Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

The trade of governing has always been monopolized by the most ignorant and the most rascally individuals of mankind.

— Thomas Paine

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

The Threat of Polish Involvement in Ukraine

The war against Russia in Ukraine has evolved, but not in the way Western observers predicted.

May 10, 2022 Douglas Macgregor

“In economics,” wrote John Kenneth Galbraith, “the majority is always wrong.” Galbraith might have added that in military affairs, there is a mountain of historical evidence to suggest ………………..



Ruinen schaffen ohne Waffen – die Regierungs-Kunst der Ampel

Von Roland Tichy Fr, 13. Mai 2022

Deutschland steht vor einem Krisen-Sommer: Inflation, Energie-Sperre, Lieferengpässe, Euro-Verfall, Verschuldungs-Debakel. Die Verantwortung dafür wird auf den Ukraine-Krieg und Putin geschoben. Doch die Probleme sind hausgemacht – Deutschland schafft Ruinen …………………..



Impf-Zoff bei Bild TV: Frank contra Montgomery

Im BILD-TV-Talk „Viertel nach acht“ setzt Dr. Gunter Frank den umstrittenen „Weltärztepräsidenten“ Frank Ulrich Montgomery auf den Topf. Mit harten Zahlen, die der Funktionär nicht kennt oder nicht kennen will.




Ausgestoßene der Woche: Peter Hahne

Bei t-online war letzte Woche Peter-Hahne-Themenwoche. Gleich drei Online-Artikel beschäftigten sich mit den „Abwegen“, auf die der ehemalige ZDF-Moderator und heutige …………………..



Putin zu den Judenmorden in der Ukraine im Zweiten Weltkrieg

Von Jürgen Elsässer 12. Mai 2022

„Die Täter waren nicht die Deutschen selbst…“: Putin äußerte sich seit Zunahme der kriegerischen Spannungen in der Ukraine immer wieder zu den historischen Vorläufern des ………………….



Australia Launches Booster Shot Marketing Campaign

The Australian government is spending millions on an ad campaign to encourage citizens to take a third COVID vaccine. Their method of marketing is quite surprising and I question …………………




Marty, I want to thank you so much for the WEC. Perhaps you will consider doing one that is streamed in the middle of this craziness. I have listened to many analysts. But you are head and shoulders above everyone. Only you called for declining economic growth, rising ………………….



Money: What Is It? The More Important Question: Why Is It?

05/10/2022 Manuel Tacanho

Money is not the root of evil as many people mistakenly think. Corrupted money (i.e., fiat money and currency debasement), however, is the root of many economic, social and cultural evils.




Congress Plans to Do Its Job Next Week!

By Karen Kwiatkowski May 13, 2022

Last Tuesday at 10 PM the House of Representatives voted (368-to-57) for a bill that had been cobbled together just that morning, to spend $40 Billion on aid to US government ………………….



Global COVID Summit Declaration IV

A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to End the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity.

Robert W. Malone, 12.5.22




Documents Reveal How US Biolabs In Ukraine Attempted To Create Controlled Epidemics

May 12, 2022

The Russian Defence Ministry continues to study materials on the implementation of military biological programs of the United States and its NATO allies on the territory of Ukraine. ……………………



European Sanctions Blown To Bits: Draghi Says ‘Most Gas Importers’ Have Opened Ruble Accounts with Gazprom

By Tyler Durden Zero HedgeMay 13, 2022

Three weeks ago we reported that when faced with the actual, brutal consequences of its anti-………………….



Ukraine and Western Geopolitical Mythology

The globalist empire insists always and everywhere that it is fighting the last war, even as it inches closer to the next one. Eugyppius, 12.5.22




America’s Full Spectrum Decline

By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null Global Research May 13, 2022

“It is possible to live only as long as life intoxicates us; once we are sober we cannot help seeing that it is all a delusion, a stupid delusion.”  

Leo Tolstoy




Good Evening Vietnam

May 12, 2022

With the overwhelming support of both parties, Congress just passed another military aid package to Ukraine. This one is for forty billion in weapons, but like most things that come ……………………



FBI Whistleblower LEAKS Doc Showing Bureau Targets ‘News Media’ as ‘Sensitive Investigative Matter”

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV May 13, 2022

BREAKING: FBI Whistleblower Leaks Document Showing Bureau Targeting ‘News Media’.




Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program

Are You a Victim of Menticide? Look for These 10 Signs!

