So gierig bereichern sich die Grünen an unserem Land!
Posner on NATO v Russia
Russia Claims Soledar Victory, Trap Ukraine Troops in Bakhumt; Ukraine Soledar Counterattacks Fail
Martin Armstrong Interview: Why The Great Reset Will Fail
‘All Three Vaccines Are Breaking Through:’ Emails Show Discussion of Vaccine Failure Among Health Officials
Zachary Stieber Jan 10 2023
Officials in Washington state recorded jumps in post-vaccination infections, hospitalizations, and deaths in mid-2021, according to newly disclosed internal emails.
Snowden on the Real Biden Scandal
Snowden has pointed out the real scandal is that the DOJ’s role in suppressing the information released about the Biden documents which predate the November elections. He points out that …………………..
An Old Line Conservative Weighs in on the JFK Assassination
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation January 16, 2023
- Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., an old-line conservative who is founder and editor in chief of The American Spectator, has recently weighed in on the Kennedy assassination. In his article, ……………………..
Third set of classified documents found at Joe Biden’s home, White House counsel reveals
It’s unclear whether additional materials remain undiscovered.
What the January 6 Videos Will Show
Roll the tapes. By Julie Kelly January 12, 2023
The jury trial of Richard Barnett, the man famously photographed with his feet on a desk in Nancy Pelosi’s office on January 6, 2021, is underway in Washington, D.C. Nearly two years ………………………..
Night of January 6th
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. January 16, 2023
The so-called “Justice” Department has acted with draconian severity against the entirely legal demonstrators of January 6th , who were protesting the illegal election of brain-dead Joe Biden, in the face of substantial evidence the election had been stolen from President Donald ……………………
How the Davos elite took back control
Thomas Fazi is an UnHerd columnist and translator. His latest book is The Covid Consensus, co-authored with Toby Green. The WEF is insulating policy-making from democracy.
January 16, 2023
Zahlen zeigen: Konzerne und Milliardäre bereichern sich an Krisen
Erstmals seit 25 Jahren nahmen extremer Reichtum und extreme Armut gleichzeitig zu. Kurz vor dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos sorgt ein Oxfam-Bericht für Diskussionsstoff.
Dpa 15.01.2023 Vor dem Start des Weltwirtschaftsforums (WEF) in Davos hat die …………………….
Wieso rationales Wirtschaften im Sozialismus unmöglich ist
Hundert Jahre „Die Gemeinwirtschaft“ von Ludwig von Mises, Teil 3
- Januar 2023 –Antony P. Mueller
The Government Can do Anything
Biden & His Declassified Documents
There is something really rotten in the real land of Oz – Washington DC, There is absolutely ………………
Amtsmissbrauch? Wenn Sie in der FDP sind, ist das in Berlin Beweis genug
FOCUS-Kolumnist Jan Fleischhauer, 14.1.23
Kein Hinweis auf strafwürdiges Verhalten, nicht mal ein Anfangsverdacht, dass etwas nicht mit rechten Dingen zugegangen sein könnte: In Berlin hat man trotzdem die ………………………
Der demente Präsident: Die Aussetzer und die Spickzellen von Joe Biden
US-Präsident Joe Biden ist hochgradig dement und sein Verhalten und auch der Umgang der US-Regierung zeigen, dass der US-Präsident nur eine Sprechpuppe ohne Machtbefugnisse ist.
Russia Missile Strike, Advances Bakhmut; German Criticism Tank Transfers, US Navy Stocks Depleted
Yes, Virginia, There IS a Deep State—and It Is Worse than You Think
01/13/2023 William L. Anderson
Mention the term “deep state” in polite company and most likely no one will want to speak to …………………..
Former Head of Strategic Studies, US Army War College speaks out—says it was (technically) Europe, not US, that made the promise. By Kevin Barrett March 1, 2022
Make No Mistake, War Hawk American Policy Helped Start This War in Ukraine
01/13/2023 John Kennedy
On December 21, the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, spoke to Congress in an …………………..
Emmanuel Todd On The Third World War
The French Le Figaro has an interview with the well known anthropologist Emmanuel Todd.
Emmanuel Todd: «La Troisième Guerre mondiale a commencé»
Grüne Corvette und weiße Weste
Von Roger Letsch 14. Januar 2023
Im Januar 2022 bekam der ehemalige Präsident Trump in seinem Domizil in Florida Besuch vom FBI. Das Nationalarchiv hatte sich beschwert, dass Trump einige Dokumente nicht ……………………
The hard work starts now. Welcome to the New Great Game on crack
Pepe Escobar
2023 starts with collective NATO in Absolutely Freak Out Mode as Russian Defense Minister Shoigu announces that Russian Navy frigate Admiral Gorshkov is now on tour – complete ……………………..
Can a Nuclear War Be Avoided? — Scott Ritter
Dershowitz: Biden Classified Documents Finding Undermines Trump Prosecution
By Jack Phillips January 13, 2023
Retired Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz said that the discovery that President ……………………..
Interview Martin Armstrong: Will the Economy Collapse Completely in 2023?
