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Manchmal frage ich mich, ob die Welt von klugen Menschen regiert wird, die uns zum Narren halten, oder von Schwachköpfen, die es ernst meinen.

— Mark Twain

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Neue Probleme mit der COVID-„Impfung”

mRNA-„Impfstoffe“ können die Bildung unerwünschter Proteine begünstigen, zeigt eine neue Veröffentlichung in „Nature“. Die Autoren wollen aber nicht sehen, wie besorgniserregend ihre Ergebnisse sind. Diese „Impfstoffe“ taugen nicht als prophylaktisches Prinzip, sondern …………………….



Analphabetismus und Gewalttätigkeit werden frei Haus importiert

Von Josef Kraus Mi, 13. Dezember 2023

Wenige Zeitungen berichten über die ausgeuferte Randale an einer Berliner Schule, die breite Medienlandschaft möchte davon eher nichts wissen. Man weiß ja: „Einzelfälle“, „hat nur ………………………



Woke Cowardice: Wrong University Presidents at the Wrong Time

by Alan M. Dershowitz December 13, 2023

As Ecclesiastes observed „to everything there is a season“. This seems to be the season for woke cowardice




Bundesanwaltschaft erhebt Anklage gegen „Reichsbürgerputschisten“

Di, 12. Dezember 2023

Ein angeblich geplanter „Putsch“ der Reichsbürger vor einem Jahr hatte für Schlagzeilen gesorgt und zu einer Razzia geführt. Jetzt erhebt die Bundesanwaltschaft offiziell Anklage. ………………….



Die viel zu späte Abnabelung der CDU von Merkel

Von Josef Kraus Mo, 11. Dezember 2023

Die CDU will zurück zur „Leitkultur“, steht zu Sprache, Traditionen und Bräuchen und stellt ………………….



I Love ‚My Country‘ – ‚My Country Is Best?‘

By Gary D. Barnett December 13, 2023

“Nationalism of one kind or another was the cause of most of the genocide of the twentieth century. Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people’s minds and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead.” Arundhati Roy




Xi’s BRI Trespasses on the Russian Outback. Could Something Happen?

By Erwin J. Haas MD MBA December 13, 2023

11 years ago Xi became the boss of China. He was not interested in war; rather he just wanted ……………………



SEC keeps up pressure on firms’ cash sweep accounts

Bruce Kelly, November 2, 2023

‚Interest rates are coming back, so where you put clients‘ money in cash is an issue again,‘ one ………………..



SEC hits Schwab robo-adviser with $187 million fine

Charles Schwab Corp. has agreed to pay $187 million to settle charges from the Securities and Exchange Commission that the discount brokerage did not disclose how its robo-adviser used large cash holdings in ………………….



Trump Prosecutor, Jack Smith, Alleged Role in Extortion Scheme While at the ICJ

12 December 2023 by Larry Johnson

My old friend and business partner, John Moynihan, filed a whistleblower complaint with the ……………………



Is Extortionist Jack Smith Being Extorted to Pursue Trump?

Patrick Byrne December 8, 2023

It started off as a typical DeepCapture intrigue, this one set in Europe with whistleblowers ……………………..



Death and Destruction in Gaza

John Mearsheimer 12.12.2023

I do not believe that anything I say about what is happening in Gaza will affect Israeli or …………………..



The Fed-Enabled Apartment Bubble Is Unraveling

12/11/2023 Artis Shepherd

The apartment investment industry has experienced severe malinvestment over the last several years, resulting in a massive bubble that has only recently begun to deflate with rising interest …………………



The Anatomy of the Statist

12/12/2023 Patrick Carroll

The statist is a complex creature, composed of many parts, some of which are more obvious than others. No two statists are exactly the same, but many of them share a set of common …………………..



Is this the end for Zelenskyy?

Thomas Fazi is an UnHerd columnist and translator. His latest book is The Covid Consensus, co-authored with Toby Green. The Ukrainian president is facing calls for regime change.

December 12, 2023




Max Blumenthal: (TheGrayZone) – Netanyahu’s next move? The World is Watching!



Douglas Macgregor Interview: Endless war in Ukraine – The blame belongs to the US



Biden’s new Ukraine strategy, failure not defeat. Order Zelensky to freeze conflict



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