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Der Reichtum der Reichen ist nicht die Ursache der Armut der anderen Leute

— Ludwig von Mises

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Adpunktum Wishes Happy New Year


22 Gründe gegen die Corona-Impfpflicht

Eigentlich müsste die vorliegende Faktenlage nicht nur jede Diskussion über eine allgemeine Impfpflicht von selbst verbieten, sondern müsste auch zur Einstellung der gegenwärtigen Impfkampagne führen. Von Andreas Zimmermann.




New studies show that the COVID vaccines damage your immune system, likely permanently

The vaccines are making it more likely you'll be infected with Omicron 90 days after you are fully vaccinated. To keep vaccine effectiveness high against omicron, vaccination every 30 days is needed.. Steve Kirsch, 25.12.2021




Privatize Education

Walter Block

In the view of Terry McAuliffe, former Virginia Gubernatorial candidate: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

According to Mary-Michelle Upson Hirschoff, a professor at the Indiana University School of ……………………..



Did banned mRNA vax inventor Robert W. Malone M.D. just break the Google algorithm?

By Monica Showalter

Did the Twitter punks who banned mRNA vaccine inventor and bona fide vaccine expert Robert W. Malone, M.D. just set off the Mother of all Backfires?

Kind of looks like it, now that they’ve drawn so much public interest to the man that they’ve …………………….



Dispatches from the New Normal Front: The Ministry of Truth’s War on “Misinformation”

When 2 + 2 = 4 Is Verboten

Margaret Anna Alice Dec. 31, 2021

“Free inquiry on a free platform is the only practice that distinguishes a free from a slave society.” —Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–




Container Dwelling Fee Moratorium Ends Today

The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, the two most active ports in the US, will resume container dwelling fees as of today. The moratorium went into effect on October 25 as the ………………….



Chief Justice Roberts Is Dreaming

Editorial of The New York Sun | January 2, 2022

With the new year upon us the liberal drums will be beating an attack on the Supreme Court. Senator Feingold is warning the court has “lost its credibility” because its “right-wing ……………………



Friedliche Koexistenz. Bundesrat entscheidet klug. EU: Knickt der Bundesrat ein? Inflation – die gute Nachricht



Ein geheimes Video zeigt, wie Ringier-Manager Marc Walder seine Redaktionen weltweit auf Regierungstreue einschwört. Und was machen die Schweizer Medien? Sie schweigen

Es hätte der Skandal des Jahres werden können: Am 31. Dezember 2021 um Mittagszeit veröffentlicht der Nebelspalter eine Recherche um ein geleaktes Video, das belegt, wie ……………………..



Tennis Star Claims He Tested Positive for COVID 250 Times

The sports industry has long suffered at the hands of pandemic restrictions amid stadium closures, quarantines, and formerly healthy athletes dying after taking the vaccine. Despite ……………………



Wenn das Fernsehvolk den Lümmel macht

Zwei aufwändig produzierte, von vielen Medien hoch gelobte TV-Serien, mit denen die ARD zum Jahresende punkten wollte, fielen beim Publikum durch. Anlass zur Hoffnung, Zuschauer könnten sich per Fernbedienung die Berieselung mit politischen Lehrstücken vom ……………………



Veggieday 2.0: Grüne Ernährung und Landwirtschaft

Mo, 3. Januar 2022 Selbstbestimmung war einmal

Die Grünen wollen ein staatlich verordnetes Ernährungsverhalten und eine analoge Landwirtschaft, die „globale sozial-ökologische Agrarwende“ wird angepeilt. Bauern dürfen sich ebenso freuen wie Verbraucher. Von Detlef Brendel




Staatsfeind Spaziergänger

So, 2. Januar 2022 Zweierlei Maß im Corona-Staat

In Frankfurt macht die Polizei lieber Jagd auf Spaziergänger als auf Dealer. Ein Augenzeugenbericht am Rande der Frankfurter Corona-Proteste am Neujahrstag.




Deutschland stellt Atomkraftwerke ab und muss dafür Kernkraftwerke in der EU finanzieren

Von Roland Tichy So, 2. Januar 2022 Der Ampel doppeltes Spiel

Ironie der Geschichte: Ausgerechnet am Neujahrswochenende schaltet Deutschland voll funktionsfähige Kernkraftwerke ab – und wird zukünftig Kernkraftwerke um sich herum …………………



Amsterdam Police Unleash Dogs on Protesters

The Netherlands moved into a complete lockdown on December 19 destroying the holiday season of both Christmas and New Year festivities. The government ordered the closure of all ………………



US Trade Deficit Widens 17.5% in November

The US Trade deficit widened 17.5% in November, setting a new record. According to the US Commerce Department, the trade gap in goods increased from $83.2 billion in October to $97.8 billion in November. The number surpassed September’s posting of $97 billion.




