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Freiheit kann nicht ohne Moral errichtet werden, und Moral nicht ohne Glauben.

— Alexis de Tocqueville

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

DOJ Protecting President Biden – Equal Protection of the Law?

Marty: You are very good at law. It looks to me that the DOJ is protecting Biden. When you look at the nine-count tax fraud indictment against Hunter, there is no mention of unpaid taxes ………………….



Israel’s War Crimes

11 December 2023 by Larry Johnson

I once believed Israel was a competent military force. No longer. Israel is doing some incredibly stupid, self-defeating things, especially when it comes to propaganda. Israel, in …………………..



Palestine – Occupation Forces Have Serious Losses

The Israeli army is slowly recognizing and acknowledging that its enemies are serious fighters:

In Gaza itself, the military is amazed at the scale of Hamas‘ strength in the region, building a de facto …………………



Ukraine SitRep: Krynky – Zelenski’s Rose Tinted Media Strategy – New Orders From DC

In late October the Ukrainian army started to send soldiers to the left bank of the Dnieper River which is held by Russian forces. Dozens of soldiers crossed from the northern Kherson region using rubber dinghies and other small boats. The captured parts of the rural town Krynky (Krinki).




Im Wasserstoffwirtschafts-Delirium (1)

Wasserstoff wird heute als Wundermittel der Energiewende gehandelt. Mit ihm sollen angeblich die Speicher-Probleme von Wind- und Sonnenenergie gelöst werden. Erster Teil einer Mythenkillerfolge über den „Hochlauf der grünen Wasserstoffwirtschaft“ in ………………….



Jetzt kommt die Stunde der Wahrheit

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat es der Ampel-Regierung untersagt, die nicht verbrauchten Kreditermächtigungen des Corona-Hilfsfonds auf den Fonds für Energieversorgung und Klimaschutz zu übertragen. Das kann das Ende der Ampel bedeuten, es sei denn, die CDU …………………



Schoben sich die roten Amigos 200 Millionen Euro zu?

Von Marco Gallina Di, 12. Dezember 2023

Nicht nur Grün, sondern auch Rot beherrscht das Spiel über Bande: das Forschungszentrum DESY erhielt just in den Jahren 200 Millionen Euro, als dort drei Männer agierten, die dem ……………………



188 Afghanen in Leipzig gelandet: Weiterer Verbleib noch ungeklärt

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 11. Dezember 2023

Das Aufnahmeprogramm des Auswärtigen Amtes für Afghanen in Pakistan wird fortgesetzt. Aus Islamabad kam nun erneut ein Charterflug an. Weitere sollen folgen. Unklar ist laut Auswärtigem Amt, wo die Afghanen wohnen sollen.




Der Reichsbürger-Putsch – jetzt spricht der Anwalt des Hauptverdächtigen Prinzen Reuß

Von Roland Tichy So, 10. Dezember 2023

3.000 Polizisten verhafteten in einer Razzia vor einem Jahr 24 Personen um Heinrich XIII. Prinz Reuß. Er soll Kopf einer Gruppe sein, die einen Staatsstreich geplant hat. Die …………………



Biden, Media Gaslight People About Inflation

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute December 12, 2023

President Biden recently repeated the claim that high prices are caused by greedy businesses. …………………..



Texas is suing Pfizer for “unlawfully misrepresenting the effectiveness of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine and attempting to censor public discussion of the product.”

Posted byBrandon Campbell December 11, 2023

The COVID-19 vaccine was the “miracle that wasn’t,” the “little engine that couldn’t,” and a “job too big for a jab too small.”




Pope Francis: How much lower can we sink?

Henry Sire December 11, 2023

Text of a talk given to the Latin Mass Society in London on November 24th, 2023. Mr. Sire’s audio of this talk can be heard here.

When Joseph Shaw proposed this talk to me in early September, I suggested the title “Pope …………………



What Were Romans Thinking as They Watched Rome Collapse?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 12, 2023

I have often wondered what Roman citizens thought as they watched the Roman Empire fall ……………………



What Just Happened?

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com December 12, 2023

“All these idiots whose ‘identity’ is literally a ‘protected class’ are not protesting anything. Their whole victim act is sponsored, enabled & signal boosted by every powerful institution. ……………………



A Shameful Ruling Class that Shamelessly Shames Good Americans

By J.B. Shurk

America is not meant to have a “ruling class.” The Declaration of Independence takes direct aim at an entrenched aristocracy by stating a “self-evident” truth that “all men are created equal.” People, of course, are not naturally equal.  They are blessed with individual talents ……………….



Could America Have a French-Style Revolution?

December 10, 2023




Ukraine: Biden Helping Putin to Win

by Con Coughlin December 12, 2023

The Biden administration’s persistent failure to provide Ukraine with the military supplies it …………………



Hausbesitzer CO2-frei im Schuldenturm – wer stoppt die EU?

Die aktuelle Überarbeitung der Gebäude-Richtlinie der EU ändert nichts daran, dass hier ein Monster an Bauvorgaben, Überwachungstechnik und Staatsplanung auf Hausbesitzer zurollt. ……………………



Has Gates Unleashed a Virus to Now Kill our Dogs like He Wants to do with Cattle?

All of a sudden, there is now a MYSTERIOUS virus that is killing dogs for the first time EVER! Kennel Cough in dogs is a respiratory disease. The condition is considered to be highly contagious in dogs and produces a very dry cough. Generally, the condition makes it …………………….



Moscow on the Rocks

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture December 11, 2023

Russia will not initiate a diplomatic dialogue. A sense of threat is very real in Russia. Diplomatic channels conveyed this message to the Americans.

And then, casually, almost as an afterthought while meeting Donbass heroes, Putin announces …………………..



Tom DiLorenzo’s Guide to American History

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. December 11, 2023

Mises Institute President Tom DiLorenzo is best known for his trenchant demolition of “Honest Abe” Lincoln. But his work on Lincoln is just part of a larger framework that helps us understand American history. Throughout our history, statist Hamiltonians and freedom-loving Jeffersonians have clashed.




The Conviction of Derek Chauvin Was One of the Worst Travesties of Justice in American History

The complete and total collapse of Justice in America By Paul Craig Roberts




African countries rush to sign nuclear deals with Russia

The apparent rush to nuclear energy by African countries has raised some concerns that they may be committing themselves to high capital costs of nuclear power production which they will be unable to afford. By Peter Fabricius  29 Oct 2019 But concerns are being raised about whether they can all afford ………………..



India’s Khalistan Sikh Terrorism – a CIA Construct

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice December 11, 2023

There are exactly two explanations for the odd obsession the US and Canada have with supporting terrorists from the Sikh Militant group Khalistan:   1.   The group was formed via ……………….



The War Criminal and Mass Murderer That Many Evangelical Leaders Adored

By Chuck Baldwin December 11, 2023

The Wicked Warlock of the West is dead. Henry Kissinger has gone to his eternal abode.

Kissinger was the quintessential warmonger. He was the warmonger’s warmonger. He was ………………….




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