Mit der Flugbereitschaft zu Merkel: Verfassungsrichter wollten Baustellen meiden
Verfassungsrichter fliegen nach Recherchen der Berliner Zeitung viel mit Maschinen der Luftwaffe. Das ist zwar legal, aber die Begründungen überraschen.
Das christliche Menschenbild und die Gesellschaftspolitik der Ampel-Koalition
Von Prof. Dr. Werner Münch *)
Anti-Russia Sanctions Don’t Reflect Global Reality – Putin
Western sanctions are driven by opportunistic political interests, the Russian president claims
RT News August 2, 2022
Pfizer Board Member Predicts Monkeypox Will Become a ‘Public Health Failure’
By Jack Phillips August 1, 2022 Pfizer board member Dr. Scott Gottlieb warned that the United States lacks a federal …………..
Technocracy And Empire: The Influence Of Zbigniew Brzezinski
Posted By: Hügo Krüger via Substack July 31, 2022
This is a recent article by a European blogger, Hügo Krüger, that looks into the life of Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was a co-founder of the Trilateral Commission – the genesis of …………………
Poll: 4 in 10 Americans Forced to Cut Back on Groceries Due to Bidenflation
30 Jul 2022
More than four in ten Americans have been forced to cut back on everyday habits and items, including the amount of groceries they purchase, as a result of Bidenflation, a recent Suffolk University/USA TODAY survey found.
Ohrfeigen, Schläge, Kniefall: Migranten drangsalieren Bub (9) brutal
Nach dem Weinheimer Kniefall indigener Deutscher vor einem bulligen, aggressiven, „schutzsuchenden Sinti-Bub“, geht nun wieder ein Video um, in dem erneut ein ……………….
Wegen Kritik zum Staatsfeind
Ukraines Musterdemokraten: Schwarze Listen gegen den Westen
Die meisten Namen auf der Liste kommen überraschenderweise aus den USA, die doch …………
Humanity 2.0: ‘The Fusion Of Our Physical, Digital, And Biological Identities’
From “Rewriting the Genetic Code” | Tal Zaks | TEDx
Posted By: Joe Allen via Substack August 1, 2022
The Spiritual Awakening For Human Supremacy
By Ginny Garner August 2, 2022
A spiritual reawakening is occurring in America, one that supports human supremacy.
Looking at the demographics of those attending pro-liberty conferences, anti-mandate ……………….
Inflation Reduction Act: Another DC Lie
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute August 2, 2022
The Affordable Care Act, No Child Left Behind, and the USA PATRIOT Act received new competition for the title of Most Inappropriately Named Bill when Senate Democrats unveiled ………….
Pelosi Provokes War with China
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to visit Taiwan during her tour of Asia, despite China’s harsh warnings that doing so could lead to war. Pelosi will be the first US House speaker to …………….
China Puts on Military Spectacle in Attempt to Scare Nancy Pelosi Away from Taiwan
1 Aug 20224,
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) staged military exercises and published ……………….
Vorbild Ukraine: Im Kosovo schüren dieselben westlichen Drahtzieher den Konflikt mit Serbien
- August 2022 Auch im Fall des Kosovo übt der Westen keinerlei Druck auf die von ihm unterstützte Seite aus, sich an ein internationales Abkommen zu halten. Und es sieht auch nicht danach aus,
It’s a Matter of Confidence
Marty; I really do not think people give you enough credit whilst they all pretend to claim they called it correctly just a couple of months ago. I was at your 2011 WEC in Philadelphia. ……………..
Baerbock sagt Taiwan Unterstützung bei möglichem Überfall zu
Deutschland akzeptiere nicht, wenn ein großer Nachbar den kleineren überfalle, sagte Außenministerin Baerbock in Richtung Peking. Russland warf sie auf einer Uno-Konferenz »rücksichtslose nukleare Rhetorik« vor. 02.08.2022,
Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock hat China vor einer Eskalation der Spannungen mit Taiwan gewarnt und sich hinter Taiwan gestellt. »Wir akzeptieren nicht, wenn das ………………….
How British Efforts to Enforce Equality Have Led to a Woke Totalitarianism
07/30/2022 Jess Gill
From the Equal Pay Act 1970 to the Equality Act 2010, there has been a wave of legalization in Britain to turn the state into some omniscient being that can determine the intentions of an ………………..
John Lilburne: The First English Libertarian
The year 2007 marked the 350th anniversary of the death of John Lilburne, a remarkable Englishman. He became known to his contemporaries as „Freeborn John.“[1] He described himself as „a lover of his country and sufferer for the common liberty.“[2]
Private Property and Customer Safety: Starbucks Learns a Hard Lesson
07/30/2022 Tate Fegley
One of my favorite illustrations of the different incentives private enterprise and government face when it comes to the provision of security is
US National Debt to Surpass 185% of GDP
The Congressional Budget Office warned that US federal debt is expected to rise 185% within …………….
Is Pelosi’s Trip to Taiwan the ‚Pearl Harbour Moment‘ Jake Sullivan Called for?
By Cynthia ChungStrategic Culture August 2, 2022
The circus around Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan is a clear sign that something incredibly reckless and stupid is about to happen.
Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, and the Global Culture War
By Boyd D. Cathey My Corner August 2, 2022
The war in Ukraine is not really about Ukraine—it is not about Ukraine’s sacrosanct borders which have been supposedly violated by Russia. And it is most certainly not about the ………………..
Navigating the Fourth Turning
By Jeff Thomas International Man August 2, 2022
“These are the times that try men’s souls.”
Vulnerable Virginia Democrat Is Getting Called Out for Stock Portfolio
Rebecca Downs | Jul 31, 2022
It turns out that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul Pelosi aren’t the only ones facing heightened scrutiny over Nvidia stock shares. Rep. Elaine Luria, a particularly ……………….
GOP Rep. Dan Bishop introduces resolution declaring CRT a national threat
July 31, 2022
In an attempt to stem the tide of what is arguably an emergency threat to the United States, Republican Rep. Dan Bishop (NC) last week introduced a resolution denouncing critical race …………….
„I’ve Delivered‘: New Disclosures Demolish President Biden’s Denials on Hunter Dealings
New disclosures are demolishing the continued denials of President Biden that he had no knowledge and nothing to do with his son’s business interests. The emails (reviewed by …………….