COVID Antiviral Pills Cause Life-Threatening Reactions When Used With Many Common Meds: FDA

By Tammy Hung December 31, 2021

Pfizer’s antiviral oral drug developed to treat COVID-19 can cause severe or life-threatening effects when used with common medications including some anti-coagulants, some anti-……………………..



The Extreme Tyranny Today Has Been Caused by Mass Voluntary Compliance

By Gary D. Barnett January 3, 2022

“A people enslaves itself, cuts its own throat, when, having a choice between being vassals ……………..



Red Wine Molecule Aborts Covid-19 Infection Before Symptoms or Antibodies Arise

By Bill Sardi January 3, 2022

Due To Prior Exposure To Coronaviruses Healthcare Workers Found To Exhibit Immunity BEFORE Antibodies Or Symptoms Can Occur.




Italy & Hoarding Dollars

Hi, in the blog “the war on cash and the dollar” you say as you said other times that salvation is only in the paper dollar. Here in Italy if I have paper dollars I have the problem that I can ……………………



Dr. Robert Malone mRNA Inventor – Kids Will Die from the Vaccines



Electoral Integrity For Me But Not For Thee

What will happen when a significant portion of the electorate believes that a free and fair election is no longer possible because the system is permanently rigged to keep the ruling party in power?

By Lucretia January 1, 2022




Neujahrsproteste in ganz Deutschland

So, 2. Januar 2022 Corona-Demonstrationen

Schon am ersten Tag des neuen Jahres demonstrieren wieder tausende Kritiker der Corona-Maßnahmen. Allein in Düsseldorf sind es rund 6.500 Menschen. Doch auch in Bayern, ……………………….



The War on Cash & the Dollar

I have warned that Europe is the epic center for the decline and fall of Western Culture and economic strength. While the US has not yet joined Europe, the Democrats are licking their ………………..



Twitter Bans Dr. Robert Malone The Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology

Twitter on Wednesday banned the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert W Malone after a claimed “misinformation reporter” named Josh Kelety claimed Malone misled people by claiming the vaccines are failing against the Omicron variant. These pretend self-…………………



Weniger Antisemitismus durch mehr erneuerbare Energien

Wahrscheinlich wäre Michael Blume gerne der „Beauftragte der Landesregierung von Baden-Württemberg für globale Dekarbonisierung und den Umgang mit Seltenen Erden“ geworden, ………………….



Der Sonntagsfahrer: Das Jahr des Tretautos

Nachdem in Deutschland die Kinder an der Macht sind, finde ich es an der Zeit, sich mit dem Tretauto zu beschäftigen.

Der Zustand des Stehenbleibens auf der Stufe eines Kindes, respektive die Rückkehr dorthin, …………………..



2022 and Aesop’s Frog

Is liberalism the frog who blew himself up trying to be as big as an ox? In 2022 we may find out.

By Roger Kimball January 1, 2022

The ringing in of the New Year is a time of resolutions—and I hereby resolve to make some. ……………………



2022: Not More of the Same

Rather than a continuation of the trends of 2020-2021, it’s likely something entirely new and different will emerge, and its source will come from outside the system, its leaders, and their plans.

By Christopher Roach December 31, 2021




Genocidal Communist China Throws Down the ‘Democracy’ Gauntlet

Western elites have forgotten and/or forsaken the verity that true democracy “that works” understands liberty is the foundation for a free people’s security and prosperity. By Thaddeus G. McCotter

December 31, 2021




Could 2022 Bring the Collapse of the Euro?

Alasdair Macleod

Like the Fed, the ECB is resisting interest rate increases despite producer and consumer prices soaring. Consumer price inflation across the Eurozone was most recently recorded at 4.9%, making the real yield on Germany’s 5-year bond minus 5.5%. But Germany’s producer prices …………………..



Why Doesn’t Increased Demand Bring More Supply?

12/30/2021 Frank Shostak

By popular thinking, the key driver of economic growth is increases in the total demand for goods and services. It is also held that the overall output increases by a multiple of the …………………….



Biden Administration Must At Least Help Any Country Trying to Confront Iran’s Mullahs

by Majid Rafizadeh January 1, 2022 While the mullahs are using religion to justify their mission of taking over the region, they are more likely attempting to take control of all the oil in the region; they appear to be advancing their hegemonic ambitions to this end.




