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Wenn die Massen im Chor singen, wird der größte Stumpfsinn zu einer feierlichen Hymne.

— Leopold Kohr (1909 – 1994)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Throwing Good Money After Bad

By Ron Paul, MD October 7, 2022

The satirical news headline above recently made a powerful point about Washington’s warped priorities.

It’s scathing because for seven months, Congress has shipped the American people’s money, some $65 billion (and counting), to Ukraine – money that could have gone to disaster relief or …………………



Michael Hudson: A Roadmap To Escape the West’s Stranglehold

The geoeconomic pathway away from the neoliberal order is fraught with peril, but the rewards in establishing an alternative system are as promising as they are urgent

By Pepe Escobar The Cradle October 7, 2022




China says massive dollar DUMP on the way, prepare for yuan buying spree

Tuesday, October 04, 2022 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) Not since the 2008 financial crisis has communist China’s yuan currency been as weak as it is now, which has prompted the People’s Bank of China to issue a warning about ………………



America First: Ukraine or Florida, Pick Your Moral Hazard

Dr. Joseph Sansone 6.10.22

Southwest Florida just got a taste of The Great Reset thanks to Hurricane Ian. Substandard living conditions and a low quality of life, hallmarks of the WEF’s agenda. Only thing ………………….




Express Train for War

By Patrick Foy PatrickFoyDossier October 7, 2022

In the aftermath of the brazen bombings of the Nord Stream pipelines, there is no turning back. The battleground has asymmetrically expanded beyond Ukraine to Europe proper. The ……………..



Advancing to Armageddon

By Boyd D. Cathey My Corner October 7, 2022

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity. – Wm. B. Yeats, 1919




Interview: Sleepwalking To The Gates of Hell with Martin Armstrong



Welcome to World War Three

We are teetering on a Mutually Assured Destruction precipice at this very moment. Kurt Nimmo, 4.10.22

The Biden Administration and its national security state controllers are determined to escalate the conflict in Ukraine. In addition to sending billions of dollars worth of armaments and ………………..



The Top 3 Outcomes as the Elites Try To Reset the International Monetary System

By Nick Giambruno International Man October 7, 2022

It’s self-evident the fiat currency system centered on the US dollar is self-destructing at an ………………….



The Japan Outlook

Marty, I greatly appreciate all you do to try to prevent this war cycle. You have said many times Socrates beats you. With missiles flying over Japan here, what do you see ahead?




Shocking trove of HHS records reveals most aggressive vaccine propaganda campaign EVER: Screenwriters, comedians, church leaders, black doctors and influencers all PAID OFF to pimp the vax

Thursday, October 06, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) Judicial Watch has nailed it yet again, suing HHS to acquire a treasure trove of documents that reveal the world’s most exhaustive, heavily funded and wide-ranging …………..



Nord Stream, Biden und Selenskyj: Endlich Gesamtbild betrachten! – Alice Weidel



False Thought Patterns of the Catastrophists

In his remarkable new book, Alex Epstein has changed the terms of the debate about the danger of “global warming” and the alleged need to take drastic action in response to this. …………………..



We Are Not the Government, but America Is No Longer Anything More than the Government

10/04/2022 Connor Mortell

We must, therefore, emphasize that “we” are not the government; the government is not “us.” The government does not in any accurate sense “represent” the majority of the people.

Murray Rothbard wrote this in his popular Anatomy of the State. His point still stands to this ………………..



How to Do Economics

10/05/2022 Per Bylund

[Chapter 3 of Per Bylund’s new book How to Think about the Economy: A Primer.]

Economics is often faulted for being “ideological”—for promoting free markets. This is a misunderstanding.




Wie knapp ist das Gas?

Zwar könnte ein Umlenken in der Energiepolitik in der kurzen Frist nichts bewirken, aber wenigstens die Aussichten in der mittleren Frist etwas weniger düster erscheinen lassen. Ein solches Einlenken ist jedoch nirgends zu vernehmen.




Wie das Auswärtige Amt auf der ideologischen Rutsche abgleitet

Von Josef Kraus Fr, 7. Oktober 2022

Der Themenschwerpunkt der aktuellen Ausgabe der Mitarbeiterzeitschrift des Auswärtigen Amtes lautet „Kolonialismus“. Was da zusammengetragen wurde, macht jede ……………………



Global Egg Shortage

You know the situation is becoming dire when staple food items are no longer on the shelves. France is currently experiencing an egg shortage, and it is the largest egg producer in the ……………….



