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Sobald mehr als die Hälfte der Bevölkerung eines Landes ihr Einkommen ganz oder teilweise vom Staat bezieht, ist eine Umkehr auf dem Weg in die Knechtschaft nicht mehr möglich.

— Roland Baader

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos


29 July 2023 by Larry Johnson

George Galloway and Larry Johnson Talk Ukraine and Russia on MOATS – A Son of the New American Revolution (sonar21.com)


Ukraine and Human Extinction

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. July 31, 2023

We should never forget that the Ukraine War, masterminded by brain-dead Biden’s necon controllers, threatens the world with imminent destruction. If we continue to threaten and ……………………..



Chronik des Irrsinns – der Juli 2023

Der siebte Monat des Jahres 2023 geht zu Ende, also das siebte Zwölftel eines Irrsinns. Die mit dem Klammerbeutel Gepuderten erhöhen die Schlagzahl, der Chronist kommt kaum hinterher. Lesen Sie, staunen Sie!



Bundesverfassungsgericht: Der Unbequeme

Von Maximilian Tichy Mo, 31. Juli 2023

Das höchste deutsche Gericht fällt vor allem durch sein gutes Verhältnis zur Politik auf. Nur ein Richter macht durch Kritik von sich reden – einer, der ursprünglich als politischer ……………………



The woke war on the Enlightenment

Thinkers like Kant, Diderot and Rousseau have been unjustly smeared as apologists for empire. Susan Neiman, 30.7.23




Ukraine’s „Big Push“ Results in Big Losses as Offensive Nears 2 Months



All Bubbles Pop

July 28, 2023

The problem with bubbles of received wisdom and herd-euphoria is conditions change but the ……………………



The CBDCs Are Coming, and the Elite Plan To Use These ‘Digital Currencies’ to Enslave Humanity

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse July 31, 2023

Central bank digital currencies are feverishly being developed all over the globe, and this is …………………



Manche nennen es Diktatur – wie der grüne Zeitgeist die Deutschen belagert

Die Grünen bauen die Gesellschaft um: mit der Energiewende genauso wie mit der Gendersprache. Sie haben längst die kulturelle Vorherrschaft errungen, etwa in den Medien. …………………



Col. Tony Shaffer: Russia STRIKES Ukraine With DEVASTATING Attack



A Matter of Speaking – High Life

Taki July 29, 2023

I am writing this dispatch from the birthplace of “oracy,” the art of public speaking first perfected by the Athenian Demosthenes, a speaker so eloquent and influential he managed to ……………………



Greise US-Politiker beunruhigen Nikki Haley legt Mitch McConnell Rücktritt nahe


Mitch McConnell ist der vielleicht mächtigste republikanische Strippenzieher der US-Politik. ……………………



Palestinian ‚Unity‘ To Destroy Israel

by Bassam Tawil July 31, 2023

Recently, the [Hamas] movement claimed responsibility for a number of terror attacks targeting Jewish soldiers and civilians in the West Bank. Hamas, in addition, continues to call ……………………..



Enough With Half Measures, Throw All U.S. Code at Trump

Are we sure that Donald Trump, well known as a New York real estate developer, has strictly abided by all the provisions of the law? By Roger Kimball July 30, 2023




Is the US the Next USSR?

John Michael Chambers Drops Intel By Alexandra Bruce  Forbidden Knowledge TV

July 31, 2023




German industrial economy collapse. EU economic collapse



Treasure Trove of Damning Evidence Surrounding Covid Origin

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com July 31, 2023

According to a July 12, 2023, article by Ryan Grim published by The Intercept,1 U.S. House Republicans investigating the origin of COVID-19 “appear to have inadvertently released a ……………………



Does the State Want More ‘Conspiracy Theorists?”

By Karen Kwiatkowski July 31, 2023

It would appear that it does.  Congressional presentations of space alien “whistleblowers,” and insanity over weather balloons is pure state-encouraged entertainment, with an added benefit ……………………..



Converting El Niño into Climate Change to Further the Agenda 2030

All of a sudden, El Niño is proof of global warming, just like the wildfires in Australia and California, as if these things never happened before. The sheep believe whatever the press ……………………..



The Washington Post Is Tarnishing The Courts Of Hong Kong

The Washington Post invents some crude reasoning to explain a new aggressive anti-China …………………….

