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Die eine Hälfte der Grünen ist beim Staat angestellt, die andere Hälfte lebt vom Staat.

— Guido Westerwelle.

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

13-jähriges Mädchen soll in Kölner Bad sexuell missbraucht worden sein

– Türken, Syrer, Iraker

18.09.2023, In einem Kölner Schwimmbad soll ein 13-jähriges Mädchen sexuell missbraucht worden sein. Als Täter werden mehrere junge Männer im Alter von 16 bis 26 Jahren gehandelt. Die Ermittlungen laufen.




New York Supreme Court reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, orders backpay

State Supreme Court found that being vaccinated ‚does not‘ stop the spread of COVID-19

By Anders Hagstrom Fox News  October 25, 2022




Should We Uncritically Support Organized Labor?

09/18/2023 Benjamin Seevers

People celebrating Labor Day often do so by attending a regional Labor Day celebration, usually organized by labor unions. One undoubtedly hears the phrase “support all labor” ………………………..



Threats Against the State: Anarcho-Tyranny, Murder, and Legitimacy

09/16/2023 Ryan Turnipseed

On August 9, the Federal Bureau of Investigation killed Craig Robertson, a seventy-four-year-old Utah man, during a raid on his home. The man had posted numerous online threats, saying ………………………..



No State Is Morally Fit to Spread Global „Freedom“

09/16/2023 Murray N. Rothbard

[Philosopher] Eric Mack [in his article „Permissible Defense“] uses a device employed by all too many libertarians—of holding the ideal free-market anarchist system or a limited ……………………..



US MSM: US Risks Geostrategic Disaster, Milley Budanov Long War, Failure; Rus Denies Kleshcheevka



America Has Lost its Diplomatic Mojo

18 September 2023 by Larry Johnson

War on the Rocks published an article the other day —




Subscriber Mailbag Answers – 9/18/23 [Part 1]

Simplicius The Thinker 18.09.2023

Welcome all, the mailbag answers are finally here, and it’s a big one. Many good, incisive questions, even more so than usual, so let’s get right to them.




Mädchen (13) in Kölner Schwimmbad missbraucht – Alle acht Verdächtigen sind wieder frei

Die Tat soll am Sonntag im Kölner Agrippabad geschehen sein

Von: Tim Specks und Nina Stampflmeier 18.09.2023 –




Greta Poses for the Cameras Amid Arrest

Greta Thunberg is willing to defy the authorities to fight climate change, or at least that is what they want you to believe. They paint this young girl as a radical activist when she is ……………………



Don’t Tread on Homeschoolers

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute September 19, 2023

A 12-year-old Colorado boy became a victim of “woke” education when he was taken out of class and told he could not return unless he removed a Gadsden flag, or “Don’t Tread on Me,” …………………….



The Shallow Estate

By Tim Hartnett September 19, 2023

Ten years ago, if you Googled “deep state” the first page of hits would have been scholarly articles covering regimes like the one in Turkey. Today, it’s incendiary business putting those …………………….



Will the Real Media Bias Please Stand Up?

More than a media myth invented by media folks who know nothing about media…

Jeff Einstein 18.09.2023




States Are Dying From Corruption and the Exponential

By George F. Smith September 19, 2023

”Technology is the main reason why so many of us are still alive to complain about technology.”

Garry Kasparov

“If I take 30 steps linearly, I get to 30. If I take 30 steps exponentially, I get to a billion.”

Ray Kurzweil




F-35 seit Sonntag verschollen – Trümmer von vermisstem US-Kampfjet gefunden


Der Tarnkappenjet F-35 des US-Rüstungskonzerns Lockheed Martin ist eines der modernsten Kampfflugzeuge der Welt.




Joe Biden: An ‘End of History’ Cheerleader Living in a Future That Could Never Exist

Matthew Ehret 16.09.2023

It wasn’t long ago that every forward-thinking politician understood that the rules-based-liberal-order was the only game in town.




US launched 251 military interventions since 1991, and 469 since 1798

The US military launched 469 foreign interventions since 1798, including 251 since the end of the first cold war in 1991, according to official Congressional Research Service data.

Ben Norton 2022-09-13




JAN FLEISCHHAUER: „Letzte Generation“? „An Geld scheint es den Klima-Klebern nicht zu mangeln!“



PONZI SCHEME COLLAPSES? China Dumps $481.3B US Debt, 12 Nations Ship Gold from the US|AsianQuickTake



Boldly Into the Chaos

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com September 19, 2023

“When you give power over law to people who see law only as a weapon with which to get enemies, you destroy the rule of law. That’s what the dumbshit white liberals have done.”

Paul Craig Roberts




Grenzenloses Wahlrecht für alle?

Die Bundesinnenministerin und hessische SPD-Spitzenkandidatin Nancy Faeser sorgt gerade für Aufregung, weil in ihrem Wahlprogramm auch das Wahlrecht für Migranten gefordert wird, die erst wenige Monate im Lande sind. Warum die Aufregung? Das folgt doch nur ………………………



Eingemauert zwischen den Grünen und der AfD?

