Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Inflation ist die ultimative Steuer. Eine Steuer von der die Leute nicht wissen, dass sie besteuert werden. Eine Steuer für Leute, die an Papiergeld und an ihre Regierung glauben.

— Warren Buffett

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Russia Claims Ukraine Collapse, Retreat from Soledar; Russian Arms Production, Protests in Brazil



Beware the Plot Behind Interest Rates

Sometimes you need to look behind the curtain before you understand the real trend. It is true that Federal Reserve officials are committed to fighting inflation and expect higher interest …………………..



What’s Going on with Gold?

The goldbugs are cheering that there has been a central bank buying of gold. They think somehow that this is because they are bullish on gold. What seems to be going over their …………………….



Brazil’s uprising is just the first of many we will witness in 2023 as humanity awakens against TYRANNY

January 09, 2023 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The mass uprising in Brazil — which increasingly looks like a carbon copy repeat of the J6 “insurrection” playbook run by the FBI — is just one of many popular revolts ………………..



The Borders Between US States Are Obsolete

01/05/2023 Ryan McMaken

In recent years, we’ve seen the issue of changing US state borders come up repeatedly. For example, activists in some Colorado counties in 2013 proposed breaking off to form a new ………………………



Family Destruction and Its Socialist Cheerleaders

01/07/2023 Jeffery L. Degner

If anyone believes that it is reactionary hysteria to claim the radical Left wishes to destroy the traditional family, then let Sophie Lewis’s 2022 book, Abolish the Family, allay such concerns. This “Manifesto for Care and Liberation” sets forth the why and the how of the …………………………



4 Ways to Make Congress Great Again

01/05/2023 Ryan McMaken Tho Bishop

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are back for 2023,



Ukraine has become the world’s testing ground for military robots

The after-action reports will be of interest to the entire world

December 21, 2022 – Tristan Greene




Schlaraffenland ist abgebrannt

Dank Erdogan wurde den Menschen in der Nahost-Arena bewusst, dass es da ein Schlaraffenland namens Deutschland gab, wo Muslime sich alles erlauben konnten, ja, eigentlich ihre Religion freier ausüben konnten als im eigenen Land. Und dann kam Angela ……………………..



Interne Bilanz der Berliner Silvesternacht: Wenn ganze Viertel den Staat bekämpfen

Von Mattias Nikolaidis Mo, 9. Januar 2023

Der nun vorgelegte Abschlussbericht der Berliner Einsatzleitung macht das Ausmaß des Ausnahmezustands deutlich: mehr als 3.000 Notrufe, 89 Verstöße gegen das Waffengesetz, …………………..



Should We Be Free To Discriminate?

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. January 9, 2023

A case has recently been in the news and is being decided by the Supreme Court. It concerns a cake designer who doesn’t want to bake cakes for homosexual “marriages.” Is the …………………….



Colonel Douglas MacGregor: The US is LOSING Ukraine and Taiwan



A Major Shift in the JFK Assassination

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation January 9, 2023

President Biden’s recent decision to permit the CIA to continue keeping its 59-year-old records relating to the Kennedy assassination secret from the American people has brought ……………………



The New Constitution: Living War Crimes

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV January 9, 2023

This video essay by JP and Julie Collins is dedicated to and inspired by the works ……………………



The Covid ‘Vaccine’ Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide

By Paul Craig Roberts  PaulCraigRoberts.org January 9, 2023

Never before have there been massive excess deaths following vaccination.




An Age of Decay

The fact that American living standards have broadly stagnated, and for some segments of the population have declined, should be cause for real concern to the ruling class. By Chris Buskirk  January 6, 2023

America ran out of frontier when we hit the Pacific Ocean. And that changed things. Alaska …………………



GOAT Predictions for 2023 – Losing My Religion

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns January 9, 2023

Consider this, Consider this the hint of the century



Der alte Marx ist wieder da! – Ein grün vermarkteter Sozialismus soll unsere Probleme lösen. Und sogar Liberale applaudieren

Bürgerliche distanzieren sich vom Liberalismus, Liberale kritisieren den Kapitalismus. Dafür wird ein grüner Sozialismus beschworen. Klaus-Rüdiger Mai 15 Kommentare 09.01.2023,




Der „Pinocchio-Kanzler“ und seine Helfer in Justiz und Medien

Durch die Freigabe eines geheimen Protokolls ist offiziell, was ohnehin offensichtlich war: Olaf Scholz‘ „Erinnerungslücken“ im Cum-Ex-Skandal sind eine schlechte Ausrede. Doch die




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