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Manchmal frage ich mich, ob die Welt von klugen Menschen regiert wird, die uns zum Narren halten, oder von Schwachköpfen, die es ernst meinen.

— Mark Twain

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

The Dismal Track Record of the Press

Hi Martin – thank you to you and your team for all your good work. Canadians have held a high level of respect for our government. It is so difficult now that our current PM and his ………………….



The Model on War & Food Shortages

During a war, food production collapses because tanks have a tendency to plow down crops. Here is a food ratio book from World War II in the United States where tanks were not plowing down fields. So even during WWII War, there were Ration Stamp Books issued by ………………..



Putin Offers Peace – Zelensky Declines

Reliable sources have confirmed that Putin offered to stop the war instantly if Kyiv give up its ………………..



Yes, the US Has Its Own „Sphere of Influence.“ And It’s Huge

Ryan McMaken

Late last year, US secretary of state Anthony Blinken declared that „One country does not have the right to exert a sphere of influence. That notion should be relegated to the dustbin of history.“




Urban Supremacy and the Dismantling of Rural Communities

Mark Metz

Probably the worst of the multitude of villainous covid restrictions came at the expense of churches, the forced closure of their doors. Coupled with this tragedy was the fact that while …………….



Burned at the Stake: Stakeholder Theory and Shareholder Interests Don’t Line Up

03/04/2022 David Gordon

Persons have a natural right to go into business together, and they may do so either as a partnership or a corporation. In the latter type of organization, the persons setting it up limit …………………



Who Are the Oligarchs?

The word “oligarch” leads some to believe that these rich individuals are part of a mysterious underground society. The Oxford dictionary defines an oligarchy as “a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution,” and oligarchs are those who have …………………



Is Putin the New Coronavirus?

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute March 8, 2022

President Biden’s “maskless” State of the Union signifies the near-end of the COVID tyranny we have lived under for the past two years. Fortunately for Congress, the President, and the ……………………



The Man Who Sold Ukraine

By Mike Whitney The Unz Review March 8, 2022

Volodymyr Zelensky is the current President of Ukraine. He was elected in a landslide victory in 2019 on the promise of easing tensions with Russia and resolving the crisis in the …………………….



The Lies of Pfizer: The Billion Dollar Cash Payment from Biden to Media

By Alexandra Bruce  Forbidden Knowledge TV March 8, 2022

A Freedom of Information Act request filed by TheBlaze has revealed that Biden’s Health and Human Services Department paid $1 billion of your tax dollars to bribe all the major …………………….



Why John Mearsheimer Blames the U.S. for the Crisis in Ukraine

By Isaac Chotiner

March 07, 2022: Information Clearing House   The political scientist John Mearsheimer has been one of the most famous critics of American foreign policy since the end of the Cold ……………………



Russia weighs risks of launching cyberattacks against the West

Ines Kagubare – 03/05/22

Although the United States is bracing for retaliatory Russian cyberattacks, experts in the field say the Kremlin is likely still weighing whether destructive action in cyberspace is worth the ………………



Will the World Soon Be Ready for Central Bank Digital Currencies? The IMF Seems to Think So

Posted on March 4, 2022 by Nick Corbishley

The move towards central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) “is gaining momentum, driven by the ingenuity of Central Banks.”




Unintended Consequences of mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19

BY Joseph Mercola TIME March 3, 2022

MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff’s paper,




Russia: Countries Allowing Ukraine to Use Their Airfields ‘May Be Regarded’ as Entering Conflict

By Jack Phillips March 6, 2022

Russia’s Defense Ministry on Sunday warned that any country that offers the use of its airfields to Ukraine’s military for attacks on Russian assets could be considered as having ……………………



Effective immediately, no more grain will be exported from Hungary… world headed into global famine scenario

Sunday, March 06, 2022 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) Hungary, one of Europe’s most grain-rich countries, is …………………..



The Coming WWIII

While people rush to kiss the feet of Zelensky, even some Ukrainians are now concerned that he is a puppet dragging their country to destruction all over Donbas. I have warned that this is ……………..



Ukraine nationalists don’t let civilians leave via corridors of Russian army — Putin

Vladimir Putin also stressed that the nationalists now ask the foreign nationals to turn to their authorities who, in their turn, should appeal to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry




Ein verlorener Sieg

Eine nüchterne Einschätzung der militärischen und geopolitischen Lage nach dem zehnten Tag des Einmarsches der russischen Armee in die Ukraine.

Während ich diese Zeilen schreibe (4. März 2022), dauert der Krieg in der Ukraine an. Aller …………………..



Die ganze Wahrheit über Adam und Eva und die Sintflut

Ein Politik- und Religionswissenschaftler aus dem Südwesten der Republik, der Heimat vieler Sekten und okkulter Bräuche wie z. B. der Kehrwoche, hat vor Kurzem einen Aufsatz veröffentlicht, in dem es um „vegetarische Alternativen zum Fleisch“ geht. Und natürlich um den Frieden.




