Alarmstufe Gas! So stürzen Habeck und die Grünen (nicht Putin!) uns in die Katastrophe
Kontrafunk: Unpünktlicher Untergang
Corona Investigative Committee live auf GETTR ansehen
Session 110: Revisiting
Kommentar zu den Reaktionen nach Oslo-Anschlag Grüne Doppelmoral
Artikel von: Björn Stritzel 27.06.2022
Wenn rechtsextreme Terroristen morden, reagieren Grüne vorbildlich: klar, schnell, konsequent.
The Plot Behind Covid
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. June 27, 2022
One of the saddest aspects of the fake propaganda about Covid-19 is that it is being used to stir up hostility toward China. Didn’t the virus start there, the propagandists suggest, maybe as the result of experiments in a Chinese lab in Wuhan? Brain-dead Biden and the gang of ………………………
C.S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength: A Tale of Transhumanism, the Occult … & Merlin?
June 27, 2022
Exile on Main Street: The Sound of the Unipolar World Fading Away
By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture June 27, 2022
The future world order, already in progress, will be formed by strong sovereign states. The ………………….
Reiner Füllmich & 50 Lawyer: ‘The Vaccines Are Designed to Kill and Depopulate the Planet’
By Reiner Fuellmich and Perspektiv June 27, 2022
After hearing the witness statements to the German Corona Investigative Committee by former vice president of Pfizer dr Mike Yeadon who has been a scientist for 36 years, lawyers with Reiner Füllmich …………………….
The US Government’s Plan to Partition Russia Into Small States
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.orgJune 27, 2022
Jens Stoltenberg, Washington’s NATO puppet, says “peace negotiations,” not Russian victory, will end the conflict in Ukraine. So, Stoltenberg is counting on the Kremlin, whose …………………….
The Return of Industrial Warfare
Alex Vershinin 17 June 2022
Can the West still provide the arsenal of democracy?
The war in Ukraine has proven that the age of industrial warfare is still here. The massive …………………..
Russia Is Running Out Of [Whatever The Media Claim]
The main stream media have no problem with contradicting their own reporting:
A Pink Insurrection
Abortionists stormed the Wisconsin state capitol building. They interrupted an ongoing special session and demanded that lawmakers overturn their rulings, interrupting a democratic process with screams and chants. There will be no news of this in the mainstream media. …………………….
The West’s Refusal to Seek World Peace
The press has done nothing but put forward present propaganda and they are driving the world into the arms of death. Once upon a time, the world leaders gathered together for a conference ……………………
Pfizer Vaccine Impairs Sperm Count—Conspiracy Theorists Were Right
Rav Arora June 22, 2022 Commentary
A new peer-reviewed study published in the journal Andrology on June 17 vindicates another …………………….
Zwei Tote nach Islamisten-Terror in Norwegen: mutmaßlicher Täter mehrfach vorbestraft
Zadic bestürzt, blendet aber islamistischen Hintergrund aus
Top-Ökonom erklärt: Deshalb lagen offizielle Inflations-Modelle so massiv daneben
Den hochkarätigen Abschluss des Vortragsteils des ersten GVS-Finanzkongresses in Wien bildete der Ökonom Mag. Gregor Hochreiter. Der Erfolgs-Buchautor (u.a. “Krankes Geld – …………………….
Asylzahlen explodieren: Es sind nicht die Ukrainer
Kommt die nächste MEGA-Asylwelle wie 2015?
Im Schatten von Corona, Krieg und Krise: Österreichs Asylzahlen explodieren. Doch die ……………………….
Corona aktuell: Das Gorilla-Experiment
Von Andreas Zimmermann.
Die beiden Psychologen Daniel Simons und Christopher Chabris haben 1999 die Ergebnisse eines interessanten Experiments veröffentlicht. Sie baten Probanden, eine kurze Videosequenz eines aufgenommenes Basketballspiels zu verfolgen und dabei mitzuzählen, wie oft die …………………….
