Sanktionen gegen Putin – was bedeutet der Ausschluss Russlands aus dem Finanzinformationssystem Swift?
Beat Gygi, 28 2 22
Braucht es gegen Russland die Finanzwaffe? EU und USA greifen bei ihren Sanktionen gegen Putin zum Ausschluss Russlands aus dem weltweiten Finanzinformationssystem Swift. Wenigstens selektiv. Die EU will «ausgewählte russische Banken» von Swift ausschliessen, ……………………….
Belarus Votes to Change Constitution & Deploy Nuclear Weapons
I do not know what to say anymore. Biden is mentally incompetent to lead the world no less the United States. He could not find a lifejacket on a sinking ship. Belarus has now voted to change its constitution and deploy nuclear weapons. China entered a new arrangement with ……………….
Leaked Media Instructions Show China Is Studying the Russian Invasion
The West’s Response to Russia Will Cause Energy Prices to Rise
On February 10, President Joe Biden stated that he would
The Foolishness of Sanctions
Marty, I can see why you have been an adviser to governments. You said sanctions never work. Biden has come out and admitted they did not prevent anything. Who is making these decisions in governments? The Keystone cops?
Germany to Send Anti-Tank Weapons, Missiles to Ukraine in Major Policy Reversal
By Allen Zhong February 26, 2022
Germany will provide anti-tank weapons and surface-to-air missiles to Ukraine, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced Saturday.
Update on World War III Unfolding
While now the EU and Canada have closed their air space to Russia, and Hungary publicly states they will NOT get involved, I can report that some people I know in Kyiv have made it …………………..
Ohne digitalen Euro droht EZB Verlust der Währungshoheit
Ein Gutachten legt der EZB die Einführung einer digitalen Ausgabe des Euro nahe. Sonst könnten private Vorstöße für Digitalgeld an ihrer Währungssouveränität rütteln
Alexander Hahn 27. Februar 2022, Gutachten für Einführung
Noch ein „Schwurbler“? – Wegen Corona-Regime mehren sich Parteiaustritte
Alois Endl 27. Februar 2022
Störe meine Kreise nicht! Dies soll der griechische Mathematiker und Physiker Archimedes noch kurz vor seinem Hinscheiden durch die Hand eines römischen Soldaten geraunt haben. ……………………..
Sanktionen gegen Russland – Schauspiel der Illusionisten
Eine Meinungsmache von Daniel Stelter
Die westliche Allianz hat „harte Sanktionen“ gegen Russland beschlossen. Es gibt nur zwei Probleme: Sie werden gegen ein Land wie Russland keinen Erfolg haben. Und sie tun uns mindestens genauso weh.
Migrants Desecrate More Than 2,000 Churches Just in Greece
by Raymond Ibrahim February 27, 2022 „As a deeply religious society, these attacks on churches are shocking to the Greek people and calls to question whether these illegal immigrants seeking a new life in Europe are willing to integrate and conform to the norms …………………….
Chronik des Irrsinns – der Februar 2022
Der zweite Monat des Jahres 2022 geht zu Ende, also das zweite Zwölftel eines Irrsinns. Die mit dem Klammerbeutel Gepuderten erhöhen die Schlagzahl, der Chronist kommt kaum hinterher. Lesen Sie, staunen Sie!
Ist Putin wirklich paranoid?
Die Frage, ob Putin paranoid ist, beschäftigt den politisch-medialen Komplex in Deutschland derzeit. Das mag ja auch sein, aber er verhält sich nach den Maßstäben seiner Welt vollkommen logisch und das hätte man wissen können.
Nach Putin und dem Schaden durch zwei Bundeskanzler: Wohin, Deutschland?
Von Roland Tichy So, 27. Februar 2022
Große Krisen schaffen auch Klarheit. Sie schärfen unseren Blick für die Vergangenheit, für Fehlentscheidungen und wir erkennen die mit Sprengstoffen gefüllten Minen, die in die ……………
Keep Us Out of War
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. February 28, 2022
Events in Ukraine are happening very fast, and if I tried to predict what will happen there, my prediction would soon be overtaken by events. But one thing is certain. We need to ………………….
The Collapsing Covid Narrative is Being Replaced with Putin and Ukraine
Game-changing news has emerged out of Iceland.
As of this week, Iceland is the first country in the world to completely drop ALL Covid measures. There will be no lockdowns or social restrictions. There will be no mandatory …………………
Geopolitics and Degrowth
February 25, 2022
The Geopolitics of Degrowth holds that real power flows not from waste, centralization and coercion but from decentralization, relocalization and the free flow of value.
EU Sanctions on Russia Equal ‘Suicide by Cop’
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns February 28, 2022
The EU has unveiled its first tranche of economic sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. EU leadership looks even more angry about this outcome than US leadership does. ………………….
