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Eine Finanzkrise ist nicht ein Marktversagen, sondern ein Versagen des Staates, seiner Gesetze, seiner Verordnungen und seiner Aufsichtsaufgaben.

— Fürst Hans-Adam II. von Liechtenstein

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Lehren nach Sonneberg und Raguhn: Kommunale Nullnummern

Von Peter Hahne Mi, 5. Juli 2023

Was Peter Hahne wundert, ist, dass kein Aufschrei zu hören ist, zum Beispiel vom Deutschen Landkreistag. Dieser kommunale Dachverband nimmt tatenlos hin, wie die von ihm …………………..



Secret Service Confirms Cocaine Found In White House Following Hunter Biden Visit

Arjun Singh ContributorJuly 05, 2023

The U.S. Secret Service has confirmed that cocaine was found at the White House on the eve of Fourth of July, the discovery of which prompted a West Wing evacuation, according to ………………….



The Story of Pfizer Inc. – A Case Study in Pharmaceutical Empire and Corporate Corruption

By HFDF TeamJune 19, 2023

The extensive history of the pharmaceutical industry is filled with stories and deeds of adventures, misadventures, profit-making, profit-taking, fraud, bribery, false claims, …………………



Regarding the Upcoming NATO Summit, I Couldn’t Write it Better

6 July 2023 by Larry Johnson

I have cited articles by my new friend, Stephen Bryen, in previous posts. Steve and I do not always agree. But I know him to be a man of integrity. You don’t always have to agree with ………………..



What to Expect from the Vilnius NATO Summit

Stephen Bryen 06.07.2023

“Any decision on NATO membership is between the 31 Allies and aspirant country. And so, …………………..



Climate Change Lockdowns Are Coming?

There has been talk that Trudeau will use the fires to claim a climate crisis, and that will justify lockdowns again. Is there any truth to these rumors?




Evidence of Covid ‘Vaccine’ Crimes Submitted to Florida Grand Jury Investiation

By Dr. Joseph Sansone Mind Matters and Everything Else July 7, 2023




My Forty-Year War on Reefer Madness

By James Bovard Mises.org July 7, 2023

Forty years ago last week, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner published my first attack on the federal drug war. The previous year, the Reagan administration had unleashed its “Just Say ……………………



The Major Cause of Mass Poverty in Sudan

07/06/2023 Scott T. Cross

Mere days prior to its receiving renewed attention because of an ongoing civil war, Sudan and many other African countries were (and still are) being promoted by news organizations as citadels of suffering. Viewers are subjected to heart-wrenching images: The gaunt, skeletal …………………



SITREP 7/6/23: Zelensky Builds One Last Suicidal Thrust to Appease Masters

07.07.2023 Simplicius The Thinker

Today, let’s talk about some of the specifics of the ongoing offensives and military actions, an area we’ve neglected the last few reports in favor of the ongoing ZNPP developments. In the ………………….



Just What Is the Militay’s Image and Reputation?

By Laurence M. Vance July 7, 2023

Another Military Appreciation Day has come and gone. Everything about the Fourth of July has been tainted by military idolatry—including worship services on the Sunday before the …………………



NATO Summit Won’t Satisfy Kiev’s Expectations – Ukrainian Spy Chief

Kirill Budanov has suggested he is not optimistic about the upcoming event in Vilnius

RT News July 7, 2023




A Game No One Can Win: China Retaliates Against Biden’s Chip War

By Michael Shedlock Mish Talk July 7, 2023

Biden has further restricted China’s access to sophisticated chips. China placed exports controls on crucial minerals in return.




The Real Determinants of Currency Value

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney July 7, 2023

There are two components to the inflation story: the cycle of bank credit, which left to itself is self-cancelling, and the longer-term erosion of currency values. In examining the causes, this article goes back to monetary basics to explain what is required to make a currency’s …………………



The World of Data Is an Illusion

By Helena Glass  Helena-The Nationalist Voice July 7, 2023

The Job Market is showing signs of cratering.   Real People – not a Matrix Algorithm – but real people are being laid off in hordes. The Tech market leading the bandwagon is claiming their layoff reaction is due to ‘inflation’. The claim is that during the online Pandemic panic …………..



Don’t Look Now, But Utter Chaos Is Being Unleashed All Over the World

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse July 7, 2023

The relative peace and tranquility that we had been enjoying for several months has been shattered.  All of a sudden, chaos is erupting all over the globe.  Rioters are setting fires in …………………..



Es geschah, was nicht geschehen durfte

Die AfD-Parteivorsitzende Alice Weidel twitterte nach dem Urteil gegen das parlamentarische Prozedere zum Heizungsgesetz: „Ein Eilverfahren, dem sich auch Abgeordnete der AfD als Kläger anschlossen, hatte Erfolg. Delikate Frage: Hätte es auch Erfolg gehabt, wenn die AfD selbst geklagt hätte?




Russia Repels Ukr Attack Klescheyevka, Ukr Standstill Limited by West Supplies,China Refuses Borrell



Wer CDU wählt, wählt Ramelow

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Fr, 7. Juli 2023

Durch das muntere Parlieren des CDU-Vorstands Mike Mohring auf einer Kahnfahrt in Berlin wird die CDU in Thüringen nicht einen Wähler dazu bekommen, aber weitere verlieren. Dass …………………….



Ausgestoßene der Woche: „Unberührbare“ Parteien

Die SPD im Hamburger Bezirk Eimsbüttel torpedierte die eigene Entscheidung, um zu verhindern, das ein von der AfD mitgetragener Beschluss sich durchsetzen kann. Und das ……………………



Do Americans Still Trust Our Elections?

By Brian C. Joondeph

Horror writer Stephen King, when not spewing far left argle-bargle (a word I learned long ago from reading one of his novels) on Twitter, may exhibit a bit of common sense.

He once said, “The trust of the innocent is the liar’s most useful tool.”




Circle the Wagons: The Government Is on the Warpath

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute July 7, 2023

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” Harry S. Truman




The Federal Reserve Has Been a Disaster for America

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org July 7, 2023

Like all indoctrinated economics PhDs, I used to teach students that the Federal Reserve was created as a central bank in order to provide cash to banks experiencing a run on deposits so …………………..



‚America’s Darkest Secret‘: Sex Trafficking, Child Abuse and the Biden Administration

by Uzay Bulut July 6, 2023

Currently, at least 85,000 children are believed to be missing.

„Whether intentional or not, it can be argued that the US Government has become the middleman in a large scale, multi-billion-dollar, child trafficking operation run by bad actors …………………..



Biden Aides Instructed to Say He Has Six, Not Seven, Grandchildren: Report

July 3, 2023 Martin Walsh

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden are being slammed after a report claiming that aides are being instructed to say that the couple has only six grandchildren instead of seven, …………………..



World’s Richest Man, Elon Musk Says “Let’s Investigate” Calling For An Investigation Into, Far-Left Pro-Clinton Groups Trying To “Control Your Access To Information”

thejesusarias May 6, 2022

Elon Musk has been a hero for conservatives around the country in the last week, following his decision to purchase Twitter and restore popular conservative voices on the network. ……………………



Scott Ritter ❗ SHOCKING INTERVIEW ❗ Belarusian Military Training | Nato is in a Panic



Secret Service Confirms Cocaine Was Found In West Wing Phone Cubby Hours After Hunter Biden Visit

by Tyler Durden Thursday, Jul 06, 2023




Col Macgregor & Bet-David: Hundreds of thousands of Russian troops on the border



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