“Echte Antifaschisten laufen hier“: Weiter über 100.000 Bürger bei „Montagsspaziergängen“

Di, 8. März 2022 Corona-Proteste im ganzen Land

Die Proteste gegen die Impfpflicht weiten sich aus: Die finale Phase der politische Auseinandersetzung beginnt. Viele Medien ignorieren die Demonstrationen mittlerweile einfach. Von Jonas Aston.




Moskau wirbt syrische Söldner für den Häuserkampf – Schlacht um Kiew könnte bevorstehen

Di, 8. März 2022

Immer mehr deutet daraufhin, dass der Kampf um Kiew bevorsteht. Putin setzt dafür auch auf ausländische Söldner und radikalislamische Milizen. Ein Häuserkampf wäre für Russlands ………………..



Der BDI-Präsident leistet den Offenbarungseid der deutschen Abhängigkeit

Di, 8. März 2022 Energieembargo wäre „Spiel mit dem Feuer“

Der Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie bekennt: Ein sofortiges Ende von Energieimporten aus Russland träfe Deutschland härter als die Putins Regime. Die ………………….



Lindner: „Wir werden alle ärmer“

Mo, 7. März 2022

Gegenüber der BILD-Zeitung wird Finanzminister Christian Lindner deutlich: Die Tankstellenpreise seien nicht aufzufangen, es stehe ein volkswirtschaftlicher




Unter Freunden: Gespräche zur Corona-Impfung

Von Martin Schönberg. Ich bin ungeimpft. Das hat Folgen – auch für manche Freundschaften. Hier ein halbes Dutzend Beispiele.




If Ukraine Falls Does the Democratic Party Fall as Well?

by Lawrence Kadish March 7, 2022 It was all well and good for the Biden Administration to provide repeated warnings in the days before the invasion, but words will not stop Russian ………………



Vladimir Putin: Russia’s Trump?

By Cherie Zaslawsky|March 7th, 2022

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars…” Matthew 24: 6-8




Is the Covid Pandemic the Only Global Lie? You Decide

By Dr. Igor Shepherd March 8, 2022

Ah, the Covid-19 pandemic. Is it really the first humongous lie to fool all of humanity on a “global” scale in order to usher in a one world government? Or is a much grander hoax in ……………..



Turkey Committing War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity – Again

by Uzay Bulut March 7, 2022 The Turkish government uses the pretext of „fighting terrorism“ for its military attacks against Iraq and Syria. Its „fight against terrorism“, however, does not mainly target the Islamic State (ISIS), al-Qaeda or its affiliates such as the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).




Vladimir Putin, the Latest of the Failed Irredentists

In response to Putin’s irredentist schemes, the surreal Left has alternately appased him and angrily denounced the critics of their appeasement.  By Victor Davis Hanson March 6, 2022

Irredentism—the romance of reclaiming “unredeemed” old lands—is a symptom of messianic ………………….



It’s Not Anti-Semitism, It’s Blanket Hatred of Whites

Whoopi Goldberg just can’t be bothered with the killing of the Holocaust because because she is now playing a more promising victim game. By Paul Gottfried February 8, 2022

Ron Lauder, the billionaire Jewish philanthropist, has spoken out against the “rising tide of Jew hatred” in the United States, citing as two examples, the banning of the Holocaust graphic ………………….



Wokeness on Energy Is Weakness

Biden’s energy policy is bankrupting the country and making us a paper tiger abroad.

By Ned Ryun March 6, 2022

As Joe Biden’s approval numbers sink further into the sewer, the only thing he’s building back better is 1970s-style inflation. Up until Biden, most polls usually named Jimmy Carter as …………………..



You can’t cancel Putin

Kat Rosenfield is an UnHerd columnist and co-host of the Feminine Chaos podcast. Her 2021 novel No One Will Miss Her has been nominated for the Edgar Award. Hurting the president’s feelings won’t end the war. March 7, 2022.




Dem “Nudging” fehlt die ethische Legitimation

  1. März 2022 – Öffentlicher Brief[1] von mehr als 50 in England tätigen Psychologen und Angehörigen der Gesundheitsberufe an Herrn William Wragg, Abgeordneter des englischen Parlaments (MP) und Vorsitzender des Ausschusses für öffentliche Verwaltung und ………………



Kyiv Airport Destroyed

The Kyiv Airport was destroyed to prevent the West from flying in military equipment. This is the same strategy as sinking ships from America to Britain with military arms in World War I. There are a lot of Ukrainians who are not supporting Zelensky. He ran promising to …………………….



Bill Gates sichert sich den menschlichen Körper: Patent zur Nutzung der Haut als Datenleitung

  1. Februar 2022

Will Bill Gates dem Menschen jetzt auch noch ans Leder? Die Lektüre der US-Patentschrift mit der Nummer 6754472 lässt böses erahnen. Denn demnach darf der Microsoft-Konzern die menschliche Haut als sein Eigentum betrachten. von Hannelore Crolly




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