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Wenn man zehntausend Vorschriften erlässt, zerstört man jede Achtung für das Gesetz.

— Winston Churchill

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Lauterbach-Karriere – die Leichen im Keller



Gerichtsbeschluss zum ‚Z‘



US-Journalist: Unsere Regierung versucht uns zu töten

uncut-news.ch Juni 14, 2022

Der Journalist Pearson Sharp von One America News packt den Stier bei den Hörnern. Er nimmt kein Blatt mehr vor den Mund. „Unsere Regierung versucht, uns zu töten. Das ist nicht ………………………



STOCKS, BONDS, CRYPTO and REAL ESTATE: The whole house of cards is coming down

Wednesday, June 15, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The Fed raised interest rates by 0.75% today (75 basis points), fulfilling their promise to attempt to reverse the runaway inflation that they caused in the first place by ………………………..



The New G8

Russia has created a new alliance that many are calling the “new G8.” Russia was expelled from the original Group of Eight in March 2014, following the annexation of Crimea. Russia stated that it did not care about the snub. “All the economic and financial questions are ………………………



The Road to Nuclear Armageddon

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. June 16, 2022

Ladies and gentlemen, we face a grave danger. The leader of a major European power wants to make territorial revisions. He is surrounded by hostile powers who threaten him. He does not seek war with other countries but if the hostile powers continue to encircle him, he will fight. A European war looms.




Good News!

By Karen Kwiatkowski June 16, 2022

The headlines this morning included this one:  “The US Military Can Walk and Chew Gum at the Same Time!” from none other than the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin.  All of y’all ……………………..



Twitter and the Freedom of Speech

By Andrew P. Napolitano June 16, 2022

“Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.”

First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution




Poland and Ukraine

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org June 16, 2022

Poland and Ukraine have a complex history of massacres on both sides. However, for eight years, they have been united against Russia. After having considered annexing a Russian territory if Moscow loses the war, Warsaw would like to annex a Ukrainian territory, if Kiev ……………………



US Calls Taiwan Strait ‘International Waterway’ as China Warns Against ‘False Claim’ About Area

By Oleg Burunov Sputnik News June 16, 2022

While the US has no formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan, Washington continues to channel weapons and other support to Taipei in an informal manner. China, which views the island as ………………………



Let’s Invent More Money to Support the Ukraine-Russia War

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog June 16, 2022

The few journalists who are questioning the $55 billion the US government is giving to the Ukraine (mostly in the form of weapons) are saying:




Trump Could Launch His 2024 Presidential Campaign Next Month

Wants to show DeSantis “who the boss is”.

14 June, 2022 Paul Joseph Watson

Sources suggest that Donald Trump could be preparing to launch his 2024 presidential campaign as soon as next month.




‘Mexican Standoff in Norther Syria: Erdogan Goes For Broke’

By Arnaud Devaley June 16, 2022

Center for Geopolitical Studies expert and human rights lawyer currently based in Damascus Arnaud Devaley shares his analysis of Erdogan’s recent moves at the Syrian front.




Welcome to the lockdown economy, brought to you by the American ruling class

There is no escaping economic reality, Jordan Schachtel, 14.6.22

Who would have thought that destroying real productivity, detonating supply chains, waging a war on reliable energy, printing trillions of dollars, and isolating workers in their homes for ………………………



Squad Member Threatens ‚Civil War‘ If GOP Takes House

Spencer Brown  @itsspencerbrown Jun 14, 2022

Democrats are scrambling to cobble together a case for why they should be reelected and maintain control in the House less than five months before the midterms, and one progressive ………………….



California Scheming: The Progressive Leadership’s New Plan to Impose High-Cost, Low-Quality Medical Care

06/14/2022 William L. Anderson

With a budget surplus of more than $200 million, the California legislature is thinking big, really big, and that means one thing: single-payer government healthcare, which recently was introduced as AB 1400. Notes the Los Angeles Times:




Slowing Money Supply Growth in 2022 Points to Recession

06/13/2022 Ryan McMaken

Money supply growth fell slightly in April, falling below March’s eight-month high. Even with March’s bump in growth, though, money supply growth remains far below the unprecedented highs experienced during much of the past two years. During the thirteen ………………………



On the Digital Future of Markets and Money

06/14/2022 Thorsten Polleit

Thank you very much for the invitation. I am delighted to have the opportunity to share some thoughts with you on a topic I am very much interested in and that I believe is of the utmost ……………………..



Elon Musk Reveals His Likely Choice for President in 2024

By Ivan Pentchoukov June 15, 2022

Elon Musk on June 15 said he is leaning toward voting for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for ………………….



Dr. Russell Blaylock: Truth Or Consequences In The Days Of Covidmania

Posted By: Russell Blaylock, MD via National Library of Medicine June 14, 2022

Dr. Russell Blaylock, a friend of Technocracy News & Trends, has called the Pandemic absolutely correct since the beginning; yet, he was ridiculed, vilified, called names, etc., …………………..



