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Wenn Wahlen etwas ändern würden, wären sie verboten.

— Kurt Tucholsky

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Stimmen handschriftlich zusammenzählen reicht digitalen Funktionären wohl nicht

Von Fritz Goergen Di, 6. Juni 2023 Die SPÖ blamiert sich bis auf die Knochen




Alternativlose Überraschung?

Seit einigen Tagen wird viel über Rekord-Umfragewerte der AfD gesprochen und geschrieben. Politiker und Medienschaffende fragen sich überrascht nach den Ursachen. Dabei sollte man sich doch eher fragen, warum die so überrascht sind?




Real Estate, Blackrock & Dodd-Frank

Mr. Armstrong, I have a question about Blackrock buying up all these homes. It seems that the Dodd-Frank bill empowered Blackrock to buy up all of these homes and rent them out. Was this all rigged for their benefit?

Thank you for being a rare light of truth in these dark times. ED




BREAKING: Hell Breaks Loose as Kakhovka Dam Completely Destroyed

Simplicius The Thinker 06.06.2023

Major news broke that the Nova Khakovka dam has been completely destroyed. This is the central, extremely important dam that was critical to the whole Kherson situation last year. It was the sole reason Russia retreated, as the threat of destroying the dam kept their troops on ………………….



Ukraine Launches Its Counterattack

The long announced Ukrainian counter offensive has started. New Ukrainian units, never seen before, have come to the front.

The attack was launched by Ukraine for political reasons under pressure from its ‚western‘ …………………..



Ukraine Attacks Zaporozhzhie, Donbass, First Attacks Repelled, Ukr Heavy Losses; Belgorod Defeated



Is It Time to Reconsider Archbishop Lefebvre?

Given what we know now, and given the fact that the promised New Springtime turned out to be more like a nuclear winter, maybe we can humble ourselves and be willing to rethink the person of Marcel ……………………



How the elites squandered Brexit

Philip Cunliffe is Associate Professor of International Relations at the Institute of Risk and Disaster Reduction, University College London. He is author or editor of eight books, as well ……………………



RFK Jr.: Biden Is Using Ukrainians For Neocon Political Machinations

Posted By Tim Hains  On Date June 4, 2023

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told „Stay Free“ podcast host Russell Brand during an interview this week why he empathizes with Russia’s feeling of territorial vulnerability:


Was es bedeutet, ein Anarchokapitalist zu sein

  1. Juni 2023 –

Libertäre Gegner der Anarchie kämpfen gegen einen Strohmann. Ihre Argumente sind gewöhnlich utilitaristischer Natur und laufen hinaus auf «aber Anarchie wird nicht



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