US National Debt Reaches Historic High

The US national debt has reached a historic high under Biden after surpassing $31 trillion. The national debt has always been chaotic as politicians push spending agendas with no plans to pay their debts. The only time the national debt was paid in full was in January 1835 under President Andrew Jackson. The US fell into debt just one year later as a result of the Civil War and Jackson’s war on the banks.




Leere Tankstellen in Frankreich nach Raffineriestreik

  1. Oktober 2022

Der seit neun Tagen anhaltende Streik in französischen Raffinerien führt zu Benzinmangel an einigen Tankstellen. Bei etwa zwölf Prozent sei das Angebot betroffen, erklärte ein …………………..



Critical EU-Pfizer Agreement Leaked

Advanced Purchase Agreement for COVID-19 Vaccines for EU Member States,

Robert W. Malone, 5.10.22

Italian activists sent me the signed November 2020 Advance Purchase Agreement (APA) ……………….



Imploding Credit – The Consequences

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney October 7, 2022

There is a growing realisation that the world faces a combination of persistent inflation of prices and a recession at the same time. The factors driving both are visibly intensifying. ………………….



Julian Reichelt – Die Grünen haben einen Plan, unseren Wohlstand zu vernichten // Jetzt online: www.pleiteticker.de



Welcome to the Tory apocalypse

Will Lloyd is UnHerd’s Staff Writer. Conservatism came to conference to die. October 6, 2022

Last year, the Conservative Party was in the grip of decadence. This year, it faces apocalypse. …………………



Neuer deutscher Energiegegner? „Die USA verdienen bei jedem Tanker 200 Millionen Euro“

Von Andrea Sellmann und Mary Abdelaziz-Ditzow 06.10.2022,

Die USA profitieren vom Ukraine-Krieg, weil Deutschland Erdgas der Vereinigten Staaten kaufen muss. Das könnte unserer Wirtschaft erheblich schaden, sagt Linken-Politiker Klaus ……………..



Hat Selenskyj den Verstand verloren? Medien schweigen über die gefährlichen Pläne des Ukraine-Premiers. Preisdeckel für Öl aus Russland. Gute Nachricht: Deutschland diskutiert offener über Migrations-Probleme. Warum ich zuversichtlich bin.



LEAK: Deutsches Innenministerium fährt Medienkampagne für Kriegspropaganda

Durch ein geleaktes Dokument (Teil 1, Teil 2) mit dem Titel „Laufende Aktivitäten der Ressorts und Behörden gegen Desinformation im Zusammenhang mit RUS Krieg gegen UKR“, das dem Online-Magazin „NachDenkSeiten“ zugespielt wurde, erhält man einen ………………….



Energiekrise: EU bereitet sich auf Blackout vor

Ein kritischer Winter steht bevor

Die EU-Kommission bereitet derzeit einen Notfallplan für Stromausfälle im Winter vor. Schuld ist die mit den Selbstmord-Sanktionen selbstverschuldete Energiekrise. Die Blackout-…………..



Hurricane Ian Damage and Insurance Troubles

Those of us in the Tampa Bay area were lucky. Floridians in the eye of the storm experienced devastating floods and winds. At least 109 people are dead, and 55 of those deaths are in Lee County, Florida, alone. A friend of mine has family in Punta Gorda in Charlotte County. They …………………….



TV-Philosoph Precht fertiggemacht, weil er für Dialog mit Russland ist

Mainstream will keinen Frieden mit Moskau.

Der als “Fernseh-Philosoph” bekannt gewordene bisherige deutsche Medienliebling Richard David Precht kann aktuell in Zeitlupe dabei beobachtet werden, wie er bei den ihn zuvor dauerhofierenden deutschen Haltungsjournalisten in Ungnade fällt: Weil Precht überraschend ……………



Durch Autobombe getötetUSA vermuten Kiew hinter Anschlag auf Dugina


Experten vermuten, dass nicht Daria Dugina, sondern ihr Vater Ziel des Anschlags war.

Der Mord an der russischen Kriegsunterstützerin Daria Dugina soll in den USA einem Bericht ……………….



The Demise of Meaningful Ritual and the Rise of Totalitarianism

Part I of 2: The Demise of Meaningful Ritual, Jeff Einstein, 5.10.22

Consider this quote from Hanna Arendt’s Origins of Totalitarianism…

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.




All of Us Are in Danger: When Anti-Government Speech Becomes Sedition

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute October 6, 2022

“If you can’t say ‘F@#k’ you can’t say, ‘F@#k’ the government.’”— Lenny Bruce, comedian

Anti-government speech has become a four-letter word.




Taking Rights Seriously

By Andrew P. Napolitano October 6, 2022

“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion,
Mankind would be no more justified
In silencing that one person,
Than he, if he had the power,
Would be justified in silencing mankind.”
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)




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