Das Dilemma der EZB
Themen und Probleme habe ihre Konjunkturen. Mit der Inflation ist plötzlich auch wieder die Frage der Ausrichtung der Geldpolitik zurück auf der Agenda der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit.
FDP-Politiker Johannes Vogel bei Anne Will: „Das Land ist katastrophal planlos“
Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 27. Juni 2022
Fehlende Energie und unbezahlbar teure Lebensmittel. Der Winter wird für manchen herb. Auch weil diejenigen weiterhin felsenfest von ihren Positionen überzeugt sind, die bisher mit …………………
Who is Leading America?
This picture circulating the internet is a clear indicator that President Joe Biden is NOT leading America. We already knew he was a puppet, but the simple commands on this notecard lead me to believe that he may be in the early stages of dementia.
North Dakota AG Investigates Bill Gates Farmland Purchase
by Tyler Durden Friday, Jun 24, 2022 –
The North Dakota Attorney General’s office is investigating a land transaction involving one of the biggest farmland owners in America, billionaire Bill Gates.
The Return of the Anguish of Central Banking: Why the Fed and Inflation Go Hand in Hand
06/23/2022 Antony P. Mueller
Having ignored the warnings of the Austrian school economists, the policy makers were paralyzed in the face of a phenomenon they deemed impossible to happen. None of their ……………………
Back to the Future: Progressives Imagine the Good Old Days of Price Controls
06/23/2022 William L. Anderson
When the Bourbon dynasty was restored to power in France in the early 1800s after Napoleon’s abdication, the French statesman Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand famously said of …………………..
New Interview: The Collapse of the Republic
The United States of Imperialism: An Exercise in Power, Control, and Domination Over All
By Gary D. Barnett June 25, 2022
“The greatest menace to the world today is growing, exploiting, irresponsible imperialism.”
Mahatma Gandhi (1949) “Communal Unity”
Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and supremacy by direct territorial acquisition, or by gaining political and economic control of other areas, often ……………………
Paul McGuire: Marxist and communist revolutionaries are bankrolled by international banking families
Thursday, June 23, 2022 by: Kevin Hughes
(Natural News) The Marxist and communist revolutionaries are bankrolled by international banking families, according to author and speaker Paul McGuire.
Science magazine admits covid “vaccines” are useless and harmful
Thursday, June 23, 2022 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) British researchers say that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” do not provide any real protection against the latest “variant” of the disease, which the establishment is calling “Omicron” (Moronic).
Pfizer, Moderna COVID Vaccines May Increase Risk of Infection, Study Shows
A peer-reviewed study in the New England Journal of Medicine shows two doses of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine yield negative protection against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, while previous infection without vaccination offers about 50% immunity.
By Megan Redshaw Children’s Health Defense June 25, 2022
When the Wicked Try to Flee
By James Howard Kunstler June 25, 2022
So, they press on now with shots for little children that are certain to harm the kids’ immune systems and produce an array of consequent serious disorders ranging from hepatitis to myocarditis to sterility to brain damage….
Ukraine SitRep – Zolote Cauldron Closes – Lysichansk Blocked
In the last situation report about the war in Ukraine I discussed the situation near Lysichansk.
The Ukrainian leadership is still sending new units into the Lysichansk cauldron in the east. The Russians do not mind that. Their job is to „demilitarize“ Ukraine. To enclose more troops in one swoop makes that easier.
The Deeply Satisfying Destruction of the Ruling Elite
They’ve earned every humiliation that’s coming to them. by Scott McKay June 18, 2022,
In February, far-left San Francisco underwent a political shock quite appropriate to a city used to the ground shifting under its feet. But the recall election in which three members of the …………………….