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Di, 19. September 2023

Das neue Logo der CDU spiegelt zugleich das Dilemma der CDU, eingemauert zwischen Grün und Blau – dazwischen fristet die CDU ein bescheidenes Dasein. Sie mag sich kraftvoll geben im Zug der schwarzen Parteiinitialen, doch kommt sie aus dem türkisen Verlies nicht ……………………..



The Ebb and Flow of the Tides of Nations

By Jeff Thomas International Man September 19, 2023

In advising those who are considering international diversification, the most common misconception I hear is that, “There’s not really anything you can do. The globalists are ……………………….



American Pravda: Mutually-Assured Political Destruction

Treason, Drugs, Homosexuality, Blackmail, and Murder in the 2008 McCain-Obama Presidential Race

Ron Unz • September 18, 2023




„This Is Bad, Really Bad…“

by Tyler Durden Monday, Sep 18, 2023 –

Real BRICS Threat + The Worst Macros I’ve Ever Seen




Eine neue Partei gründen? Ratgeber für die Ochsentour

Es wird gerade wieder viel von der Gründung neuer Parteien geredet. In anderen Ländern sind solche Newcomer längst erfolgreich und teilweise sogar an der Regierung. Warum ist es in Deutschland so schwer, eine neue Partei zu etablieren? Hier ein kleiner Führer von einem, der ……………………



The BRICS Commodity Powerhouse: Can It Force a New Economic ‘Order’?

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture September 19, 2023

Who now controls inflation in the U.S.: A trapped Fed, or the new commodity king?

A quiet ‘watershed’ moment has passed. It was nothing ‘splashy’; many perhaps barely ……………….



Ukraine SitRep: Weird Claims, High Losses

The Economist continues its series of interviews related to war in Ukraine. This week it has a talk with Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence branch:




Ron Paul’s Heroic Struggle To End the Fed

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. September 18, 2023

Everybody knows Ron Paul’s heroic battle against the Fed. The Fed is at the center of all of the plots of the deep state to destroy us. Without its financial empire of fiat money, the deep ………………….



9/11 and My Descent Into Collective Madness

By Jeff Einstein The Quality of Life Resistance Movement September 18, 2023

Madness is never a satisfactory explanation. An individual’s descent into madness can be traced and explained but the final destination is always just across the border, always just ……………………



Megadeath: the global conspiracy to kill every living thing until we submit.

Climate engineering was used this summer to terrify people about global warming. Virtually every fire, every loss, every death was deliberate. elizabeth nickson 17.09.2023




Rothschild Admits ESG Failure as Globalists Shift to ‘Inclusive Capitalism’ Agenda

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us September 18, 2023

In July of last year as the hype surrounding the covid pandemic was finally dying out …………………..



Dr. McCullough’s Speech at the European Parliament

September 18, 2023



Why Are Palestinians Fleeing the Gaza Strip?

by Bassam Tawil September 18, 2023

These Palestinians are running away because they can no longer tolerate life under the …………………….



Five Facts That Compel the Biden Impeachment Inquiry

By Jonathan Turley JonathanTurley.org September 18, 2023

Below is my column in The Messenger on the reason why an impeachment inquiry is warranted. I do not believe that a case for impeachment has been made, but there is clearly a ……………………



Macron Is Not Wrong About China, The U.S. Should Worry

by Tyler Durden Sunday, Sep 17, 2023 –

Authored by Juan P. Villasmil via RealClear Wire,




Degussa-Streit: Markus Krall soll eigenes Unternehmen planen

Mo, 18. September 2023

Ausgerechnet in Böhmermanns umstrittener Sendung beschimpft der Goldhändler Degussa den früheren Vorstandsvorsitzenden Markus Krall. Das kann teuer werden – und so die …………………..



Sicherheitsrisiko Baerbock? Angriff auf Chinas Xi. EU-Zensurgesetz: Wächterrat gegen illegale Meinungen. Blutiges Eritreer-Treffen in Stuttgart. Christian Lindners grosses, empfindliches Ego. Lichtblick: Deutscher Parkinson-Forscher



New JFK Assassination Magic Bullet Revelation

More disinformation from the Secret Service Donald Jeffries 15.09.2023

The JFK assassination research community has been in an uproar over the past week, with the very belated disclosures of former Secret Service agent Paul Landis. Landis, now 88, dropped …………………..



In Vladivostok, the Russian Far East Rises

In Vladivostok this week, the ‚Russian Far East‘ was on full, glorious display. Russia, China, India, and the Global South were all there to contribute to this trade, investment, infrastructure, transportation, and institutional renaissance. By Pepe Escobar The Cradle September 18, 2023




Brian Berletic: Ukraine is DONE as Russia Defeats NATO’s ‘Wonder Weapons’




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