15. Januar 2025
Plötzlich steht ein neuer Verdacht gegen Scholz im Raum
Dienstag, 14.01.2025, Analyse von Ulrich Reitz
Der Kanzler muss sich unangenehmen Fragen stellen. Ukraine-Hilfen und Atom-Ausstieg – hat Olaf Scholz in zwei entscheidenden Punkten nicht nur seine Koalitionspartner, sondern auch die Öffentlichkeit hinters Licht geführt?
Russia’s Defeat of Ukraine’s Army Limits Trump’s Options for a Negotiated Settlement
14 January 2025 by Larry C. Johnson
Russian war correspondent, Marat Khairullin, has posted a terrific summary about the current status of Russian and Ukrainian forces on the battlefield. He writes:
Victory is already in sight. Ukraine has lost the war. This is not even an axiom, but a ready, settled ………………………..
Trump’s Action Demonstrates Biden’s Failure In Stopping The Genocide
The current phase of the genocide in Gaza might soon come to an end.
The resistance has continued to kill its occupiers day by day:
Five Israel Defense Forces soldiers were killed and 10 were wounded in an explosion in northern Gaza on …………………
Was machen die Grünen Frauen grad so? Ein Ranking
Grüne Politikerinnen kümmern sich nicht nur um feministische Außenpolitik. Hier sollen jene grünen Spitzenfrauen gewürdigt werden, die sich kurz vor der Wahl noch um feministische Innenpolitik ………………………..
Wird die Vogelgrippe die nächste Pseudo-Pandemie?
Von Andreas Zimmermann.
Steht die nächste Pseudo-Pandemie vor der Tür? Der Zombie „Vogelgrippe“ wird gerade wiederbelebt. Zeit, an die Irrtümer des „Corona-Wahns“ zu erinnern. Und zu erklären, warum Zwangsmaßnahmen auch bei einer echten Pandemie nicht gerechtfertigt wären.
Trump, Iran and the Obama Strategic Blueprint
By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture January 15, 2025
In acts of wanton destruction, Netanyahu destroyed the prevailing status quo, which he saw as an American straitjacket
Korruption bei Sanierung der NRW-Staatskanzlei?
Von Josef Kraus Mi, 15. Januar 2025
Kurz vor der Bundestagswahl zeichnet sich für die CDU-Landesregierung in NRW ein handfester Korruptionsskandal ab: Es geht um die Sanierung der Staatskanzlei, deren Kosten mit stark überhöhten Nachtragsrechnungen in die Höhe getrieben wurden.
Stahlunternehmen: Georgsmarienhütte vor dem Aus?
Von Holger Douglas Mi, 15. Januar 2025
Anne-Marie Großmann, Miteigentümerin der Georgsmarienhütte Holding, schlägt Alarm: Einige Monate würde man noch durchhalten. Dann steht im Raum, die Produktion ins Ausland zu verlegen. Deutschland ………………….
I’m Gonna MAGA You, Baby
By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture January 15, 2025
No wonder Trump had to come up with a seductive, but still fraught with danger, larger than life psy op to imperatively change the narrative.
Asma al-Assad: the mastermind of the starvation of the Syrian people
January 9, 2025, Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator
While the people were starving, Bashar al-Assad and his British-born wife, Asma Akhras, were living a lavish lifestyle siphoning off the national treasury to their private bank accounts and pockets.
California Has Passed Peak Progressivism
The Los Angeles wildfires are contributing directly to California’s burgeoning counterelite
By Mr. Fool A Simple Fool January 15, 2025
As someone who lives in the Los Angeles area, the past few days have been nothing but mind-numbing yet shocking. I can gratefully report that everyone in my family is safe and have not been threatened by ……………………..
The Trump Regime Is Being Defeated Before It Takes Office
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 15, 2025
The Failure and Fallacy of Central Planning
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation January 15, 2025
Ironically, two seemingly unrelated articles in today’s New York Times reflect much of what is wrong with the United States, at least in an economic sense. One op-ed, titled “The Tragedy of Joe Biden,” is by Peter Coy, a regular columnist for the Times. The other one, titled “A Big Idea to Solve America’s ……………………….
Privat war gestern: Überwachungsstaat à la China droht auch bei uns
Egal ob „versehentliche“ Sex-Aufnahmen durch das iPhone oder Bewegungsprofile, die der Tesla aufzeichnet: Im Namen der technologischen Bequemlichkeit opfern wir immer mehr von unserer Privatsphäre. Der Weg in chinesische Verhältnisse ist nicht mehr weit.
Qatar’s Al-Jazeera, Bullhorn for the Muslim Brotherhood, Promotes Jihad, Radical Islam, Terrorism. Even Israelis and Palestinians Agree!
by Khaled Abu Toameh January 14, 2025
„“Among the Islamist terrorist organizations that Qatar and Al-Jazeera have supported over the years are the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hizbullah, the Al-Nusrah Front/ Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham, …………………………
2025 New Year’s Resolution, Part Two
By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute January 14, 2025
Even though we are two weeks into 2025, I want to suggest some more New Year’s resolutions.
Muslim Rape Gangs As Religious Warfare
The Muslim rape gangs in the United Kingdom are acts of a religious war against a people whom the ……………………….
When Israeli Warplanes Rain Death on Gaza, the Copilot Is Uncle Sam
Arming Israel Still Has Bipartisan Support in Washington
By Stan Cox TomDispatch.com January 14, 2025
In recent weeks, political soothsayers have speculated about a wide variety of odious new policies the ………………………….
Farewell to Jimmy Carter … and American Democracy
By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture January 14, 2025
The pious display of Jimmy Carter’s casket was a last-ditch attempt to give U.S. politics an image of unity, dignity, decency, and decorum.
Why Was the Reservoir Supplying Pacific Palisades Empty?
By John Leake Courageous Discourse January 14, 2025
There’s a funny scene in the film Smokey and the Bandit when Sheriff Buford T. Justice tells his son “Junior” to hand over his service revolver so that he can use it to shoot the fleeing Bandit’s tires. Junior …………………..
The Folly and Illegality of Sanctions
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 14, 2025
I am being asked if the issuance by the dreadful Biden regime of a new package of sanctions against Russian oil exports are a gift to the incoming Trump presidency or a poisoned chalice. My answer is …………………..
What is a War?
The Battle of Brentwood: Fourth Attack on US Soil. Dr Naomi Wolf Jan 12, 2025
Since the wildfires (which, in my California childhood and girlhood, used to be called “forest fires”) broke out last week in Los Angeles, I have been living in a kind of anguish. It is not, of course, thankfully, the …………………………
American Pravda: China vs. America
A Comprehensive Review of the Economic, Technological, and Military Factors
Ron Unz • January 13, 2025
Over the last year I gradually became familiar with Chas Freeman, one of America’s most distinguished ………………………….
The far-Right is coming for Farage Ethnonationalists sense an opportunity
Rob Lownie January 14, 2025
He’s the Dulwich College-educated former investment commodities broker who has defined his political career in opposition to the establishment. A Thatcherite disciple, his project is the ruin of her party. And, for a man regularly decried as “racist” and “far-Right”, Farage’s embrace of civic nationalism over ethnic ………………..