Ukraine Update

Wo es keine Marktwirtschaft gibt, sind alle gesetzlichen Garantien der Freiheitsrechte wertlos. Was soll Pressefreiheit in einem Lande, in dem alle Druckereien von der Regierung verwaltet werden? Oder Versammlungsfreiheit, wenn alle Versammlungshallen Regierungseigentum sind?

— Ludwig von Mises

Ukraine Update


SITREP 8/20/23: F-16s Paper Over 500k Losses Report

Simplicius The Thinker 21.08.2023

The biggest news of the day is the Dutch/Danish decision to supply F-16s to Ukraine:

As usual, buried within this “optimism” are a few inconvenient facts, like their insistence on a strict set of protocols being fulfilled before handing over the planes, which will likely not allow Ukraine to have the planes until well into 2024 at the earliest.

Russia Breakthrough Kupyansk, Sinkovka Encircled, Kiev Evacuations; US-Japan-S.Korea Against China


Why Russia is Decimating the Ukraine Counter Offensive

20 August 2023 by Larry Johnson

When the history of Russia’s proxy war against NATO — i.e., the Special Military Operation in Ukraine — it will mark the point in history where conventional military operations predicated on doctrine established in World War II will be vanquished. ISR — i.e., Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance — is the true game changer and Russia, not



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