Digital Identification Is Central To Total Control

Posted By: Jacob Nordangård via Pharos June 15, 2022

Requirements  #4 and #5 listed in the Technocracy Study Course (1938) state, “Provide a ………………………



Die fünf Stadien des Totalitarismus

uncut-news.ch  Juni 15, 2022

mises.org: Die Befürchtungen, dass in den USA totalitäre Tendenzen zunehmen, haben sich in den Jahren 2020-22 verstärkt. Doch wie nah sind wir wirklich an einem totalitären Staat? Wie sind solche Regime historisch entstanden und was sind die Warnzeichen?




Die EZB löscht einen Brand mit Zunder

Droht die Rückkehr der Euro-Krise? Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) trommelte eilig eine Notsitzung zusammen, weil das überschuldete Italien Probleme an den Finanzmärkten hat. Man fand eine Lösung. Doch diese führt mittelfristig zu einer Verschärfung des Problems. ……………………..



Australien: Stromkrise im Energieparadies

Australien gehört zu den Ländern, die mit Energievorräten jeder Art reichlich gesegnet sind. Von der Sonne am Himmel bis zur Kohle unter der Erde. Und doch ist jetzt eine Stromkrise ausgebrochen – eine Geschichte über unbeabsichtigte Nebenwirkungen der Energiewende in Down Under.




Die letzte Kröte: Grüne demnächst Atompartei?

Noch reiben sich die Zeithistoriker die Augen, Doch bald schon werden sie ihre variantenreichen Interpretationen dafür liefern, was wir da gerade erlebt haben. Schließlich ……………………..



Italien und Frankreich: „Dracron“ über Europa

Von Marco Gallina Do, 16. Juni 2022

Das Duo Mario Draghi und Emmanuel Macron droht, das deutsch-französische Tandem abzulösen. Der Trend war lange abzusehen. Dass Deutschlands Position in der EU erodiert, ist Merkels außenpolitisches Erbe.




Habecks Schussfahrt in die Kommandowirtschaft

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 15. Juni 2022

Man kann die Energiewende, dessen Hauptstück die vollständige Verspargelung Deutschlands und die Aussetzung der Bürgerrechte bildet, als Kernstück des




Turkey says Ukraine grain ships could avoid mines, Russia offers safe passage

By Tuvan Gumrukcu and Michelle Nichols

ANKARA/UNITED NATIONS, June 15 (Reuters) – Russia on Wednesday said it has offered „safe passage“ for Ukraine grain shipments from Black Sea ports but is not responsible for establishing the corridors and Turkey suggested that ships could be guided around sea mines.




The European Debt Crisis 2023-2024

The European Central Bank has announced that it plans to create a new tool to tackle the risk of eurozone fragmentation, which is the new term for divergence among member states. They ………………….



Ruth Sent Us

The Roe v. Wade document was released to the public to stir up emotions prior to the midterm elections. An extremist group called “Ruth Sent Us,” named after the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, deliberately leaked the addresses of six conservative ……………………



Pope Francis Believes Russia Was Provoked

Pope Francis has been advocating for peace between Ukraine and Russia. He has condemned Russia’s “brutality” and said he believes Putin miscalculated the duration of the war. “They encountered a brave people, a people who are struggling to survive and who have a history of ……………………



Kursverluste und Zweifel an der Zukunft: Was von der Krypto-Revolution bleibt

Trotz des jüngsten Ausverkaufs: Das Krypto-System hat eine Zukunft. Denn die wichtigsten technologischen Errungenschaften reichen über die Kryptowelt hinaus.




Preradovic, Hannes Hofbauer



«Wenn der Präsident es tut, ist es nicht illegal»: die dunkle Seite von Richard Nixon

Charles Tasnadi / AP

Er hätte als einer der grossen Präsidenten in die amerikanische Geschichte eingehen können. Doch Richard Nixon scheiterte wegen eines monströsen Skandals, der vor 50 Jahren seinen Anfang nahm und die USA bis heute verfolgt – Watergate. Marc Tribelhorn 15.06.2022,




«Bayraktar, Bayraktar»: Türkische Drohnen werden im Ukraine-Krieg als Wunderwaffe besungen – und dabei verklärt

Zahlreiche Bayraktar-TB2-Drohnen kamen im Ukraine-Krieg zum Einsatz. Luftaufnahmen zeugten von erfolgreichen ukrainischen Angriffen auf das russische Militär, sagt der Redaktor Ulrich von Schwerin im Podcast. Dennoch werde ihre Schlagkraft überhöht.

David Vogel, Marlen Oehler 15.06.2022




Religiöse Politik und eine kontrollierte Notenbank: So führt Erdogan die Türkei in eine Hyperinflation

Eine Inflation von über 70 Prozent, und die Notenbank handelt genau entgegen klassischer ökonomischer Lehre. Was geschieht gerade in der Türkei?

Jasmine Jacot-Descombes 14.06.2022,




Vaccine Fraud, Economic Collapse, and the Revolt of the Rank and File: Edward Dowd Joins Greg Hunter




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