Ukraine: The New American War for Righteousness
By Boyd D. Cathey My Corner February 28, 2022
Ever since the fall of the Communist system and the fracturing of the old Soviet Union in 1989-1991, the globalist foreign policy hawks in the American state department and their ………………….
Hilflos in Berlin: Die schönsten Politiker-Zitate zum Krieg
Während russische Panzer auf Kiew zurollen, schwadroniert sich unser politisches Spitzenpersonal um Kopf und Kragen. Eine Auswahl.
„Denn so richtig können wir der Ukraine nicht helfen, und wir helfen ihr auch nicht. Aber die Sanktionen früher zu verhängen, hätte auch nicht geholfen.“ (Robert Habeck, …………………
Berühmte Querdenker: Anna Achmatowa
Auf vielerlei Art haben die sowjetischen Machthaber kritische Literaten bestraft, im Fall der Petersburger Dichterin Anna Achmatowa durch versuchtes Verschweigen. Achmatowa, geboren 1889, wurde schon durch ihre ersten Gedichtbände in der russischen Intelligentsia ………………
Darf ich ohne Mumu als Frau gehen?
Identitätspolitik ist sehr modern und sehr kompliziert. Wer hat sie erfunden? Welche Fortschritte gab es? Was geht gar nicht mehr? Hier die Antworten. Bis auf eine.
Identitätspolitik ist eine wichtige Sache, das ist bekannt. Bestimmt denken Sie jetzt: „Genau! ………………….
Russia Bans Short Selling
Russia’s central bank announced that they would no longer permit short-selling Russian stocks. Once a market turns down and confidence vanishes, the only support is short-…………………..
World War III Beginning Stages Now
I have been warning the West should not mess with Putin. It is so obvious that the West has made the same fatal error as that of Rome. It has weakened its economy with COVID and it is …………………
Die geopolitische Erdachse verschiebt sich
Im neuen Kalten Krieg gegen Russland und China ist der militärisch impotente Westen der grosse Verlierer. Zu lange hat man die Interessen Russlands ignoriert und Putin ins Lager Xi Jinpings getrieben. Opfer sind die historisch leidgeprüften, im Stich gelassenen Ukrainer. Die Schweiz muss zur Neutralität zurück. Roger Köppel, 27.2.22
The Party of Chaos Blows Its Cover
By James Howard Kunstler February 26, 2022
The Ukraine blow-up is more a humiliation for “Joe Biden” and his faction than for the US per se, for the truth is that we have scant interest in that corner of the world and what goes on …………………..
COVID-19 Vaccine Responsible for False-Positive Syphilis Tests
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has admitted that people who received the ……………..
Is Western Press Egging Putin to Fully Invade Ukraine?
One must wonder if the West is intentionally trying to create a full-scale European war. “Putin is furious, he thought that the whole war would be easy and everything would be ……………….
Why is Putin Holding Back?
Hi, I speak Polish. On Twitter, one Polish military guy remarked that on all those videos he can not see the most modern Russian equipment. This was unexpected as you would anticipate otherwise considering the character of rapid attack. Is Putin planning more than the ……………………
Bevölkerungsaustausch in den USA: USA: „Weiße“ sind bald in der Minderheit
- Februar 2022 Heinz G. Jakuba
Der kontinuierliche Rückgang des Anteils der weißen Bevölkerung ist ein absolutes Tabu-Thema in den Vereinigten Staaten. Vor allem für die Demokraten unter US-Präsident Joe …………………
CDC Drastically Alters Key Measure That Influences Mask Mandates Across US
By Zachary Stieber February 25, 2022
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Feb. 25 drastically changed a key measure that is used by officials across the country to determine whether or not to require ………………
Fahrer überlebt unter Kriegsgerät – Ukrainischer Panzer überrollt Zivilist in seinem Auto in Kiew
Beim Vormarsch der russischen Truppen in die ukrainische Hauptstadt trifft schweres Kriegsgerät auf Zivilisten. Videos von einer Straße in Kiew zeigen einen Vorfall, der nur wie durch ein Wunder nicht tödlich endet.