How We Will Win

By Jeff Deist Mises.org January 1, 2022

You do not defend a world that is already lost. When was it lost? That you cannot say precisely. It is a point for the revolutionary historian to ponder. We know only that it was ……………



Es ist Faschismus, was wir erleben“ ZDF-Mann Hahne spricht Klartext

28. Dezember 2021

Der ZDF-Mann Peter Hahne ist ein ausgesprochen freundlicher Mensch. Und einer, der gleichzeitig Klartext redet wie nur noch wenige. Der ganze Journalismus sei gleichgeschaltet, klagt er jetzt im Interview mit Burkhard Müller-Ullrich bei »Indubio« in seiner Antwort auf …………………..



Peter Hahne, Diversität, Vielfalt, Barrierefreiheit



Dramatic Testimony from the Maxwell Case Will Shock You!

by Alan M. Dershowitz December 31, 2021 You will be surprised to learn that the woman who was paid to find, bring and „groom“ Carolyn was not Ghislaine Maxwell, although the above testimony was given at Maxwell’s trial. The older woman – who was well over the age …………………………



The Problem with „Left vs. Right“

12/30/2021 Gary Galles

As a libertarian, I have long objected to being characterized on a left-right political spectrum (as with studies of political affiliations that group libertarians with republicans or ……………….



Beware 2022: Technocracy’s War Against Humanity Set To Continue

Posted By: Patrick Wood December 31, 2021

On the last day of 2021, what better time to reflect on Technocracy’s recent gains and likely trajectory moving into 2022?




True Competition versus the Monopolist „Minimal State“

12/31/2021 David Gordon

According to Ayn Rand’s ethics, the only basis for value is an individual’s survival as a rational being. In order to live as a rational being, you must respect the rights of others as rational beings each aiming at his own survival. As Harry Binswanger, a leading follower of …………………….



The Prospect of World War III

By David Stockman International Man January 1, 2022

Are these people so abysmally ignorant of history, geography, economics and the wherewithal of a true national security threat that they think the map below is worth WWIII?

Ukraine has never had stable borders, nor has it been a longstanding independent nation state. ……………………



Old President Launches New Revolution

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog January 1, 2022

September 12, 2043.

In a crumbling industrial district of a desolated city on the eastern seaboard, I finally found former President Jack Talmadge.




Of Reichstags and Bastilles

One side understands that January 6 was a turning point in our history. The other side, once again, needs to catch up. By Eric Lendrum December 31, 2021

The United States of America came to a crossroads on January 6, 2021. How we treat the events of that day will affect not only our politics, but our culture and our very way of life for …………………..



America’s Radical Revolution and the Constitutional Coup

12/29/2021 Tho BishopPatrick Newman

How did a handful of colonies created by the European Old Order establish a unique nation conceived in liberty? In Episode 2 of the Liberty vs. Power Podcast, Patrick Newman and Tho ………………..



IfW-Präsident: Euro für Deutschland nicht „alternativlos“

Epoch Times 30. Dezember 2021

Der neue Co-Chef des Kieler Instituts für Weltwirtschaft (IfW), Stefan Kooths, fordert die neue Bundesregierung zu einer rigorosen Maßnahme auf. Die Regierung müsse klarmachen, ………………..



The FBI’s Criminal Lead Informant in Whitmer ‘Kidnapping’ Caper

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a morally bankrupt, politically  weaponized agency doing the dirty work of the Democratic Party. By Julie Kelly  December 30, 2021

In June 2020, as the country attempted to recover from deadly and destructive riots after the ……………………



Six Cultish Things Globalist Elites Want You to Look Forward To in 2022—and Beyond!

What the globalist elites want for us is something that resembles corporate fascism. Or, in other words, one big fat globalist cult. By Stella Morabito  December 30, 2021




MAGA Doesn’t Stop at the Rio Grande

America cannot be truly great unless and until it secures its border and protects its most vulnerable American communities. By A.J. Rice December 30, 2021

Remember when President George W. Bush said this?




The heretics will not be silenced

Jess De Wahls is an embroidery artist based in London. Buy her work here. Dissident artists will never bow down to trans activists. December 31, 2021

When, just over two years ago, I published a blog and stitched a matching piece of embroidery questioning the dangers of gender identity ideology, little could I imagine that the ………………



Germany’s New Government: Business as Usual with China

by Soeren Kern December 31, 2021 Olaf Scholz, who succeeded Angela Merkel as chancellor on December 8, pledged [in a telephone call with China’s President Xi Jinping] to strengthen economic ties with China, but he failed to mention human rights or the destruction of democracy in Hong Kong.




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