What Inflation Would Look Like in a True Free-Market Economy
By David Stockman International Man January 14, 2023
There is nothing more substantive than Bernanke’s original finger-in-the-air proposition that the Fed needed a 200 basis point cushion in the inflation rate in order to steer the economy ……………………..
The Coronavirus Vaccine as a Source of Dangerous Invasion
By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s Blog January 14, 2023
This article is based on the research of Annie Logical. Her far-reaching, many-branched ……………………….
Southeast Asia’s Growing Interest in Non-dollar Financial Channels—and the Renminbi’s Potential Role
Robert Greene August 22, 2022
Summary: Importantly, the future of large-value cross-border payments in Southeast Asia and the renminbi’s role depend in part on how Washington responds to efforts aimed at transforming local ……………………….
De-Dollarization Accelerates: The Beginning of the End for US Dollar Hegemony in Southeast Asia?
By Timothy Alexander Guzman Global Research January 14, 2023
The Evolution of Credit and Debt in 2023
By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney January 14, 2023
The evidence strongly suggests that a combined interest rate, economic and currency crisis for the US and its western alliance will continue in 2023.
A Bunch of Powerful Reasons
To not trust the FDA, Health Canada, the CDC and Politicians like Trudeau, Trump, Biden, Netanyahu who tr ust Big Pharma shills like Fauci and the MSM. By Gary G. Kohls, MD January 14, 2023
End Time: Collapse of Civilization- The Word of God tells us that a civilization collapses from within
Posted byMadge WaggyJanuary 13, 2023
The Word of God tells us that a civilization collapses from within; one person at a time, like a pebble tossed into a peaceful lake, causing a ripple effect that creates a disturbance across the ………………….
The U.S. Stealing of Russian Yachts
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation January 14, 2023
Given the U.S. government’s increasing financial difficulties, we can expect extremely vicious behavior on the part of federal officials to bring money into the regime. What U.S. ………………………..
The Plan to Carve Up Russia
By Mike Whitney The Unz Review January 14, 2023
For decades, the idea of dismantling the Soviet Union and Russia has been constantly cultivated in Western countries. Unfortunately, at some point, the idea of using Ukraine to ………………..
Interview: Martin Armstrong on 32% Inflation
Florida Should Threaten to Leave the United States if the WHO Treaty is Signed
Dr. Joseph Sansone, 12.1.23
History tells us that in the first war between Persia and Greece the famous battle of Marathon took place. The Greek phalanx succeeded against a larger Person army. The fully armored …………………….
No trains, no planes, no automobiles and NO GAS – Welcome to the DE-CIVILIZATION Democrat utopia
Friday, January 13, 2023 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) With Democrats now aggressively pushing a coordinated fear porn campaign to try to convince Americans that gas cook stoves are suddenly deadly and must be banned, ……………………..
Der erwartete Abgang der Genossin L.
Christine Lambrecht schafft es offenbar, auch noch ihren Rücktritt zu verstolpern. Oder ist es eine Art gezielter Gemeinheit? Jetzt wird der Auftritt der Genossin Nachfolgerin erwartet.
Was macht der Dual-Fluid-Reaktor?
Der Dual-Fluid-Reaktor ist eine große Hoffnung für eine CO2-freie, kompakte, autarke und obendrein relativ preisgünstige Energieproduktion. Dazu ein kurzer Überblick: was bisher ……………………
Letzte Generation: Dümmer geht immer
Der Eifer der Klima-Aktivisten verhält sich umgekehrt proportional zu ihrem Verstand. Um den ist es eher mäßig bestellt, wie einige Aktionen der letzten Zeit zeigen.
Verteidigungsministerin Lambrecht wirft hin – wer sind die Nachfolge-Kandidaten?
Josef Kraus Sa, 14. Januar 2023
Bundesverteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht (SPD) will kommende Woche zurücktreten, heißt es. Kanzler Scholz hat damit kein Problem weniger, und die Zeit drängt: …………………….
Neubauer gegen Neubaur. Der Schwelbrand an Bord der Grünen
Von Wolfgang Herles Sa, 14. Januar 2023
Im Braunkohletagebau kennt man das Phänomen, das Kohlebrand genannt wird. Kohle entzündet sich auf natürliche Weise selbst, wenn sie mit Sauerstoff in Berührung kommt. So …………………..
Why Has Covid Spared Africa?
By Dr. Joseph Mercola January 13, 2023
In the video above, John Campbell, Ph.D., a retired nurse educator, compares the contradictions between the World Health Organization’s directives regarding the need for COVID shots in Africa and the actual situation on the ground.
Tech for Me, but Not for Thee: Psalm 8 Meets Transhumanism
By Jeff Krinock January 13, 2023
I wrote to the late, great Becky Akers about a year before her too-early passing early in …………………….
Winsome? Lose Some
Win some? Lose Some By Bionic Mosquito January 13, 2023
According to, winsome means “sweetly or innocently charming; winning; engaging.” … While there is certainly nothing wrong with being kind or meek, the church …………………