Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Inflation ist die ultimative Steuer. Eine Steuer von der die Leute nicht wissen, dass sie besteuert werden. Eine Steuer für Leute, die an Papiergeld und an ihre Regierung glauben.

— Warren Buffett

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ex-Verfassungsrichter: „Regierung schwächt den Rechtsstaat“

Nils Lünser, Juni 2022

Der liberale Staat dürfe nicht Ge- und Verboten geopfert werden, meint der ehemalige Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts Hans-Jürgen Papier bei seinem Vortrag in der Casino-Gesellschaft.




Der Sonntagsfahrer: Geht doch!

Eine denkwürdige Schrift des Bundesumweltministeriums aus dem Jahr 2018 wurde seinerzeit eher als humoristischer Beitrag wahrgenommen, war es aber offensichtlich nicht. Sie trägt den schönen Titel „Geht doch!“. Unterzeile: „Grundzüge einer bundesweiten Fußverkehrsstrategie“.




The Oldest Congress in US History

The 117th Congress is the oldest in American history. Former President Trump attempted to enact term limits. However, he failed to gain the two-thirds majority in either chamber needed to amend the Constitution. Joe Biden is the oldest president in history and will be 82 by the time his first, hopefully only, term ends in 2024. Biden and many other career politicians have ………………



European Central Bank to Raise Rates Amid Record Inflation

Inflation in the euro area reached a record high of 8.1% in May across the 19-member states. It is no longer possible for the European Central Bank (ECB) to release optimistic or neutral forecasts. The ECB now expects inflation to hover near 6.8% in 2022 before declining to ……………………



Nacktes Niveau: Folge 37 – Nichts zu verlieren

Die -jungen- Journalisten Flavio von Witzleben (t.me/Flavio_von_Witzleben) und Sarah Kaßner (epochtimes.de) erörtern mit Milena Preradovic (t.me/punktpreradovic) und Paul Brandenburg (t.me/paulbrandenburg), warum ein einsamer Rentner als einziger endlich sagt, was unzählige in dieser Republik auf der Straße rufen müsste (Erstveröffentlichung: 11.6.2022).



The Reality Behind Conspiracy Theories and Domestic Terrorism (A Canadian Patriot Documentary)



Robbing Russians = You Are Next?

pulling off a major profound theft. They have been violating international law robbing individual Russians with no connection to Ukraine on the pretense that this will somehow put pressure on Putin to leave Ukraine. But the US has been funding the civil war against Russian-Ukrainians in the Donbas. Western Ukrainian simply hate Russians and this goes ………………….



Seinen größten Sieg errang er zwei Jahre nach seinem Tod

Er gilt als der erfolgreichste bekannte Spion Israels: Eli Cohen kundschaftete 1963 bis 1965 das Regime in Damaskus aus, dann folterten und hängten die Häscher ihn. Doch seine Informationen ermöglichten die Eroberung der Golanhöhen. 11.06.2022 |Von Johann Althaus




Gonzalo Lira on the ‚Patriot Front’

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. June 12, 2022



Get Rid of Public Schools Now

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. June 13, 2022

The recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas has led brain-dead Biden and his cohorts to try to take away our guns. It has also led to proposed legislation to investigate and take action …………………….



Joe Biden’s Submissive — and Highly Revealing — Embrace of Saudi Despots

Biden’s immediate abandonment of his 2020 vow to turn the Saudis into „pariahs,“ and his increasing support for the regime, shows the core deceit of U.S. propaganda. 12.6.22




Healthy Young People Now Dying En Masse Across Australia

Corporate media still won’t dare mention vaccines

By Lance D Johnson Natural News June 13, 2022

In 2021, the government of Australia colluded with three vaccine manufacturers to oppress ……………………



Iran and Venezuela praise shared success in combating US sanctions

The two sides signed a 20-year cooperation agreement that will bolster their agriculture and food production fields By News Desk – June 11 2022

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro ended his visit to Iran by holding high level talks with …………………..



The Censorship Trend

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog June 13, 2022

Here are 8 current articles from reclaimthenet.org.

ONE: “Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the government is investing in new tools for security agencies to fight extremism and online ‘misinformation’.”




Are You Prepared for the Coming Food Catastrophe?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com June 13, 2022

Across the world, experts and analysts are now warning of skyrocketing food prices and catastrophic food shortages. In mid-May 2022, United Nations chief Antonio Guterres said the world is facing years of famine, and urged Russia to “permit the safe and secure export of ……………………….



Corona – Bestandsaufnahme eines Bankrotts

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Ich möchte hier, auch auf expliziten Leserwunsch, das aktuell verfügbare Wissen zur Coronalage möglichst kompakt zusammenzufassen. Es geht erstens um das Virus, zweitens, die „Impfung” und drittens, die „Maßnahmen”. Und es wird leider sehr unschön




Inflation? Blicken Sie aufs Gold!

