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Papiergeld ermöglicht es den Politikern, die Ersparnisse der Bevölkerung durch Manipulation der Inflation und der Deflation zu konfiszieren. Wir haben Gold, weil wir den Regierungen nicht trauen können.

— Herbert Clark Hoover (1874-1964; US-Präsident 1929-1933)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Deutschland, weine nicht um uns Juden!

Ich brauche keine Deutschen mehr, die über tote, verstümmelte Juden weinen. Ich brauche euch Deutsche, um dafür zu sorgen, dass wir hier sicher sind. Ich glaube, es ist nicht die Aufgabe des deutschen Volkes, das jüdische Volk zu retten. Es ist die Aufgabe des jüdischen ………………….



EU-Kommissar will Musk bevormunden

Der für den Digital Services Act zuständige EU-Kommissar Thierry Breton feuerte jüngst eine Breitseite gegen X-Chef Elon Musk ab. Die Bilder der Hamas, die Breton auf X nicht sehen möchte, hätte es vielleicht nie gegeben, wenn eben diese EU, statt den Überbringer der ……………………



Harvard, Yale, Oxford etc.: Wie Elite-Unis reihenweise dem Hamas-Terror huldigen

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Di, 24. Oktober 2023

In den USA, aber auch in England und der Schweiz: Selbsternannte Studentenführer und Professoren machen für Palästina mobil und bejubeln den Terror-Angriff der Hamas. In den ……………………



„Erst Terror, bald Krieg: Keine Chancen auf Frieden im Nahen Osten?“

Von Gastautor Di, 24. Oktober 2023

Hart aber fair hätte sich nach seltsamen drei Wochen „Herbstpause“ einen neuen Namen redlich verdient. Zum Beispiel: „Schalten Sie weiter, es gibt hier nichts zu sehen“. Oder ganz knapp, und das ist unser Favorit: „Auch egal …“ Von Michael Plog




Ampel und Union bleiben unmotiviert, was den Schutz der Grenzen angeht

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 23. Oktober 2023

Olaf Scholz gibt sich neuerdings hart beim Abschieben, aber immer noch weich beim Grenzschutz, egal ob an deutschen oder EU-Grenzen. Die Union redet derweil von Australien. Aber ändern wollen beide nichts. Nur neue Machtoptionen könnten das Problem einer Lösung …………………..



When It Comes to Economic Analysis, Your „Opinion“ Is Irrelevant

10/20/2023 Alex Voss

I was recently in a room presenting to a group of about thirty. At one point, one of my fellow presenters said, “In my opinion, that is why this area of the country has lost so many jobs.” I ……………….



China, Russia Deploy Forces MidEast, US Fears Superpower Conflict; Israel Delay As US Deploys Forces



Lindsey Graham – Ready to Declar War on Iran?

Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for educating us about the Neocons. Your special report opened …………………..



The Penny Drops – The World Is Multi-Polar

In 2007, during his famous speech in Munich, the Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed to the inevitable rise of a multipolar world.

He started out by defining the opposite state:




Biden Election Strategy: ‘Let’s Fight Three Wars at Once!’

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute October 24, 2023

President Joe Biden announced last week that the United States would be funding – and possibly fighting – three wars in three different parts of the world at the same time. It is an ………………..



Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age

By Dr Naomi Wolf  Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf October 24, 2023

This story begins in the “Before” world.

“Before” the years 2020 to 2023, when a set of policies based on abject lies posed an ……………………



The Palestinian Tragedy: Cui Bono?

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture October 24, 2023

By now it’s fully established who is profiting from the ghastly Palestine tragedy.

As it stands we have 3 wins for the Hegemon and 1 win for its aircraft carrier nation in West …………………….



Fighting Has Erupted on Multiple Fronts

As Israel Braces For A War Of National Survival

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse October 24, 2023

It is becoming clear that Israel is going to have to battle enemies on multiple fronts, and that …………………..



Lowering Risk as We Enter Forced Frugality

October 20, 2023

If things unravel, these risk-reduction strategies quickly shift from „nice to have“ to „essential.“ But by then, it will be too late to put them in place.



“We’ Are Not Helping Israel

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation October 24, 2023

When referring to military aid to the Israeli government, American interventionists often use the pronoun “we.” “We need to stand with Israel in this time of crisis,” they exclaim. “We ………………………..



Peter Schiff: This Is the Most Obvious Financial Crisis That Nobody Sees Coming

SchiffGold.com October 24, 2023

The mainstream continues to insist that the economy is fine. Inflation is beat. A soft landing is in play. But in his podcast, Peter Schiff said we’re in the early stages of a financial crisis. It …………………….



The Gaza Conundrum

A major in the reserves of the Israeli army, Nir Avishai Cohen, got it more right than all the blowhards pumping out hot air about Gaza all week: Love Israel, Support Palestine is the ……………………



„Israel will Face Destruction if this Continues“-Col. Macgregor Warns of Armageddon on Tucker Show



Was the Attack on the Israeli Rave An Horrific accident and Other Oddities

23 October 2023 by Larry Johnson

In trying to get people to think objectively about the Hamas 7 October attack on Israel and the ……………………..



Israel-Hamas War: Piers Morgan vs Bassem Youssef On Palestine’s Treatment | The Full Interview



Fighting the Surveillance State Begins with the Individual

10/23/2023 Joseph Lawrence

It’s a well-known fact at this point that in the United States and most of the so-called free countries that there is a robust surveillance state in place, collecting data on the entire ………………………



Putin zerstört die deutsche Ampel-Regierung gnadenlos

Russische Welt TV 46.8K subscribers



Die historischen Beziehungen zwischen Russland und USA



The Real (and Awful) Reason Biden Is Coming to Israel

The Caroline Glick Show, October 23, 2023



Franz Josef Strauß im MONITOR-Kreuzfeuer (1972) | WDR



Wars in the West, development in the East – Jeffrey Sachs, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen



Der Great Reset und das Fiatgeld-System

Eine erkenntnis- und gesellschaftstheoretische Spurensuche

  1. Oktober 2023 – Thorsten Polleit,




Past Israeli Ground Operations & the Limits of Israeli Military Power



The Collective West vs The Global Rest | Larry C. Johnson




By Michael Rivero

„The most hated sort [of moneymaking], and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural use of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term usury which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the ……………………..


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