Inflation Creating Cracks in the G7
Phone conversations with sources are revealing that inflation is starting to create cracks in the unity of the G7 against Russia for the summit of G7 nations in Bavaria (June 26-28). Already, the leaders of the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, and Japan are not in accord. The people are not in support of this endless war with Russia and are looking at their …………………
Government Intervention Is Fueling Food Shortages
06/24/2022 Daniel Lacalle
Many have read that there is a food crisis looming and there are significant concerns about grain shortages. The main reason for this possible crisis is the Ukraine invasion. However, this is not the full picture.
Obama Called the Gas Tax Holiday a Gimmick
President Joe Biden is calling for a three-month gas tax holiday to lower the price at the ……………………..
Who Owns Federal Reserve Losses and How Will they Impact Monetary Policy?
06/23/2022 Paul H. Kupiec Alex J. Pollock
Among Federal Reserve officials and many economists, it is fashionable to argue that any ……………………
Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship
Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation, Margaret Anna Alice, 24.6.22
“Tyranny is a habit which may be developed until at last it becomes a disease. I declare that the noblest nature can become so hardened and bestial that nothing distinguishes it from that ………………………
HOW AMERICA ENDS: Putin announces new BRICS global reserve currency project to REPLACE the petrodollar
Friday, June 24, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) Although the biggest news of the week is undoubtedly the US Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade, there’s another bombshell that quietly broke two days ago — one …………………
Das Eschaton immanetisieren
Die Zentralbanken sind schachmatt
Olivier Kessler 24.6.22
Seit Jahrzehnten senken die Notenbanken ihre Leitzinsen bei jedem Anzeichen einer wirtschaftlichen Korrektur. Sie versuchen damit, das Problem der sich von den Konsumentenbedürfnissen entfernenden Produktionsstruktur («Zombifizierung») mit billigem ……………………
Supreme Court Strikes Down Roe v. Wade Abortion Precedent
The announcement follows the unprecedented leak of the draft opinion
By Matthew Vadum June 24, 2022
The Supreme Court on June 24 overturned Roe v. Wade, the seminal 1973 precedent that struck down a swath of federal and state laws restricting abortion and largely legalized the procedure nationwide.
The Inflation Solutions Are Even Worse Than the Problem
June 22, 2022 by Michael Maharrey
As Americans labor under the burden of inflation, the Biden administration keeps telling us the economy is just fine. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently said we are ……………….
Roe v Wade Overruled – Statutory v Constitutional
Roe v Wade is correctly overruled not because abortion itself for the court did not overrule that superficially, but instead, it held:
Under the Biden Administration’s Watch, Iran Sanctions are Violated with Impunity
by Majid Rafizadeh June 25, 2022 The Biden administration’s weak leadership — to hold accountable those who are violating Iran sanctions — is likely a critical reason the Iranian regime is flamboyantly ignoring the US and forging ahead — soon, most likely, to become a nuclear state.
The Consumption Tax: A Critique
06/24/2022 Murray N. Rothbard
The Alleged Superiority of the Income Tax
Orthodox neoclassical economics has long maintained that, from the point of view of the taxed themselves, an income tax is „better than“ an excise tax on a particular form of ……………………..
Elites’ Solution to Inflation: Impoverish You
By Tom Woods June 25, 2022 From the Tom Woods Letter:
If Covid and the deranged response to it have had a silver lining, it’s this:
Austrian Economics, Libertarianism, and Academic Writing in the Humanities – A Bibliography
By Jo Ann Cavallo June 25, 2022
A preliminary list of books and articles that may be of interest to libertarian and classical liberal humanists (last updated 6/21/22)
„We Are Your Death“: The Persecution of Christians, May 2022
by Raymond Ibrahim June 26, 2022 In the video, the Christians appear on their knees, their hands tied behind their backs. A man holding a knife stands behind them. The terrorists claim ……………………..
Is Google’s LaMDA Woke? Its Software Engineers Sure Are
06/22/2022 Michael Rectenwald
An article in the Washington Post revealed that a Google engineer who had worked with ………………..
It’s Not a Turndown, It’s a Takedown – Catherine Austin Fitts
By Greg Hunter On June 18, 2022 By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary …………………..