Von Tomas Spahn Mo, 13. Juni 2022

Der Wertverlust des Euro kann an den Goldkursen festgemacht werden. Im Januar 2002 war ein Euro fast exakt 0,1 Gramm Gold wert. Zwanzig Jahre später sind es nur noch 0,018 Gramm Gold, die es für einen Euro gibt.




Ohne Sportrechte schmieren ARD und ZDF massiv gegen Private ab

Von Mario Thurnes So, 12. Juni 2022

„Zuschauer durch Fußball“: So kürzen Kritiker mittlerweile das ZDF ab. Läuft der Sport auf einem Privatsender, wie das Fußballspiel Ungarn gegen Deutschland am Samstag auf RTL, dann schmieren die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender ab.




Der monarchische Blick von Medien auf die Demokratie

So, 12. Juni 2022 Nachbetrachtung zum Merkel-Osang-Gespräch

Bei allen Analysen zum Interview mit Angela Merkel ist ein Aspekt zu kurz gekommen: das Verhältnis von Medien und Demokratie, welches Spiegel-Reporter Alexander Osang in dem Interview ziemlich deutlich zur Schau gestellt hat. Von Philipp Lengsfeld





Erich Hambach: Durch Enteignung besitzlos glücklich?



The Black Lives that Don’t Matter: 50 Christians Murdered in Their Church

by Raymond Ibrahim June 12, 2022 Where is the outcry? When an Australian, Brenton Tarrant, attacked two mosques and killed 51 Muslims in 2019 in New Zealand, the world ……………………..



SPD-Chefin Esken bringt Fahrverbote und Verstaatlichungen ins Spiel

Von Max Roland Sa, 11. Juni 2022

Der „Tankrabatt“ der Ampel ist verpufft, die Spritpreise steigen weiter. SPD-Chefin Saskia Esken macht den Mineralölkonzernen Vorwürfe – und bringt härtere Maßnahmen ins Spiel. Die Politikerin spricht von Fahrverboten und Tempolimit – „befristet“ natürlich.




Are Technology Shocks Responsible for Business Cycles? In a Word, No

06/10/2022 Frank Shostak

In their writings, Finn Kydland and Edward C. Prescott (K-P), the 2004 Nobel laureates in economics, had hypothesized that a major cause behind boom-bust cycles is technology ……………………….



Inflation Then vs. Now: Follow the Money

06/10/2022 Robert P. MurphyRoss McKitrick

Today, inflation and prices are soaring. We know that Federal Reserve monetary policy is the cause. But why didn’t something similar happen after the 2008 financial crash?

Bob Murphy and professor Ross McKitrick discuss the government policies, Fed actions, and banking movements that lead up to the 2008 crisis, and why the current economic situation is different.



Thanks, Fed Economists: Inflation Surges Yet Again as Real Wages Drop

06/10/2022 Ryan McMaken

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics released new Consumer Price Index data this morning, and it shows price inflation in May surged at the fastest rate since 1981. The overall CPI showed prices increased last month at a rate of 8.6 percent, year over year. That’s nearly a forty-one-……………….



Boris can’t keep a story straight

Kathleen Stock is an UnHerd columnist and former professor of philosophy at the University of Sussex. She also writes on Substack. Modern conservatives don’t know how to be free.

June 11, 2022




Is this the end of Pope Francis?

The cruel pontiff is lining up a successor

Damian Thompson is a journalist and author. The cruel pontiff is lining up a successor,

June 9, 2022

For well over a year, a nasty rumour has been floating through the Vatican that Pope Francis is terminally ill with cancer. I was told it was true by an Italian prelate in an apartment just a ……………………..



Iran’s Mullahs Score Nuclear Victory

by Majid Rafizadeh June 11, 2022 After agreeing to extend the monitoring mechanism of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) by reinstalling surveillance cameras a year ago, Iran then announced that it would not allow the IAEA to see images from the devices.




South Carolina Primary Clash Is Another Test of Trump’s Endorsement Influence

By Jeff Louderback June 10, 2022

The June 14 Republican primary in South Carolina’s 1st Congressional District pits incumbent Rep. Nancy Mace, a candidate Donald Trump supported in 2020, against former …………………



Why Were Ukrainian Nazis in the U.S. Capitol on January 6?

By Larry Johnson  Published June 9,

In light of the sham show trial regarding the alleged culprits behind the so-called January 6, 2021 “insurrection,” I think some actual facts are in order that, when you examine them, only ………………….



Digital Humanity Heading Toward a Digital World Reality: A Robotic and Distorted Environment Without Culture, Caring, or Intellect

By Gary D. Barnett June 11, 2022

“Millions of people never analyze themselves. Mentally they are mechanical products of the factory of their environment, preoccupied with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, working and sleeping, and going here and there to be entertained. They don’t know what or why they are seeking, nor why they never realize complete happiness and lasting satisfaction. By evading self-analysis, people go on being robots, conditioned by their environment. True self-analysis is the greatest art of progress.”

