Russia Taking Berkhova, Tightens Bakhmut; Wang Yi Meets Putin, Lavrov, China Slams US Foreign Policy
Markets & War
The financial markets had become integrated globally prior to World War I. It was the globalization and openness of world financial markets that became the problem and are ………………………
The Ukraine War has been in the Planning Stage since 2013
From the beginning, the United States provided $5 billion to fund the Ukrainian Revolution in 2014. The US-installed interim government launched the civil war against the Donbas on US ………………….
Pfizer’s Long History of Fraud & More
The two industries that can do whatever they want and are exempt from criminal prosecution even for mass murder are Bankers and Pharmaceutical companies. I know a lot of people in the legal field. They all say the same thing. The lobbying on Capital Hill is official bribery. …………………….
URGENT: NEW Pandemic Treaty Would Give WHO Unprecedented Powers
Have the Ancient Gods Returned?
Is a Seemingly Far-Fetched Premise, Unfolding After All? Dr. Naomi Wolf, 23.2.23
These days, to my surprise, people want to talk to me about evil.
Das gemeinsame Fundament der Geldarten
- Februar 2023 –Konrad S. Graf
Bitcoin nutzt Elektrizität, um überlegene monetäre Technologie zu liefern
Ein beliebter Kritikpunkt an Bitcoin ist, dass der Mining-Prozess zu viel Energie verbraucht. ……………………
The Power of Woke: How Leftist Ideology Is Undermining Our Society and Economy
02/22/2023 Allen Mendenhall
“It’s an important part of society whether you like it or not,” lexicologist Tony Thorne, referring to “wokeness,” told The New Yorker’s David Remnick in January. That’s an ……………………
Why MTG Is Right About National Divorce
02/23/2023 Tho Bishop Ryan McMaken
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop discuss this week’s Twitter and media campaign by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene promoting the idea ………………….
Clarkson’s Farm: Another Front in the War on Food
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns February 24, 2023
While I’ve been a big fan of Jeremy Clarkson over the years, I’ve never been proud of him before. Hero worship and celebrity go hand in hand and it’s a dangerous game to ascribe …………………..
Growing Friction Between Beijing and Washington Likely to Escalate
23 February 2023 by Larry Johnson
If you think the deterioration in relations between America and China is just a temporary …………………
Biden’s Wonderful World of ‘Equity’
By Steve McCann
Immediately after his inauguration on January 20, 2021 Joe Biden, signed an executive order ……………………
An Act of Terror Against the American People
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV February 24, 2023
The film, ‘White Noise’ was released on Netflix in September of last year. It’s about a train crashing, exploding and burning toxic chemicals off into the atmosphere, creating a major ………………………
Politics, Empire, War
By Bionic Mosquito February 24, 2023
The creed of Nicea, the encyclical insisted, should ‘prevail over the orthodox people’ in all churches as the only symbol of the faith.
Putin’s ‘Civilizational’ Speech Frames Conflict Between East and West
In his Federal Assembly address, President Putin emphasized that Russia is not only an independent nation-state but also a distinct civilization with its own identity, which is in conflict and actively opposes the values of ‚western civilization.‘ By Pepe Escobar The Cradle February 24, 2023
Iraqi Central Bank To Drop Dollar for Yuan in Trade With China
Iraq is the latest nation in the Global South to move away from the US dollar in bilateral trade with China. ……………….
“Political Passivity Undermines US: Parallels with the predicament of late Imperial China”
Emanuel Pastreich 23.2.23
When I wrote this article back in 2006 I tried to make parallels between the internal cultural ……………………
CSIS War Game: US vs China over Taiwan – Provoking War to Preserve US Primacy
Joe Biden and Protectionism: Continuing to Make America „Grate“
02/22/2023 Gary Galles
Nobel Prize–winning economist George Stigler once wrote of economists as preachers, which he described as involving offering “a clear and reasoned recommendation (or, more often, ………………………
March of Folly: Fall of American Empire
By Jim Quinn The Burning Platform February 24, 2023
“Folly is a child of power.”
Barbara W. Tuchman (The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam)
Ausgestoßene der Woche: Dick & hässlich im Kinderbuch
Roald Dahls Kinderbücher werden auf „heikle“ Wörter untersucht, eine Sensibilitätsleserin will aus einem Afrika-Buch alles Mögliche herauszensieren und im Karneval stößt sich Woko Haram daran, dass sich Weiße als Mohren oder Indianer kostümieren. ………………….
Pakistani child sex abuse is an open secret
The Rotherham groomers were protected by their own. In Pakistan, more than 12 children are sexually abused every day. Hina Husain is a Pakistani-Canadian freelance writer based in Toronto.
February 23, 2023
Ukrainian casualties have gone through the roof