Here Is Why Iran’s Mullahs Are Excited About Biden’s Nuclear Deal
by Majid Rafizadeh February 26, 2022 That the ruling mullahs are asking the Biden administration for guarantees that the US will never be able to leave the new nuclear deal, even after President Joe Biden leaves office, should signal that the mullahs want this deal ……………………
Biden’s Cuban Missile Crisis
02/24/2022 Jeff Deist
Joe Biden’s perverse legacy, if that term even applies anymore, may well be determined in the coming weeks by his handling of events in Ukraine. He can improve it by showing restraint against the relentless neoconservative chorus. One wonders what the results of a pure popular ……………………
The Ethics and Economics of Private Property
02/24/2022 Hans-Hermann Hoppe I. The Problem of Social Order
Alone on his island, Robinson Crusoe can do whatever he pleases. For him, the question concerning rules of orderly human conduct—social cooperation—simply does not arise. ……………………
Du wirst nichts besitzen und glücklich sein? The Great Reset
Finanztech-Analyst: Der „Great Reset“ ist George Orwells berühmtem Roman „1984“ sehr ähnlich
Ein altgedienter Finanztechnologie-Journalist aus der Bitcoin-Szene meint, dass der „Great Reset“ George ……………………
„Great Reset“: „Im Jahr 2030 werden Sie nichts besitzen und glücklich sein“
Von Youtube-Kanal zentralPlus7. Februar 2021
Das Thema Weltwirtschaftsforum: Ein Blick auf die Anfänge und Hintergründe des Forums und was die …………………..
Keine Privatsphäre, kein Eigentum: Die Welt im Jahr 2030
Das Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF) wurde vor fünfzig Jahren gegründet. Es hat im Laufe der Jahrzehnte immer mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen und ist zu einer Plattform für futuristisches Denken und Planen geworden. Als Treffpunkt der globalen Elite bringt das WEF die führenden Persönlichkeiten aus Wirtschaft und Politik sowie einige wenige ausgewählte Intellektuelle zusammen. Die Hauptstoßrichtung ……………………..
8 predictions for the world in 2030
Facing the future 12 Nov 2016
Ceri Parker Commissioning Editor, Agenda, World Economic Forum
For more information, watch sessions on the Global Economic Outlook, the ………………………….
Global Future Councils
The World Economic Forum’s network of Global Future Councils is the world’s foremost multistakeholder and interdisciplinary knowledge network dedicated to promoting innovative thinking to shape a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable future.
US Foreign Policy Has Always Been Aggressive
02/24/2022 Joseph Solis-Mullen
With so much having been made in the past decade of China’s behavior in its immediate neighborhood—from jousting with Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands to building up and occupying the Spratly Islands, from harassing Filipino fishermen to engaging in actual border …………………..
All War, Hot Cold, Geopolitical, International or Domestic, Is Always War Against All of Us
By Gary D. Barnett February 26, 2022
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
George Orwell (1984)
From the Black Sea to the East Med, Don’t Poke The Russian Bear
The US shouldn’t have poked the Russian Bear. Now it is fully awake: after Ukraine, the Russians are likely to do a clean sweep of foreign belligerents poking around the East Med and the Black Sea.
By Pepe Escobar The Cradle February 26, 2022
Putin Ushers in the New Geopolitical Game Board
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns February 26, 2022
Up until February 23rd, 2022, the powerful countries of the world played a very rarified game.
Too many people try to analyze geopolitics like it is a game of chess. Move, counter-move. …………………..
The Coming Terror of Social Impact Finance and Social Credit Scores
Posted on February 24, 2022 Author Derrick BrozeComment(0)
Will the social engineers of the future use social engineering tools such as social credit scores and social impact finance to co-create a more equitable and just world? Or are all of the ………………..
Russia and China Aren’t the Natural Allies Many Assume Them to Be
02/24/2022 Ryan McMaken
In the wake of mounting tensions between the US and Russia over Ukraine, one now finds countless media stories on the „China-Russia axis“ and the „bond between Russia and China.“ ………………….
Hitler’s Views on Private Property and Nationalization
02/24/2022 Rainer Zitelmann
The answer to the question of Adolf Hitler’s position on private ownership and nationalization appears to be fairly simple. It is generally accepted that Hitler recognized private ownership ……………..
AKK-Abrechnung mit Merkels Russland-Politik „Ich bin so wütend“
Julius Böhm 24.02.2022
Ukraine & Biological Weapons
There are all sorts of rumors that the US has biological weapons installations in Ukraine and Putin has been targeting them for destruction. I have found no truth to this from reliable …………….
The Other Side in Ukraine
I’m definitely not for war. But for 8 years, since 2014, the Ukrainian government has murdered and bombed Russian people there. Especially the cities (Donetsk and Lugansk) that …………………
War is Never What it Seems
War is rarely what is reported in the newspapers. Here we have the West all blaming Putin and asserting that he is the aggressor. War is always created by politicians – not the people. …………………
COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations Jump Among Vaccinated: CDC Data
By Zachary Stieber February 24, 2022
COVID-19 case and hospitalization rates increased among people who got a COVID-19 vaccine following the emergence of the Omicron virus variant, according to newly published ……………….
The War on Cash Entering Bold New Phase
With so much news about Ukraine, inflation, massive government spending and exploding deficits, it’s easy to overlook the ongoing war on cash. That’s a mistake because it has serious implications not only for your money, but for your privacy and personal freedom, as you’ll see today.
