Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ist mir egal, ob ich Schuld am Zustrom der Flüchtlinge bin. Nun sind sie halt da.

— Angela Merkel (Bundeskanzlerin, 2015)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Eklat im Cum-Ex-Ausschuss – zwei Laptops mit 700.000 E-Mails verschwunden

Kanzler Scholz, Bürgermeister Tschentscher: Wo sind die E-Mails?

von Oliver Schröm sowie von Oliver Hollenstein 03.11.2023,

Eklat im Hamburger Untersuchungsausschuss zur Cum-Ex-Affäre von Kanzler Olaf Scholz: Ausgerechnet der von der SPD berufene Chefermittler versteckt nach stern-Informationen zwei Laptops mit heiklen E-Mails. Weshalb?




Studie widerspricht Klimapanik: Keine großen Temperatur-Veränderungen durch CO2

Wozu die permanente Klima-Hysterie, wenn Norwegens Statistik-Institut Recht haben sollte? Die dortigen Forscher erklären jetzt nämlich: „Große Temperaturveränderungen resultieren aus natürlichen Ursachen“. Die Wirkung von CO2-Emissionen ist dafür zu schwach. Und: Die jetzigen „Klimamodelle“ sind fehlerhaft. Stefan Beig 1. November 2023




Die deutsche Bevölkerung soll verdünnt werden | Achtung, Reichelt! vom 29. Oktober 2023



Opferzahlen: Hamas-Mathematik gegen Israel

Die palästinensischen Opferzahlen stammen von der Hamas. Ein ehemaliger Reuters-Journalist spricht darüber nun Klartext. Um vernünftig über Opferzahlen zu reden, muss vorher allerdings mit Unwahrheiten aufgeräumt werden. Eine richtige palästinensische …………………..



BKA-Bericht: Hoher Anstieg der Zuwandererkriminalität

Von Frank W. Haubold.

Wie das kürzlich veröffentlichte Lagebild „Kriminalität im Kontext von Zuwanderung“ des Bundeskriminalamts zeigt, wurden im vergangenen Jahr 48.000 Deutsche Opfer von Gewaltstraftaten von Asylbewerbern – weitaus häufiger als umgekehrt. Insgesamt stieg die ……………………



Gaza Debacle: Biden Hints Ceasefire, States Sever Relations Israel; Ukr: Zaluzhny Admits Failure



How German Exports Lost the Race with China

10/31/2023 Mihai Macovei

Germany is the euro area’s economic powerhouse and most competitive economy. It accounts for close to 30 percent of the euro area gross domestic product (GDP) and has recorded sizable current account surpluses since the introduction of the euro. Substantial fiscal and ……………………



Foreword: Legal Foundations of a Free Society

By Hans-Hermann Hoppe Mises.org November 3, 2023

The question as to what is justice and what constitutes a just society is as old as philosophy itself. Indeed, it arises in everyday life even long before any systematic philosophizing is to …………………………



Illner: Grüne belehren die Ukraine über den Krieg

Von  Noemi Johler Fr, 3. November 2023 Israel und die Ukraine

Illner möchte in dieser Woche die geopolitischen Implikationen des Doppelkonflikts Israel und Ukraine beleuchten. Doch sie beleuchtet vor allem die innenpolitischen Spannungen in …………………



Some Thoughts for Americans as Our Government Assists Israel in Gaza

By Karen Kwiatkowski November 3, 2023

We Americans take our duties to life on Earth seriously. We feed, house, and monitor our plants and our animals. When they are sick, we take special and devoted care of them.




TikTok: The Young People’s Window to the World

By Ira Katz November 3, 2023

I have just returned from a family trip to Japan. This trip was the dream of my 15-year old daughter. She had studied and planned this trip for many months. In fact, she organized all of ……………………..



The Current US Economic Situation from an Austrian Viewpoint

11/02/2023 Franco Guevara

This article is a brief analysis of the US economic situation from the point of view of the Austrian School of Economics. It is strictly macroeconomic: a deductive hypothesis of what is ………………….



If The Army Says Fight The War, Russians Agree – If The Kremlin Says Stop, Russians Agree On Conditions The Army Decides

By John Helmer, Moscow    @bears_with

Russians have never had a higher level of confidence in the Army since the end of World War …………………



Ukraine SitRep: Technologies And Stalemate – Zaluzny’s Failures

There are three new pieces in the Economist with the Ukrainian General Zaluzny.




What Really Happened on October 7th in Israel?

2 November 2023 by Larry Johnson

Asking people to keep an open mind about the Hamas attacks inside Israel on 7 October is akin to asking you to hold your breath for ten minutes. Near impossible. But here goes. No …………………..



What really happened on 7th October?

Evidence is now emerging that up to half the Israelis killed were combatants; that Israeli forces were responsible for some of their own civilian deaths; and that Tel Aviv disseminated false ‘Hamas atrocities’ …………………



October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles

Max Blumenthal·October 27, 2023

Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire?




A Fed-Induced „Neutral“ Interest Rate Is a Contradiction in Terms

11/02/2023 Frank Shostak

The New York Federal Reserve said on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, that the estimate for the neutral rate for Q2 has eased to 0.57 percent from 0.68 percent in Q1. Analysts typically ………………….



Synod Final Document: a Program of Subversion

Antonio Francés, PhD October 31, 2023

The Relatio Synodalis does not state directly the liceity of adulterous or otherwise immoral sexual relations; it does not state directly the ordination of women; it does not state directly that celibacy must be ……………………



The War of the Worlds: Faith vs. Cowardice

Though typically memorialized as one of the earliest exemplars of the science-fiction genre, „War of the Worlds“ offers a biting commentary on the futility and uselessness of the theologically-inclined, and ……………………



Jordaniens König packt aus: Abdullah Bin Al-Hussein spricht Klartext über den Krieg in Palästina



Douglas Macgregor: „World War 3? Will the US fight the Muslim, Russia and China?“



Even Hamas‘ Atrocities Can’t Justify Israel’s Actions in Gaza | Opinion

Nov 01, 2023 Benjamin Netanyahu Says Israel Will ‚Not Agree‘ To Ceasefire

By Alia Brahimi Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council




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