MoA – The Washington Post Is Tarnishing The Courts Of Hong Kong (moonofalabama.org)


Der Sonntagsfahrer: Die wahren Verbrenner

Früher galt das Vorsorgeprinzip als Richtschnur beim Einsatz neuer Technologien. Für die Steckenpferd-Techniken unserer Regierung gilt das aber nicht mehr. Eine Bestandsaufnahme …………………

Der Sonntagsfahrer: Die wahren Verbrenner – DIE ACHSE DES GUTEN. ACHGUT.COM


African nations defy Collective West, attend Russia-Africa summit

African nations defy Collective West, attend Russia-Africa summit – YouTube


Team Biden Outmaneuvered by China?

by Eric Rozenman July 30, 2023 U.S. policy toward China appears to be suffering from a belief in magic – that, for instance, withdrawing from Afghanistan would be a great idea; that ……………….

Team Biden Outmaneuvered by China? :: Gatestone Institute


Ukraine’s „Big Push“ Results in Big Losses as Offensive Nears 2 Months

Ukraine’s „Big Push“ Results in Big Losses as Offensive Nears 2 Months – YouTube


Pepe Escobar: Russia-Africa Summit a GAME CHANGER as NATO Isolates Itself

Pepe Escobar: Russia-Africa Summit a GAME CHANGER as NATO Isolates Itself – YouTube


Kammer sauer auf Lindner: FDP wolle Anwälte zum „Volksverpetzer“ machen

VON Mario Thurnes So, 30. Juli 2023

Christian Lindner (FDP) bereitet ein „Wachstumschancengesetz“ vor. Wie immer beim Finanzminister: Was poetisch klingt, bringt dem Bürger Schrecken. Etwa das Ende der ………………….

Kammer sauer auf Lindner: FDP wolle Anwälte zum „Volksverpetzer“ machen (tichyseinblick.de)


Disastrous Ukr Attack Orekhov Fails, Rus Advance Kupiansk, Oskol, Missile Strike UKr Dnepro HQ

Disastrous Ukr Attack Orekhov Fails, Rus Advance Kupiansk, Oskol, Missile Strike UKr Dnepro HQ – YouTube


Washington Post Still Covers Up U.S. War Crimes And Use Of Biological Weapons

The Washington Post is still covering up U.S. war crimes.


MoA – Washington Post Still Covers Up U.S. War Crimes And Use Of Biological Weapons (moonofalabama.org)



28 July 2023 by Larry Johnson

Fighting lies is a tiring business, but it must be done. My recent public debate with Andrij …………………..

Challenging the Lies About Russia and the War in Ukraine – A Son of the New American Revolution (sonar21.com)


Rumors of a New Russian Mobilization, and Other Interesting Things

Simplicius The Thinker 29.7.23


Rumors of a New Russian Mobilization, and Other Interesting Things (substack.com)


The Government Wants to Turn Blockchain Firms into Servants of the State

07/28/2023 Andrea Togni

In recent years, blockchain surveillance (BS) companies have become increasingly important players in the cryptocurrency industry. Their business model consists in developing ………………………..

The Government Wants to Turn Blockchain Firms into Servants of the State | Mises Wire


No Way Out

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com July 29, 2023

“…you put me right smack in the middle of the Diversion Agreement that I should have no role in… and you say Your Honor, don’t pay any attention to that provision not to prosecute?” ……………..

No Way Out – LewRockwell


„The Chips War“: The West Versus China

By Peter Koenig Global Research July 29, 2023

Ever since the Biden Administration, alias the Globalists, took power in Washington, China was bombarded with threats and sanctions; foremost with attempts of “chips-strangulation”, ……..

‚The Chips War‘: The West Versus China – LewRockwell


Intelligence Agencies and Big Tech

Are they too cozy?

JESSICA J ASHE 28.07.2023


Intelligence Agencies and Big Tech – by Jessica J Ashe (substack.com)


Why Employers and Families—Not Bureaucrats—Should Be In Charge of Immigration Policy

07/25/2023 Ryan McMaken

It’s become common now to read arguments claiming that immigrants — broadly speaking ……………

Why Employers and Families—Not Bureaucrats—Should Be In Charge of Immigration Policy | Mises Wire


Douglas Macgregor: Justice has been DONE!


Douglas Macgregor: Justice has been DONE! – YouTube


Scott Ritter – A real Counteroffensive with 60,000 Troops


Scott Ritter – A real Counteroffensive with 60,000 Troops – YouTube



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