Fleischhauer – 9 Minuten Netto: Deutschland ist kaputt! Vom Industriestaat zum Dritte-Welt-Land?
Berliner Polizisten sollen nicht mehr „Asylbewerber“ sagen
In einem internen Leitfaden gibt die Polizei Berlin ihren Angehörigen Weisungen für den politisch korrekten Sprachgebrauch. In den Fettnapf treten kann bereits, wer als Polizist …………………..
January 6 Committee Withdraws Subpoena for Trump
By Tom Ozimek December 29, 2022
The Jan. 6 House select committee withdraw its subpoena of former President Donald Trump, ………………..
Twelve Questions for the End of the Year
by Lawrence Kadish December 30, 2022
It has been a year of history-making events that could easily distract the casual observer from …………………
Schwab Cancels Twitter Rejects Free Speech
Klaus Schwab has shown his true colors of authoritarianism. He is against democracy, ……………………
The Political Storm on the Horizon
Could an individual state finish the wall started by the previous administration?
It’s painfully obvious Washington has its own agenda. And at this time, I see no point in even ………………
The Case for Disbanding Public Health Agencies
Sanjeev Sabhlok 29.12.22
During March of 2020, Sweden’s state epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, showed us how public health can be managed ethically by refusing to lockdown Sweden’s residents. The rest of the …………………
Industrial Policy Did Not Bring Prosperity to Asia
12/28/2022 Lipton Matthews
Industrial policy is earnestly touted by democrats and conservatives as a tool to rejuvenate the US economy. Some argue that innovation will flounder unless the US applies industrial policy ………………….
Objection, Professor Harari! Logic Proves the Existence of Free Will
12/27/2022 Thorsten Polleit
Yuval Noah Harari, professor of history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, is not only a best-selling author but also a top advisor to Klaus Schwab, founder and front man of the World …………………
Russia Launches Missile Strike, Hunts AD System, Prepares North Donbass Offensive, Putin Xi to Speak
Weltärzte-Chef Montgomery berät einen Investmentfonds, der von Impfungen profitiert. Kein Wunder, dass er über die «Tyrannei der Ungeimpften» wettert. Sie vermiesen ihm das Geschäft
Stefan Millius 25.12.2022
Die Investmentfonds-Firma Apo Asset Management GmbH in Düsseldorf verwaltet Anlagen von rund 3,5 Milliarden Euro.
„Spitzensportler“ Kühe: Warum Tiere so wichtig für die Landwirtschaft sind
Von Holger Douglas Fr, 30. Dezember 2022
Unter dem Vorwand, Kühe seien Klimakiller, sollen in Holland 3.000 Bauernhöfe ……………………
„Wir sind nicht mehr in der Lage, bezahlbaren Wohnraum zu schaffen“
Von Mario Thurnes Do, 29. Dezember 2022 Bericht zur Obdachlosigkeit
Rund 263.000 Personen waren zum Jahresbeginn 2022 in Deutschland „wohnungslos“ gemeldet. Das geht aus dem „Wohnungslosenbericht“ der Bundesregierung hervor. Für den ……………….
Sirens wail in Kyiv as city hit by Russian drone attack
By Pavel Polityuk and Dan Peleschuk
KYIV, Dec 30 (Reuters) – Residents of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv were urged to head to air raid shelters early on Friday as sirens wailed across the city, a day after Russia carried out one of the biggest aerial …………………
Gold in 2023
By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney December 30, 2022
This article is in two parts. In Part 1 it looks at how prospects for gold should be viewed from a monetary and economic perspective, pointing out that it is gold whose purchasing power is …………….
NYC Electric Garbage Truck Plans Hit Wall After Trucks ‘Conked Out’ Plowing Snow After Just Four Hours
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge December 30, 2022
In a move that absolutely nobody could have seen coming, New York City is scrapping its ………………..
The U.S. Congress Gave Standing Ovations to a Nazi Thug
By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live December 30, 2022
The corrupt, genocidal Nazi leader of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, was recently given several standing ovations by members of Congress at the U.S. Capitol. House leaders even set …………………
A Digital Prison Is Being Built Around You Right Now
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV December 30, 2022
Do We Live in a Brave New World? – Aldous Huxley’s Warning to the World
December 30, 2022
Türkiye’s expanded role on the World Stage
The Istanbul Canal, Robert W. Malone, 29.12.2022
Jill and I had the opportunity to spend ten days on a boat in the Marmara Sea in November – …………….
#1 Speculation for 2023
By Doug Casey International Man December 30, 2022
International Man: Will 2023 be the year of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)? Or will this terrible idea be consigned to the dustbin of history?
Wie man eine Klima-RAF züchtet
Der Klimaalarmismus ist in Hochform. Er erfreut sich großer öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit und Sympathisanten in Politik und Medien. Die „Aktivisten“ fühlen sich zur Radikalisierung ermuntert. Es drohen Terrorakte gegen die kritische Infrastruktur. Wenn nicht mehr.
Das war 2022. Ein Jahresrückblick in Zahlen
Von null Ahnung in den Ministerien bis zu Milliarden Klimatoten auf einem Pazifik-Eiland – was war das auch zahlenmäßig für ein Jahr!
35 Millionen Impfdosen hat Karl Lauterbach zu viel bestellt. Mal 19,50 Euro, das macht nach …………………
Welche Religion braucht die Gesellschaft?
Von Reinhard Kreissl 11.11.2005
Die „Umwelt“ wird zunehmend zur Ersatzreligion des modernen Menschen. Aus ihr werden ethisch-moralische Glaubenssätze abgeleitet. Das Ökologische droht mit Weltuntergang im Falle von
It’s Snowing in Middle East for First Time in History
Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to inform you as a loyal reader of your blog, it is snowing here …………………
Bob Moriarty: Covid & Ukraine are the Greatest Propaganda Campaigns of our Lifetime
By Geopolitics & EmpireDecember 21, 2022
Bob Moriarty discusses Ukraine as the dumbest war he’s ever seen and how Kiev has lost. …………………
Derrick Broze: Resisting & Opting Out of the Great Reset
By Geopolitics & EmpireDecember 20, 2022
Derrick Broze discusses the incoming threats of technocracy, smart cities, and the Algorithm Ghetto. Covid was a total technocratic operation to get us to “trust the experts”. Agenda 2030 ………………
Ukraine recruits child soldiers
Kippt die Wiederholung der Berliner Pannen-Wahl im letzten Moment?
Do, 29. Dezember 2022
Am 12. Februar sollen die Bürger der Hauptstadt wieder an die Urnen, weil der Wahlgang vom September 2021 ungültig erklärt wurde. Dagegen klagen 43 Berliner – darunter …………………
How to Solve Big Tech Censorship: Un-Misread a Landmark Case
by John Kline December 29, 2022 Republicans‘ first order of business this coming 118th Congress must be to introduce a legislative firewall between the White House — and its ………………