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Ein marxistisches System erkennt man daran, dass es die Kriminellen verschont und den politischen Gegner kriminalisiert.

— Alexander Solschenizyn

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Macron hat Scholz über den Tisch gezogen

Von Wolfram Weimer

Die EU-Einstufung von Kernenergie als klimafreundlich stellt nicht nur die Ampel-Regierung auf die Probe: Die Entscheidung ist auch ein Sieg Emmanuel Macrons. Frankreichs Präsident legt die Schwächen der deutschen Energiepolitik bloß.

Die Grünen in der Berliner Regierung toben. Die EU-Kommission folgt der Position ……………………



What If The Largest Experiment On Human Beings In History Is A Failure?

by Tyler Durden Monday, Jan 03, 2022

Authored by Dr. Robert Malone via Substack,

A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading.  What a headline.




Trudeau Dehumanizes the Unvaccinated Population

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has chosen to completely dehumanize those who are failing to comply with the agenda. After explaining his disgust for those who have not taken the mRNA vaccine, Trudeau declared that these people are “often racist and misogynistic …………………



Mortgage Lenders Provided a Record $1.61 Trillion in 2021

The post-pandemic real estate frenzy led to mortgage lenders issuing more money last year than ever before. According to records, mortgage lenders in the US issued $1.6 trillion in …………………..



Did You Have Omicron Over Christmas?

The wife and I came down with om-moron-icron over Christmas, kids were fine. The family acted like it was a death sentence as we are a no vaccine home. Brother who lives three states …………………



As China Pursues Nuclear Arms Buildup, Biden Opts for Banter at United Nations

By BENNY AVNI, Special to the Sun | January 3, 2022

Failing to match Communist China’s growing nuclear arsenal, or even engage Beijing directly to curb its arms buildup, President Biden is opting for banter at the United Nations.




Medizin ohne Menschlichkeit

Die Fehlentwicklungen in der Corona-Pandemie haben tiefere Ursachen. Fortschritt und Menschlichkeit in Medizin und Gesellschaft haben nicht miteinander Schritt gehalten. Das mechanistische Weltbild, das zu Biologismus und Optimierungswahn führte, ist nie völlig aus …………………



George Washington’s Tenderness

Editorial of The New York Sun | January 3, 2022

With the approach of the first anniversary of the January 6 protests, we find ourselves thinking of Daniel Shays, James McFarlane, and John Fries. They were the leaders of three of the most famous — and serious — rebellions in American history. These were the Shays, the Whiskey, and the Fries. The charges that came out of them included, in sharp …………………..



The Misesian Case against Keynes

12/31/2021 Hans-Hermann Hoppe

I – Classical Economic Theory

It is my goal to reconstruct some basic truths regarding the process of economic development and the role played in it by employment, money, and interest. These truths neither originated with the Austrian school of economics nor are an integral part of only this tradition of economic thinking.




Dr. Robert Malone to Rogan: US in ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Over COVID-19

By Jack Phillips January 2, 2022

Key mRNA contributor Dr. Robert Malone, a prominent skeptic of mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, suggested to popular podcaster Joe Rogan—days after Malone was suspended ………………………..



Taking Back Our Liberty in 2022

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute January 4, 2022

For those of us who value liberty, these past two years have been a bad dream. It seems like we fell asleep in early 2020 and woke up in 1984! They said that if we just put on a mask and stayed home for two weeks, we’d be able to return to normal. The two weeks came and went …………………



Ein Brief an die ersten Impfpflichtigen

Das Personal im deutschen Gesundheitswesen ist die erste Gruppe, die der Impfpflicht in diesem Jahr nachkommen muss. Was ist von der Begründung dieser gesetzlichen Pflicht zu halten? Die Antwort eines Juristen. Von Friedrich Kurt Larmann.




Vom Atomausstieg zurück zur Kernkraft

Unsere letzten Kernkraftwerke werden abgeschaltet, In Schweden wurde einst zwar der Atomausstieg beschlossen, aber die Kraftwerke blieben am Netz. Und jetzt denkt man an einen Ausbau der Kernenergie.




Warum ich nicht mehr links bin

Von Mario Thurnes Di, 4. Januar 2022 Linke fürchten Widersprüche

Pressesprecher und fest angestellter Redakteur bei der Frankfurter Rundschau war unser Autor Mario Thurnes. Heute will er kein Linker mehr sein. Obwohl sich seine Haltung in den …………………..



Macron erwartet die deutsche Kapitulation in Sachen Kernkraft

Von Frank Hennig Di, 4. Januar 2022

Die meisten EU-Länder werden wohl zustimmen, die Kernkraft als „grüne“ Energietechnologie einzuordnen. Viele auch nur, weil es eine Retourkutsche zur einseitigen ……………………



Zahlenschwindeleien und Hardliner-Getue: Söder immer stärker unter Druck

Mo, 3. Januar 2022 Absturz eines kurzlebigen Hoffnungsträgers

Söders Hardliner-Image kommt nicht mehr an, seine Umfragewerte kennen nur noch eine Richtung: nach unten. Jetzt wird Bayern zum Hotspot der Protestbewegung gegen Impfzwang und Lockdown. Von Jonas Aston




Was der DJV-Vize alles so nicht sagen will

Sie haben es vermutlich mitbekommen, dass achgut.com auf YouTube nicht mehr zu finden ist. YouTube hat uns komplett gelöscht. Alle Videos, mehrere hundert Beiträge, obwohl nur eine Handvoll (oder noch weniger) beanstandet wurde, und das mit der immergleichen ……………………….



2022 – A challenging year

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 4, 2022

I remember when 1984 was in the distant future. We wondered if our destiny was going to be Big Brother’s police state. But 1984 turned out to be the middle of the Reagan years. Liberals …………………..



Unprecedented: Deaths in Indiana for ages 18-64 are up 40%

This is huge. Something is killing healthy people at an unprecedented rate. It isn’t COVID. Could it be the „safe and effective“ COVID vaccine? I think so. Here’s why.

By Steve Kirsch Steve’s Kirsch newsletter January 4, 2022




The Fatal Attraction of Techno-Fascism

Mark Petrakis

“Those who are serious in ridiculous matters will be ridiculous in serious matters.”
Cato the Elder

The enduring beauty of fascism is that it requires so little from us… so little independent …………………….



Pandora’s Box Opened: Swedes Adopt Implanted Chips As Vaccine Passports

Posted By: Joe Allen via The Federalist January 3, 2022

The author rightly concludes, “Scientism is their faith. Technology is their sacrament. Their cult is a cyborg theocracy. Even if they rain fire from the sky with the press of a button, never bend the knee to their silicon gods.”The evil twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism are both rooted in Scientism.




Mars Ho! The Technocrat Cult Of Outer Space

Posted By: via DNYUZ January 3, 2022

Why does Congress propose $25 billion in 2022 to help fund colonization of outer space and in particular, Mars, or the incessant search for alien life in the galaxy? Apparently science is ………………….



Why the Debt Ceiling Won’t Limit Debt or Spending

01/01/2022 Jacob G. Hornberger

Not surprisingly, both houses of Congress approved another increase in the debt ceiling and have sent the bill to President Biden, who will most assuredly sign it. The bill raises the debt ……………….



Japan’s Inflation Is Hidden behind Central Bank–Financed Subsidies

01/03/2022 Taiki MuraiGunther Schnabl

Whereas inflation rates in the US and Europe have risen steeply in the course of 2021, consumer price inflation in Japan stood at 0.1 percent for October 2021 (figure 1). Also, Japan’s producer price inflation of 8 percent lagged far behind the US and Europe. Even more, …………………




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