Margaret Anna Alice, 11.5.22

“Menticide is an old crime against the human mind and spirit but systematized anew. It is an organized system of psychological intervention and judicial perversion through which a powerful dictator can imprint his own opportunistic thoughts upon the minds of those he plans to use and destroy.”




The Right to Self-Defense

05/11/2022 Murray N. Rothbard

If every man has the absolute right to his justly-held property it then follows that he has the right to keep that property—to defend it by violence against violent invasion.




Executive at COVID-19 Vaccine Maker Moderna Abruptly Resigns After 1 Day

By Jack Phillips May 11, 2022

An executive with COVID-19 vaccine maker Moderna resigned from the company about one …………………..



The Cryptocurrency Crisis

Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to express my thanks. You were the only one who called the high in Bitcoin. You saved my marriage, my home, and my future. I tried to tell a friend who ………………….



Immigration officials created network that can spy on majority of Americans, report says

Cindy Carcamo Wed, May 11, 2022,

Immigration and Customs Enforcement has crafted a sophisticated surveillance dragnet ………………..



Ukraine – Congress Passes The Bucks, Realism Sneaks In, Poland Plans For More War

After a lot of talk about defeating Russia in the Ukraine and an alleged




Loose Tweets Destroy Fleets

The Office of War Information (OWI) was created under Franklin D. Roosevelt to act as a propaganda machine for World War II. Americans were wary of the agency until the Pearl Harbor attack promoted the public to hand over more power to the government, in a similar …………………



A Sky News interview with Dmitry Polyansky was cut short by the presenter…



Zelensky Fights Alongside Nazis

A reader sent in this picture that they saw on President Zelensky’s Twitter account before it was deleted. Zelensky posted a proud Ukrainian soldier but mistakenly forgot to photoshop ………………….



Baby Formula Shortage Hits Crisis Levels

My sister in Texas begged me to mail her formula for the past two weeks. She has been close to rationing the milk she gives her 4 m.o. son. The shelves are empty and there is no baby ……………….



Is China Really Still Communist?

Hello Martin –
In today’s “Spread The Love”, you mention at the end that today, neither Russia or China are communist.



EU Internal Battle = Separatist

The sanction imposed on Russia is an economic version of a nuclear war spearheaded by the United States without any consideration whatsoever. The United States was energy self-…………………..



FBI Whistleblower Biden Attacking Free Speech



DIESELGEDDON – America’s diesel supply on verge of catastrophic collapse, leading to HALTING of food, fertilizer, coal and energy

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 by: Mike Adams



Verschleierung statt Aufklärung: Immer mehr Daten zur Einschätzung der Corona-Impfstoffe verschwinden

Mi, 11. Mai 2022

Nachdem das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut seine eigene Datenbank zu den Nebenwirkungen der ………………….



CIA, NATO and the Great Heroin Coup: How Miami Became the Center of International Facism and the Murder of President Kennedy

By Cynthia Chung Strategic Culture May 12, 2022

The logic of Northwoods was the stripe of Gladio. The general staff inclined towards ……………..



Operation Gladio: How NATO Conducted a Secret War Against European Citizens and Their Democratically Elected Governments

Cynthia Chung April 14, 2022

Everyone is aware of the Iron Curtain speech delivered by Winston Churchill. However, it is not Churchill who is the originator of the phrase.




How the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement Post-WWII was Bought and Paid for by the CIA

Cynthia Chung April 4, 2022

The birth of Ukrainian Nationalism as it is celebrated today has its origins in the 20th century. However, there are a few important historical highlights that should be known beforehand.




Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Why Does Ukraine Seem to Have So Many Nazis Nowadays?

Cynthia Chung  March 22, 2022

Is there a civil war that has been going on in Ukraine not just these past weeks, but these past eight years?




The Slaughter of Babies Should Be Unfathomable

By Andrew P. Napolitano May 12, 2022

Last week, when the pilfered draft of a Supreme Court opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito was leaked to the media, it saddened me deeply. My sadness was brought about by the ………………….



The Great Game this Week: The Ugly Truth of WW2 and the Roots of the Great Reset

By Matthew J.L. Ehret Matt Ehret’s Insight May 12, 2022

In this Great Game Victory Day special, V and I break down the ugly fact that WW2 was …………………



‘Russia Started the War’ and Other Fallacies

By Mike Whitney The Unz Review May 12, 2022

On Monday, Putin delivered the annual “Victory Day” speech celebrating Russia’s victory over Nazi Germany in 1945. The Russian president made none of the hyperbolic …………………….



