Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Hardly anyone talks of the table of virtues and vices anymore — which includes the Seven Deadly Sins — but in reviewing them, we find that they nicely sum up the foundation of bourgeois ethics, and provide a solid moral critique of the modern state.……….we do need to observe that vices and virtues — and our conception of what constitutes proper behavior and culture generally — have a strong bearing on the rise and decline of freedom.

— Llewellynn H. Rockwell Jr.

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Olaf Scholz ist der unpopulärste demokratische Regierungschef weltweit

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 3. April 2024

Wer sagt, Deutschland könne nicht mehr gewinnen? Die New York Times hat nach dem unpopulärsten demokratischen Regierungschef weltweit gesucht. Gewonnen hat – tata: Olaf Scholz.




Demokratieverständnis des Verfassungsschutz-Präsidenten – Die Meinungsfreiheit ist ein Freibrief

Der oberste Verfassungsschützer Thomas Haldenwang bekräftigt in einem FAZ-Artikel seine Ansicht, dass sich seine Behörde auch um Meinungsäußerungen kümmern müsse, die nicht strafbar sind. Das ist zutiefst beunruhigend – und verfassungswidrig.





Have We Reached a Turning Point in the War on Palestinians?

3 April 2024 by Larry Johnson

Thanks to an Israeli drone operator and his idiot commander, we may have reached a tipping point in Israel’s attempt to exterminate the Palestinians. Countries previously mum on the ……………………..



SITREP 4/3/24: Zelensky Steps Closer to Mobilization Plunge Amid Dire Warnings

Simplicius The Thinker Apr 04, 2024

Things continue to feel like a calm before the approaching storm. There is not too much overt activity in the battle space, but various rumblings of a large looming escalation continue to trickle through the grape vine.




Vergiftetes Spenderblut von Geimpften – eine Antwort auf Kritik und Fragen

Mein Bericht über gefährliche Spike-Proteine in Spenderblut von Geimpften zog weite Kreise. Leser baten mich, auf die Kritik daran näher einzugehen, was ich hiermit gerne tue.

Seit Ende 2020 schreibe ich zum Thema COVID für achgut.com, und immer wieder haben ……………………….



U.S. Has Claimed Duty To Warn But Did Not Do It

U.S. intelligence sources have, at times, fed bullshit to Seymour Hersh:

DUTY TO WARN Seymour Hersh, Mar 27 2024 (emphasis added)

This American intelligence community passed a warning of a possible attack involving religious …………………..



Die konservativen Parteien können von den Grünen lernen

Von Mario Thurnes Do, 4. April 2024

Die liberal-konservative Szene droht sich in vielen Splitterparteien zu verlieren. Spalter zu werden, die sich untereinander bekriegen statt mit dem politischen Gegner. Das folgt einem Weg, wie ihn Linke in den 70er Jahren gegangen sind.




Stoiber wollte Kanzlerin Merkel nach der Grenzöffnung 2015 stürzen

Von Josef Kraus Mi, 3. April 2024

Edmund Stoiber (CSU) habe Kanzlerin Merkel (CDU) nach der Grenzöffnung vom Spätsommer 2015 stürzen wollen. „Und mich wollte er dazu bewegen, Merkel zu stürzen, um selbst Kanzler zu werden“, so Schäuble in seinem Buch. Er habe das entschieden abgelehnt. Schäubles Mitverantwortung für „2015“ bleibt.




The Murder of a NYC Cop Reflects a National Tragedy of Lawlessness

by Lawrence Kadish April 3, 2024 The murder of NYPD Detective Jonathan Diller speaks to a nation in turmoil. Entire urban downtowns have become wastelands. Legislation has been …………………..



America’s Fiscal Collapse Accelerates


In case you thought anybody in Washington was driving this thing, they are not.

It’s official: the Department of Treasury is now issuing debt at pandemic levels. It’s worth ……………



The Important Legacy of Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom


The year 2024 marks three significant anniversaries for Friedrich August von Hayek, who follows Ludwig von Mises as influential in the Austrian School of economics. This is the one …………………



The Single Wisest Thing You Can Do With Your Money

By Doug Casey International Man April 4, 2024

There’s a great deal more to becoming rich than buying the right investments and hoping for …………………..



„The Nasty Little Sparta“

By Eric S. Margolis April 4, 2024

The renowned writer Arthur Koestler warned a decade ago that Israel risked become `a nasty little Sparta.’ Ten years later Israel, grown rich on US military and financial aid, has become a very nasty big Sparta.




‚#arrestme‘: JK Rowling Dares Scotland to Enforce Anti-Free Speech Law

By Jonathan Turley JonathanTurley.org April 4, 2024

We have previously discussed the growing anti-free speech movement in Scotland with the …………………..



The Government Wants to Play God. What Does That Mean for Our Freedoms?

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford InstituteApril 4, 2024

The government wants to play god.




A New Gold Standard

By Dave Braatz April 4, 2024

Inflation affects everyone on earth, and you need to be aware of. See this and this. These are ………………….



Biden Must End Qatar’s Malign Role in Gaza Ceasefire Talks and Pier

by Con Coughlin April 3, 2024

In one of the more high profile cases involving Qatar’s financing of terrorism, the family of murdered American journalist Steven Sotloff claimed in a federal lawsuit in 2022 that ………………….



„Blauer Konzern“: So hat sich Blau Direkt aufgestellt

Blau Direkt ist schon lange kein einfacher Maklerpool mehr. Zu dem Lübecker Unternehmen gehört mittlerweile eine Reihe an Töchtern. Zudem ist die Gesellschaft selbst Teil der Beteiligungsfirma Warburg Pincus. Eine Bestandsaufnahme.




Dead People Voted in Georgia

By Dom Armentano April 3, 2024

All sorts of allegations have been made concerning the fairness of the 2020 election.

The mainstream media continues to claim that the election was fair because there were more  than 60 legal actions (the “challenge” cases) brought by Donald Trump supporters …………………..



The ‚Press‘ Is a Machine

By Tim Hartnett April 3, 2024

The third president didn’t wait in the ground nearly two-hundred years to become controversial. A pre-woke corps of news writers were out to get Thomas Jefferson in print while still alive and kicking. When he died July 4, 1826, exactly 50 years after the Declaration of Independence was adopted, media …………………



Two Fantastic Stories

By Ira Katz April 3, 2024

Here I present two fantastic stories. By fantastic I mean beyond any human experience.

In the first fantastic story an explosion occurred in the void




Borders and Swarms

Steve Hall Apr 01, 2024

Quoting from the Epoch Times Morning Brief, March 30, 2024, in an article discussing the role of the Judicial Branch in our border policies:




The enduring insult of “Capitalism”

“The enemy of being is having” (Karl Marx) Zork (the) Hun Apr 02, 2024

Here we go again with some more Marx bashing, even though he did not coin the expression …………….




Posted By: Rodney Atkinsonon: April 02, 2024

It is suspicious that “Islamist terrorists” from Tajikistan would carry out a massacre at the Crocus City Hall for money rather than Islamic fervour, during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan against Russia which has shown great sympathy for the civilians of Gaza.




Heading Towards Armageddon!

By Larry Sparano and Paul Craig Roberts April 3, 2024



Black Hour for Western Democracy

Neurotechnologies, Machine-brain Interfaces, Electromagnetic Fields, AI Manipulative Techniques to Persuade People “To engage in Unwanted Behaviours”

By Mojmir Babacek Global Research April 3, 2024




Baltimore Bridge Collapse: New Underwater 3D Images Show „Sheer Magnitude“ Of Salvage Operation Ahead

by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Apr 02, 2024



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