Blame Food Crisis on Putin

Honestly, these lies and propaganda coming from the United States and Europe is just a slap in the face and it demonstrates that they look upon us as the BRAIN-DEAD Great Unwashed. ………………..



Did the American Rescue Plan Cause Inflation?

The Biden Administration reiterated that its $1.9 trillion 2021 American Rescue Plan awarded “resilience” to the US economy. The remarks come after the plan, and the administration’s overall spending, came under harsh criticism from economists on both sides of the political …………………



Sudden vaccines deaths are now so common they’ve assigned a SYNDROME name for it: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)

Thursday, June 09, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The murderous medical regime knows that covid vaccines are killing healthy young people at an alarming rate, so they’ve suddenly assigned a medical label for the …………………….



Why Progressives Love Government „Experts“

06/09/2022 Ryan McMaken

In twenty-first-century America, ordinary people are at the mercy of well-paid, unelected government experts who wield vast power. That is, we live in the age of the technocrats: people who claim to have special wisdom that entitles them to control, manipulate, and ……………………..



Progressives and Progressivism in an Era of Reform

Maureen A. Flanagan

The decades from the 1890s into the 1920s produced reform movements in the United States that resulted in significant changes to the country’s social, political, cultural, and economic institutions. The impulse for reform emanated from a pervasive sense that the country’s …………..



What Is Wrong with the Fed’s Inflationist Policy?

06/08/2022 David Gordon

Christopher Leonard’s book brings to mind the familiar line from Faust: “Two souls, alas! dwell in my breast.” Leonard offers a penetrating criticism of the Fed’s vast expansion of the money supply, which has won for him praise from the noted hard-money advocate and friend ………………….



Liberty, Power, and 2,000 Mules

06/08/2022 Ryan McMaken Tho Bishop

Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop look at the question of election integrity and what it means for the regime. How should we look at the allegations made in the film 2,000 Mules? How ……………………


Schumer Under Pressure to Address Past Comments After Man Tried Killing Kavanaugh

By Zachary Stieber June 9, 2022

The Senate’s top Democrat is under pressure to retract his remarks promising Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh would “pay the price” after a man was arrested near Kavanaugh’s home with a gun.




How does raising interest rates control inflation? | The Economist



Study: Unvaccinated Had Lower Hospitalizations, Lower Rates Of Severe Disease

Posted By: Robert Verkerk PhD via press release June 9, 2022

This study shows further evidence that if the Big Pharma/medical cartel had just left the world alone, that the health of people around the world would have been a lot better off. Notably, …………………..



Bank for International Settlements Lowers The Boom On Cryptocurrencies

Posted By: ZeroHedge June 9, 2022

Fintech is the chosen financial system for Sustainable Development. Today’s cryptocurrencies will be completely driven out of existence by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) ……………………



Meta Slapped With 8 Lawsuits Over Algorithms That Hook Youth And Ruin Their Lives

Posted By: Patrick Wood June 9, 2022

Facebook and Instagram have been hit with lawsuits claiming their programs are addictive, …………………..



Biden’s Food and Fuel Crisis – It’s the Policy, Stupid

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns June 10, 2022

So, how about those fuel prices? Fun ain’t it to spend more on filling up your tank than it costs for a decent meal at a second-rate restaurant?

So you thought you could afford that $45,000 truck and the $700/month payment.




Coup d’Etat in Washington and ‘The Dollar Paper Tiger’, Fiery Dragon in Asia and the Pacific

By Andre Gunder Frank Global Research June 10, 2022

We bring to the attention of our readers this essay by  the late Professor André Gunder ………………….



The Un-Scripted Creep State

By Tim Hartnett June 10, 2022

“There is something about a secret which makes people believe…perhaps a relic of magic.” Dr. Hasselbacher from Graham Greene’s “Our Man in Havana”

Does anybody still remember The Good Shepherd? The flick was supposed to gut the CIA like a ……………………….



Why I Refuse to Testify Before the Illegitimate January 6 Committee

You know things aren’t right when even people who attempt to cooperate are attacked, and when documents given to the committee are leaked, and in some instances doctored,
by the committee. By Andy Biggs  June 8, 2022





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