Reichsbürger-Putsch? Faesers Gruselgeschichte? Insider berichtet! Prinz & Polizist!
Verteidigungsministerin Lambrecht
Mentally infirm German Defence Minister Christina Lambrecht expresses her gratitude for the "special experiences" and "many encounters with interesting people" she's gained through ………………
Shocking Lab Investigation of COVID Vaccines
Joseph Mercola Jan 1 2023
Woke Egalitarianism and the Elites
12/31/2022 Artur Marion Ceolin
In the research paper Egalitarianism and the Elites, published in 1995 in the Review of Austrian Economics, one of Murray Rothbard’s most brilliant insights was that even the implementation of an egalitarian society requires leadership. As the fall of one system to the …………………
Russia Drone Strikes, Losses in Makeyevka, Advances in Zaporozhye; Lavrov Hints At Offensive
Science is ONLY Possible with Constant Inquiry
Everybody seems to be up in arms over Musk turning Twitter into a real social media platform. When Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum ban Twitter, you know Musk …………………
Are the Immigrants Part of the Decline & Fall?
The invasion of migrants, both in Europe and the United States, is evolving into a major crime wave not seen in decades. In Germany, Berlin looked like a war zone. There were 3,943 ……………………..
Aufschub für Sicherheitsmaßnahmen für Boeing 737 Max
Zwei Maßnahmen sollen katastrophale Fehlfunktionen vermeiden. Aber erst ~2027. Das selbe US-Gesetz leitet ein Tiktok-Verbot auf Dienstgeräten ein.
The Friction Ahead in 2023
01/02/2023 Claudio Grass Jeff Deist
Introduction: Division, friction and polarization have been on the rise in the West for at least a decade, but the escalation we saw during the “covid years” was especially worrying. Over the …………………
Polizeiwerkschaft wirft Faeser „Symbolpolitik“ vor
Di, 3. Januar 2023
„Die rhetorischen Floskeln der Ministerin ändern nichts an dem Fakt, dass es keine Grenzkontrollen gibt.“ Faesers Rhetorik versucht, das Sicherheitsgefühl der Bevölkerung zu stärken, schwächt aber in Wahrheit die Sicherheit.
Ausgerechnet die Bundestagspräsidentin will eine zentrale politische Debatte abwürgen
Von Marco Gallina Mo, 2. Januar 2023 Bärbel Bas über Kernkraft
Bundestagspräsidentin Bärbel Bas will „diese Debatte“ beenden und den „Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien beschleunigen“. Sie kritisiert damit nicht nur den Koalitionspartner ………………….
US Patriot Missiles in Ukraine: A Desparate & Dangerous Escalation
By Brian Berletic New Eastern Outlook January 3, 2023
US appears to be in the process of transferring its Patriot air defense missile system to …………………………
What If They Believe It?
One of the questions no one in the media plans to ask is why the FBI was so deeply involved in the Twitter disinformation campaigns? The word “disinformation” is the correct word in this case. Twitter was actively trying to provide the public with false information about a wide ………………..
Lack of Good Analyses Contributes to the Decline of the ‘West’
Moon of Alabama January 3, 2023
What really hit me last year was the dearth of correct analyses in main stream media and in politics with regards to the war in Ukraine. Little if anything is based on facts. More than 90% of the published output is propaganda.
Jews May No Longer Like What the Democrats Are Selling
Midterm election returns suggest they’re leaning rightward.
By Walter E. Block The American Spectator January 3, 2023
Although people of the Jewish faith can usually be relied upon to vote that straight party …………………….
Dr. Wolf Reveals The WH Had The Incriminating Pfizer Documents Before Emergency Use Authorization
By Steve Bannon War Room Pandemic January 3, 2023
Author Naomi Wolf talks to host Steve Bannon about the control which the medical industry apparently exercises over the American government. Starting at the 2:00 mark, Wolf talks …………………
A Gloomy 2023? Here Are Some Bright Spots
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute January 3, 2023
The prospects for peace, justice, and the advancement of liberty in 2023 may at first seem further away than ever. Washington’s determination to overthrow the Russian government via ………………..
Impftod und -leid: Es war so einfach zu erkennen
Die Impfkampagne mit den Nukleinsäuren könnte 1 bis 4 Prozent der Impflinge ein vorzeitiges Lebensende bescheren, wir würden in diesem Fall auf 50 bis 200 Millionen Opfer kommen. Ich weiß, wie unerhört – in des Wortes doppeltem Sinn – es ist, solche Zahlen ……………………
Die Legende von den Fehlern auf beiden Seiten
Als Vorsitzende des Ethikrates bemühte sich Alena Buyx in den Corona-Jahren diensteifrig, jede Grundrechtseinschränkung und alle Verbote und Nötigungen „ethisch“ zu rechtfertigen. Jetzt würde die Chef-Ethikerin diese Spuren wohl gern verwischen.
Are There Any U.S. Red Lines?
The Biden administration has so far refrained from sending longer range missile to Ukraine. It fears a severe Russian reaction should it change that policy. Some warmongers dislike such ………………….
New Year Missile & Drone Strikes Continue Across Ukraine as NATO Recognizes Scale of Conflict
Ukrainian Bloodbath – Douglas MacGregor
It’s a New Era
December 30, 2022
This dynamic–making problems much worse by forcing more of whatever worked in the previous era into a saturated, increasing unstable new era–receives little attention or ………………..