Paramahansa Yogananda (1986 “Self-realization”)




1.287.595 Injuries Reported After COVID Shots, Vaccine Injury Compensation Programs ‘Overwhelmed’

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,287,595 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 28,532 deaths and 235,041 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 27, 2022.




New Interview: War, Gold, Oil, China, Dollar, Biden, and Globalists



Transportation SHOCKWAVES reverberate as consumer demand plummets amid unyielding INFLATION

Friday, June 10, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) With the US government releasing official inflation numbers today at the “shocking” level of 8.6% (via the CPI) — with real inflation now well over 20% — it is only ……………………



Likely Next House Admin Panel Chair Delivers J6 Committee Document Preservation Demand

By Mark Tapscott June 9, 2022 Updated: June 9, 2022

Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.), who is likely to become chairman of the House Administration ……………………



What Is Stagflation and What Causes It?

06/09/2022 Frank Shostak

The occurrence of stagflation is associated with a situation of general strengthening in the momentum of prices while at the same time the pace of economic activity is declining. A famous stagflation episode occurred during the 1974û75 period, as year-on-year industrial …………………..



The Fair Tax Is the Tax That Will Not Die

06/09/2022 Laurence M. Vance

Rep. John Linder (R-GA) has retired from Congress and radio talk show host Neal Boortz has been silent for years, but their tax plan just will not die.




Eric Schmidt’s Hidden Influence Over US Defense Spending

Eric Schmidt has been quietly building an investment vehicle blending public and private funds that could grant the former Google CEO unusual influence over U.S. national security policy and, potentially, the opportunity to steer taxpayer money to his own bets.




Warnsignal für Staatsanleihen der Eurozone nähert sich Gefahrenzone

Der Ausverkauf der schwächsten europäischen Staatsanleihen setzt sich fort und erhöht den Druck auf die Europäische Zentralbank, deutlicher zu sagen, wie sie die auseinanderdriftenden Renditen in den Griff bekommen will. 10.06.2022 18:45




Rothbard vs. the Religion of Progressivism

06/09/2022 Joseph T. Salerno

Our main text for the Rothbard Graduate Seminar this week is Murray Rothbard’s Power and Market: Government and the Economy, which contains a systematic treatment of one area of ………………..



The Uvalde Massacre Shows the Uselessness of Gun Control and Police Protection

By Walter E. Block Chronicles Magazine June 11, 2022

Horrid news. Despicable. A teen gunman killed 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. About the only good thing in this occurrence is that this …………………..



Another Covid Vaccine Smoking Gun

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog June 11, 2022

I’m going to start with a bizarre analogy, which illustrates the folly called vaccination.

A boy of 16 who lives on a farm has been driving vehicles all over the land since he was 11. ……………………



Protection From a Currency Collapse

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney June 11, 2022

While markets seem becalmed, financial conditions are rapidly deteriorating. Last week Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase gave the clearest of signals that bank credit is beginning ……………..



Scientism, Not Science, Drives Technocracy And Transhumanism

Posted By: Patrick Wood June 10, 2022

Technocracy is to the structure of society and economy as Transhumanism is to the people who live there. The common ground between Technocracy and Transhumanism is Scientism, …………………



Glanz und Elend der Liberalen in Zeiten des permanenten Notstands

Karl-Peter Schwarz 10. Juni 2022

Echte Liberale sind per definitionem radikale Individualisten, nicht nur methodisch, sondern auch in ihrem politischen Verhalten. Sobald sie eine Partei bilden, geht es schief. Entweder, die Partei geht unter, oder sie opfert den Liberalismus dem politischen Erfolg.




Verfassungsschutzbericht: Der Bürger unter Generalverdacht

Von Marco Gallina Fr, 10. Juni 2022

Weil es nicht mit dem Phänomen der Corona-Proteste umgehen kann, ruft das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz einen neuen Phänomenbereich ins Leben. In diese Kategorie rückt der Staat jeden Bürger, der den Staat kritisch sieht – und schafft damit eine Rückkehr des ………………….



We Are Hurtling Toward Stagflation

June 9, 2022  by Michael Maharrey   0   0

There are a number of signals that the US economy is getting weaker even as inflation gets stronger. In other words, we are hurtling toward stagflation.




Struggles over Individual Rights and State Power in the Progressive Era

Michael Willrich 28.6.2017

From the 1890s to World War I, progressive reformers in the United States called upon their local, state, and federal governments to revitalize American democracy and address the most .




The media is run by trolls

Kat Rosenfield is an UnHerd columnist and co-host of the Feminine Chaos podcast. Her 2021 novel No One Will Miss Her has been nominated for the Edgar Award. Desperate journalists are manufacturing news June 10, 2022




The man who broke Boris

Will Lloyd is UnHerd’s Staff Writer. In emulating Winston Churchill, Johnson has ruined himself. June 10, 2022

Regardless of what he says, the Prime Minister’s time as a mover of events, rather than a ……………………




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