Global Technocrats Likely Behind Trudeau’s Sudden Reversal Of Emergency Orders
Posted By: Sundance via The Conservative Treehouse February 25, 2022
Justin Trudeau was likely drawn up short by his Technocrat superiors because he let the cat out of the bag too early. That is, he revealed the workings of the dystopian financial controls …………………….
More evidence Covid was tinkered with in a lab? Now scientists find virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began
Genetic match discovered in Covid’s unique furin cleavage site on spike protein
Matched genetic sequence patented by Moderna for cancer research purposes
Researchers say one in 3trillion chance Covid developed the code naturally
By Connor Boyd Deputy Health Editor For Mailonline 23 February 2022 |
«Konsequenzen, wie Sie sie noch nie gesehen haben»: Putin droht unverhohlen mit Atomwaffen. Eine Zeitenwende und ein Weckruf für den verweichlichten Westen
Urs Gehriger, 26.2.22
Im Minutentakt erreichen uns Hiobsmeldungen aus der Ukraine. In Realtime werden wir Zeugen, wie der russische Bär die Krallen in die ukrainische Beute senkt.
Ludwig von Mises: A Scholar Who Would Not Compromise
02/23/2022 Fritz Machlup
There are learned people, even students of economics, who know little or nothing about Ludwig von Mises. And there are those who have erroneous or distorted knowledge of him, acquired from superficial hearsay or from the teaching of unfriendly critics; there has been no ………………..
Ukrainische Front stabilisiert sich teilweise – Russland bombardiert Kiew – Scholz blockiert schwere Sanktionen
Do, 24. Februar 2022
Die Ukraine konnte einen von Russland eroberten Flugplatz nahe Kiew zurückerobern und den russischen Vormarsch verlangsamen. Die Solidarität Deutschlands beschränkt sich dabei ……………….
Biden’s Cuban Missile Crisis
By Jeff Deist February 25, 2022
Joe Biden’s perverse legacy, if that term even applies anymore, may well be determined in coming weeks by his handling of events in Ukraine. He can improve it by showing restraint ………………….
Chinese Censorship on American Soil
by Peter Schweizer February 25, 2022 Americans are now familiar with the sad spectacle of their own countrymen bowing to Chinese pressure publicly. We see it done by captains of industry, Wall Street’s largest firms, the most elite universities, sports heroes, cultural figures, ………………….
Frankreich, das Land der Chancenungleichheit
- Februar 2022 – Karl-Friedrich Israel
Dr. Karl-Friedrich Israel ist Assistenzprofessor an der Katholischen Universität des Westens in Angers, Frankreich.
The Ukraine crisis started with Suez
Peter Franklin is Associate Editor of UnHerd. He was previously a policy advisor and speechwriter on environmental and social issues. Oil shocks crash economies and enable enemies. February 25, 2022
Has Sadiq Khan sacrificed women?
Joan Smith is a novelist and columnist. She has been Chair of the Mayor of London’s Violence Against Women and Girls Board since 2013. Her book Homegrown: How Domestic Violence Turns Men Into Terrorists was published in 2019. City Hall has finally given up on …………………….
Anti-racism betrays Asian students
Asra Q. Nomani is a former Wall Street Journal reporter and Vice President for Strategy and Investigations at Parents Defending Education. Skin colour trumps academic achievement.
February 25, 2022
After the tragic killing of George Floyd in 2020, much of the virtue-signalling that followed ………………..
Der neue Kalte Krieg
Der russische Militäreinsatz in der Ukraine hat viele überrascht. Putins Entschlossenheit wird mit Sanktionen und Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine nicht zu stoppen sein. Der Westen sollte von seiner Forderung nach einem Rückzug russischer Truppen zwar nicht abrücken – ……………………
From the Ruling Class to the Outside . . . to the Senate?
J.D. Vance passed up on a comfortable path of accolades and rewards. It speaks well of his character—and his candidacy. By Steve Cortes February 23, 2022
“They Didn’ Hear What We Told Them. They Had Better Hear This Time” – Vladimir Putin
By Paul Craig Roberts February 25, 2022
Think back to 2014 when the US overthrew the Ukrainian government and installed a neo-Nazi regime. The neocons were smirking, laughing at how easy it was to buffalo the Russians. …………………
Welcome to the New ‘New World Order,’ Not Like the Old ‘New World Order’
Posted on February 24, 2022 by Dave LIndorff Russia decides it too, like the US, is an ‘exceptional nation’:
The War in Ukraine
Today at 12 noon EST, I’ll be live on Rumble to discuss the ongoing conflict, its multiple dangers, and what role the U.S. should play, if any, in its outcome
By Glenn Greenwald February 25, 2022