Stagflation Comes from Exorbitant Money Creation and Unhampered Government Spending

05/11/2022 Antony P. Mueller

Too much government spending and loose monetary policy lead to rising prices combined with falling economic growth rates. All Keynesian roads lead to stagflation. It is the result of ……………………



Student Loans and Government Subsidies: Another Government „Benefit“ Creates Financial Chaos

05/09/2022 Joe Harmon

The origins of the federal student loan program are well documented and follow a similar trajectory to most government subsidy programs in American history. Each previous …………………….



Ukraine drosselt Gashahn – Regierung: alles paletti

Ich habe mich gefragt, wer denn zuerst die Gaspipeline zudrehen wird – Putin oder Habeck? Die dritte Partei hatte ich nicht auf dem Schirm – die Ukraine. Die Drosselung des Gastransits ist bedrohlich, amtliche Stellen verbreiten Frohmutsphrasen.




Erdgas – Trotz großer Worte: Deutschland bezahlt russisches Gas offenbar in Rubel

Deutsche Importeure bezahlen russisches Gas trotz der großen Worte der Politiker anscheinend in Rubel.


Nachdem Russland Ende März angekündigt hat, sein Gas nur noch gegen Rubel nach Europa …………………



Fachkräftemangel in der Politik: Plagiate bei den einen, Studienabbrüche bei anderen

Von Josef Kraus Do, 12. Mai 2022

Der Plagiatsverdacht gegen CSU-Generalsekretär Martin Huber erinnert daran: Während viele Spitzenpolitiker ihre akademischen Abschlüsse mehr oder weniger erschwindelten, sind …………………..



Breite Kritik an EU-Plänen für Chatprotokolle: „überschreitet alle Vorstellungen“

Von Max Roland Mi, 11. Mai 2022

Die EU-Kommission hat ihre Pläne zu wahllosen Chatkontrollen vorgelegt – mit „Kindesmissbrauch“ als Anlass. In seltener Einigkeit laufen Tech-CEOs, Politiker und Netzaktivisten gegen die verheerende Idee aus Brüssel Sturm: Sie schädige die demokratische ………………….



Von der Leyen macht Stimmung gegen das Einstimmigkeitsprinzip in der EU

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mi, 11. Mai 2022 „Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas“

Die Brüsseler Institutionen wollen die EU reformieren – und Rechte der Mitgliedsstaaten beschneiden. So sollen Vetos abgeschafft und gemeinsame Streitkräfte eingeführt werden. …………………



Biden Wanted $33B More For Ukraine. Congress Quickly Raised it to $40B. Who Benefits?

Tens of billions, soon to be much more, are flying out of U.S. coffers to Ukraine as Americans suffer, showing who runs the U.S. Government, and for whose benefit.

May 11, 2022




Inflation Up, Wages Down as Biden Passes the Buck to the Do-Nothing Fed

Ryan McMaken

Inflation is so high in America that we’re now supposed to believe that inflation is “moderating” if it doesn’t go above 8.5 percent. That, at least, was the message in much of the speculation yesterday around what April’s CPI inflation numbers would show. Much of the …………………..



Spreading Fear of ‘Climate Change’, ‘Pandemics’, Proxy Wars, and Planned Economic Destruction: The Ammunition  Needed to Construct a ‘New World Order’

By Gary D. Barnett May 12, 2022

“We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse. Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?”




Facts about Covid

March 2020
Fully referenced facts about covid, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a ………………..



REPORT: “90% of nations planning Central Bank Digital Currency “

Kit Knightly

A new report from the Bank of International Settlements estimates that up to 90% of national central banks are at least in the planning stages for launching a central bank digital currency …………..



Mercola: The WHO Pandemic Treaty Closes In On Absolute Control Over Global Biosecurity

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola May 11, 2022

Sustainable Development Goal #3 states: Ensure Healthy Lives And Promote Well-Being For All At All Ages. The global pandemic treaty is a natural extension of this SDG, except that ……………………



Palestinians Lie to Murder Jews; U.S. Rewards Them

by Bassam Tawil May 11, 2022 The terrorists and their families are saying that they actually believe the lies of the Palestinian leaders that the mosque is being attacked, violated and desecrated by Jews. They are saying that this is the reason they are sending Palestinians to murder Jews on the streets of Israeli cities.




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